A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Have you ever wondered what will happen if there are no distractions in your life? You will feel perpertually unhappy because you'll start to think too much. Think about the good, think about the bad..think excessively. Then you'll realise that life is not as meaningful as it should be afterall.

Distractions can be in any form. It can be studies, which is why I was alot happier when I was studying. It can also be things like TV..TV really can do alot of wonders. I didn't realise that until my TV broke down. No TV programmes to watch. No moving images to stare at. No noises, No sounds at all. No plots to follow. Suddenly home doesn't feel normal anymore. Its just not right. Then I concluded that I took the existence of my TV for granted.

It can also be music. But somehow music doesn't really work anymore. Probably its because my MP3 list hasn't been updated since duno when, or probably its just me.

So now I read blogs. Elaine tells me its a good distraction. And I agree with her. But its a really temporary, temporary distraction only. Nevertheless, Blogs after Blogs I read.

Another distraction will be eating. So I eat. I don't think its a binge. Its just being more appreciative towards food.

So how about work? Work will definitely distract anyone. But it won't be a good distraction unless you are really passionate about the work you are doing. Otherwise you'll just be a zombie slogging yourself out for the money. No choice, money is a definite factor for survival.

Ouch. My 4th finger still throbs with tingly pain. First time that I'm experiencing such side-effects after a fingerprick. Maybe the lancet went too deep into my poor finger. Such a deep prick just to get that few drops of blood for the test? Not to mention that the blood took longer than usual to stop running after the prick lor. Is the problem with the phlebotomist or is it me again?

Ok. So now I ask everyone a question. Do you know whats your meaning in life? Whats your goal in life? Provide a good life for yourself and your family? To live happily? To be a millionaire? Or just to be contented with your lot.

Was just toying with the idea of becoming an air stewardess when I saw some cabin crew people just now. Then I concluded that I'm not cut out to be one. I've heard that they test you on swimming during the interviews. Don't know how good it has to be. But I can't swim for god's sake. I can only swim in a shallow pool. I get all phobic when the pool gets just a lit' bit deeper. Learn? Abit too late to do so. No time No money. And of cos, I don't look elegant/pretty enough. Yea, doesn't have to be very pretty to be an airstewardess. Afterall makeup can change alot of things. But can't be too badlooking either what. Maybe I will look better without specs. With contact lens. But hell, contact lenses makes my eyes tired after just about 2 hours, and it then blurs my vision. My eyes always have big trouble synchronising themselves with contact lenses.

My mouse cursor disappears. Yes it actually disappears for a few minutes sometimes. At first I'll be like whatthehellwheresthebloodycursor?! Then persistently shift the mouse to and fro front and back. Then frantically tap on the touchpad of lappie. Shift, Tap, Shift, Shift, Shift, Tap. Cursor still refuses to come out. Few minutes after these, the cursor reappears. Then the next day it will happen again. I'm immune to it already. No more persistent shifting of the mouse, No more frantic taps-and-shifts on the touchpad. I just sit there waiting, while lazily shifting the mouse. Sometimes I silently curse. Sometimes I don't.

Today went out with Puisan. And I bought this pair of jeans. I still believe I look sucky in jeans. Its been ages since I last wore jeans. The last time was in Year 2001. Since university and until now, I've never wore a single pair of jeans. Dressing revolved around skirts and 3/4 pants. I don't know, even though other people tells me I look ok in jeans, I still think I look weird. Maybe I do not have the natural flair to carry myself well in long jeans bah.

Passed by this new stall in Takashimaya basement today. BakersInn. Damn nice. The cakes looked nice. I think it will taste not bad also. I like the way they display their cakes.

Amazingly, this entry is longer than what I expected.


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