A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm antisocial, so what?

ya noe, I'm antisocial. And growing to be more so. I can't get along well with my colleagues. We aren't hostile to each other. Its just the serious lack of communication other than to discuss about work stuffs. Is this normal? In my past jobs I've always been quite close to my colleagues. We can talk about many things outside work. But now in this lab, I have no idea whether its that I'm becoming antisocial, or its that we are just of very different frequencies. Not that I'm very interested to become good friends with them, its just that it sometimes really makes me wonder why. I think its seriously not that I have an attitude problem. Its just that our frequencies are really worlds apart.

Been running to and fro from work to hospital everyday. It has finally taken the toil on me and I've fallen sick. To be expected anyway. On mc today. And no one at my workplace asked me how I was feeling. Only 1 sms came in during the evening to ask for money. To ask me to chip in for the new year goodies that they bought for boss. Its always like that. This is not the first time already.
Ok I wanna say that I'm not a pathetic soul here craving for concern from my colleagues. Not that I need their concern or anything. But it just amazes me that there can be such big differences between my current colleagues and all my ex-colleagues.
Dad is still in hospital. Transferred from ICU to High dependancy ward today. Visited him today and saw that hes not very optimistic about himself. I'm not feeling very good as well. Dad sick in hospital, Mom sick at home. I'm sick and I still gotta go work tomorrow and face a bunch of bloody colleagues, an overenthusiastic boss, un-necessary journal clubs, a meagre salary, a future load of hospital bills. I have totally nil patience today.
I probably won't be getting any new clothes for chinese new year. Save money. Save the trouble of shopping for clothes. And anyway I don't really go visiting much. Chinese new year will be a good time for me to get more rest. I'm surviving with 3-4 hours of sleep every night. Chinese new year public holidays will be an excellent time for me to catch up on the much-needed sleep.
The doctor said I cannot eat any dairy products. Which is going to kill me. I can't eat chocolates since that contains milk. And I can't snack on my cheddar cheese & sour cream chips, since I must also stay away from cheese. I think I will sink into depression soon. These snacks usually gives me pleasure and relief from the stress and problems. And yet I have to stay away from all those. Might as well kill me.
My mom is cool. She doesn't stop me from snacking on Oreos even though I got fever.
Thursday and Friday. Then its weekend again. As I've mentioned before, any day without work is a good day. Please, Please may thursday and friday pass quickly.


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