A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Vampire Lestat and SwissRolls

Been re-reading my old treasured books lately. Save money on buying new books and mags.

Book - 2

Currently re-reading this now. Got this book as a prezzie. If you are reading this entry, thanks for the book. Hee.

Book - 1

OK. I'm smelling all fresh and nice and back infront of lappie again after my bath. While I'm typing this I just realised that its time to cut my fingernails again. I hate long nails. Cos' I think long nails are ugly. And it feels uncomfy to type with long nails. I really don't fancy the feeling of tapping at my keys via the pointed ends of the long collagenous thingies attached to my fingers. Damnit. The glittery nail polish is fading like crazy. Not nice. Should I reapply another coat before I sleep tonight? ... Better not. Don't like the strong smell of fresh nailpolish lingering on my fingers while I'm sleeping. I'll just try to wakey earlier tomorrow to do it before I go out.

I'm Multitasking...

1. MSN-ing with Elaine

2. MSN-ing with Bear

3. YahooMsging with Bear

4. Talking to Mom..
Realised that Mom sitting ultra near the Rediffusion thingy right after I came out from bath. Yea you saw correctly, REDIFFUSION. My Mom is ultra-Retro manz. Rediffusion at this era. Havoc siah. Hey but she isn't those ultra-suaku type even though she supports Rediffusion. She knows about N'Sync and stuffs like that you know. Sorry, Digressed. Anyway, so I asked Mom why she ultra-near to the Rediffusion thingy. She says cos' she wanna enjoy the songs. Blast up the volume, I told her. And she said she didn't want to disturb the neighbours. Conclusion is that my mom is still as considerate as ever.

5. Carrying out my daily after-bath regime.

Toner. The Astringent Effect.

EyeCream. Hopefully to reduce the dark rings under both my eyes. Doesn't seem to be working though.

And Zit-Cream. Kns. Got an emerging zit near my nose. Hope this cream helps to zap it away by tomorrow.

NightCream..aka NightKrim (Haa..Malay Spelling siah). Looks like Mayonnaise?

6. Listening to MP3s on lappie.

7. Distracted by the ultra-retro songs emerging from Mom's Rediffusion thingy.

8. And of cos, taking pics for Bloggie.

9. Reading another person's blog.

10. Eating Swiss roll. Shouldn't be eating it since I've already eaten 2 pieces of raisin bread before I brushed my toothies. But well..Elaine is eating chips, so I eat my SwissRolls lor. 2 people becoming fat is better than 1 person suffering it alone..hor? Elaine hor?

SwissRoll - 2

Dainty individually packed SwissRolls

SwissRoll - 3

Before 1st bite

SwissRoll - 1

After 1st bite

Wahh. After all the multitasking..I forgot what I wanted to write liao. I got some points that I wanted to make tonight...Can't recall.

Anyway, something ridiculous: http://staff.science.nus.edu.sg/~sivasothi/etc/makanminum/indomee/


Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh seriously no more late night binges after this ar! i don't wanna be feipo! haha >.<

1:14 PM


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