A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, September 19, 2005

The Dead Devices

Both the electronic anti-mozzie devices broke down. Can't believe our luck.


It shortcircuited. The mains tripped. The safety switch worked. The whole house blackout-ed.

We reverted the mains back to original. Switched on the anti-mozzie device. Its dead.

History repeated itself for the 2nd one.


The receipt for the anti-mozzie devices.

Got it out after 5 minutes of searching in the trashbin. Still in quite good condition except for the fact that its abit soggy.

Got to go down to the store tomorrow to exchange the dead devices for working ones.

Meanwhile as I was typing this, a big cockroach flew by. I think its now hiding behind my speakers. Yuks. Got to go.


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