A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Win Some, Lose Some

I happened to read this particular blog that a friend mentioned. Its a rich girl's blog. Lets just call her A.

A is obviously born with a silver spoon. She buys stuffs like there's no tomorrow. Branded stuffs. Whatever stuffs she likes. Her dad buys expensive cars for her. She is the typical ultra rich man's daughter who gets whatever she wants. She spends her dad's money like crazy. And she happens to be born with that kind of face that most guys will perpetually fall for. With such a good lfe, she still whines about this. Whines about that.

My friend tells me A's blog has always been a constant reminder of how wretched her life is. How unfair life is to her.

Me and friend has always been resigned to the fate that life will never be fair to us. But I'm sure somehow, somewhere, ultimately, the theory of 'win some, lose some' applies in life.

Well, like for A, sure. She has the money, the looks and the good life. But does she really know how to appreciate life for what it is? Definitely not. She has such a good life from the day she was born until now. She gets it easy. She doesn't understand the hardship of earning money.

For average people like us, we know how it feels to have insufficient money. We know we must work hard. Bear with craps to get that money. And when we get that money, we know how to treasure it. We know how to keep our money properly for rainy days. Sometimes we use a small part of that money to buy something that we like. Something that we worked for. And we feel happy. Happy why? Not just for the fact that we bought something we liked. Its more of the fact that we got something out of hard work. And we appreciate and treasure everything more. We become more motivated to work hard. It is a positive cycle.

For A, her money comes easy. She doesn't understand the hardship. Sure, she's happy when she splurge her dad's money to get stuffs that she likes. But she won't ever have a taste of what its like to enjoy the fruits of her own labour. Nor will she be able to ever learn how to appreciate things around her.

Average people like me and friend are not born pretty. But eventually when we settle down, we will be sure that our spouses truly love us for what we are. Not for money nor looks.

So, in life, I guess everyone of us gain some and lose some.

Average people like me and friend. We lose in the sense that we aren't born rich. We aren't born pretty. We gain in the sense that we know how it feels like to achieve something through hard work. We know how to treasure people and things around us better. We know what and how important perseverance is. We toughen ourselves up to face the unpredictable future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bludder,
That's a really gd article..!
Bludder Elaine

5:50 PM


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