A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Jobs and Dinners

Dear Bloggie,

Its another hot day. Cooped up at home all day. No job, so take the couch. Tried to revise some immunology concepts for the interview at DSO on friday. Those Professors are mad..Always trying to test people on detailed theoretical concepts in interviews. Who in the right mind would actually remember all those details after passing the examinations. And anyway, ability to regurgitate all those details doesn't mean that the person can perform well on the job. It just probably shows that the person is nerdy or something (Sorry nerds, no offence).

Anyway nothing much went into my brain..the house is just too hot for a conducive session of concepts-cramming into my limited-sized brain.
But roughly should be okie. If the interviewers are sensible people then they shouldn't be asking too much asking hard theory. But then research people can be quite mad.

I hope I can get the job at NUH. They mentioned that they will call me to let me know the outcome by the end of this week. If I get that job, I won't need to go for the interview on friday manz. But then, I got a feeling that they would most probabaly employ some diploma fella lah. Afterall, its gonna be more economical to do so. Those labs are seriously pathetically stingy.

Each morning I wake up, I know all the people are going to work..except me. I don't like that feeling! >_<

I don't think that I'm still jobless because I'm lousy. Some people just have the luck. I'm not complaining cos' I'm envious. But its really unfair.

What to do, just keep on trying my best lorz. Like what Elaine mentioned, she says we have to work like doubly or even triply hard cos' we aren't born lucky and always kenna xjs.

Dinner today was chicken cooked in black sauce..with mushrooms and cuttlefish and hardboiled egg. Really very filling..with all the rice and taugeys and drinks. I almost concussed out of bloatedness on my dinner table. Still feeling abit full now, 3 hours after the meal. But I feel like eating hokkien mee..with loads and loads of lime.



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