A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

David Gan


Hey look. 30 packets of SuperRings. Got it from Carrefour just now. If I remember correctly, SuperRings has been around since primary school times? Or was it Kindergarten times. The cheapo but delicious cheese rings that tint your fingers an ultra-orange colour. An orangey, cheesy-tasting layer on your fingers.


Last night I dreamt of David Gan, of all people. I dreamt that he chose me to become his apprentice. Haa. Ok I'm interested in image styling and stuffs, but David Gan has never crossed my mind at all during the times when I was awake. Hey but in the dream, he's a really nice person..very brotherly. Haha. And we went for CharKwayTeow together.


Eh now thinking of it..Nice if I can become an imagestylist, imageconsultant or something like that. But not a very realistic field here though.

The only reason that made me choose lifesciences in the polytechnic was because of the plain bloody fact that I didn't get to do Biology in secondary school and I thought that Biology would be cool. So the ignorant kid does lifesciences again in the university cos she hasn't much of any other choices. Oh well.


My resolutions for the rest of this week:

1. Absolutely no late-night eating binges

2. Exercise

3. Check out the new National Library

4. Stop self-pitying

5. Stop indulging in snacks

6. Sleep early. Latest 1.30am.

7. Don't blog for the sake of blogging. Blog only if there is a genuine reason to.


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