A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Chocolate Fountain

I seriously think I'm getting some compulsive snacking disorder. I keep snacking and snacking and snacking and snacking. Even though my stomach hasn't really recovered fully, I keep having strong urges to snack. Gotta stop this!


I want a chocolate fountain at my house next time. If I got too much spare money. The chocolate fountain at Pariss is good. Permanently flowing with warm chocolate. Looks nice, tastes good.

Pariss - 3

Look. Cherry tomatoes and biscuitsticks and marshmallows coated with flowing chocolate from the chocolate fountain. 2nd attempt. Looks nicer than my first attempt.

Pariss - 2

My first attempt. Looks less professional.

Pariss - 1

And more sin.
Marshmallows with grape jam filling tastes the best when coated with warm liquid chocolate. But its ultra sinful. You get the point? I'm potentially a fat girl.

Pariss - 4

Purple Scallops

Pariss - 5

Crocodile meat in soup, bakuteh style

Point confirmed? I'm potentially a fat girl.


Did some exercise today. Cycled on the stationary bike for like 10km. Afterwhich my insides felt erxin. And it made me feel like puking. That confirmed that my tummy is still not good after the food poisoning incident. So I only managed to burn 90 calories. I heard that 1 can of green tea is about 85 calories? That means that I seriously didn't managed to burn enough calories.Well but at least I worked my heart and muscles abit.


I realised that it makes a hell lot of difference if you replace an exclaimation mark with a fullstop at the end of a sentence!

I realised that it makes a hell lot of difference if you replace an exclaimation mark with a fullstop at the end of a sentence.

Felt it? Haha.


I like the 9pm show on channel 8. Gives me a good feeling to see how the relationship between Jiang RuYi and Qian Jiekuan develops. Feels warm and romantic. I guess the kind of chemistry depicted in the show is exactly exactly exactly what 2 people should feel in realife, if god made them for each other. Whether they end up together, thats another matter though. And even if they end up together, whether they stick together till the end is yet another matter. That, I guess, shall be left to fate and destiny. No? We can control fate and destiny to some extent? By making proper decisions and choices? I don't really think so. It should be that fate and destiny influence our decisions and choices. Experience tells me so. We shouldn't resign ourselves to fate and destiny, but we probably also shouldn't neglect the impact that they play in life.


I think listening to korean sentimental songs gives me very good inspiration to write my blog entries. Peaceful. But it makes me think deeper on certain things, which can be both good and bad.


There's a few things that I wanna do now. I wanna sleep. I wanna bathe. I wanna blog. Too bad I can't do all at the same time. Life is like this. You always have to sacrifice something to get something.


I wanna go out somewhere. But there aint any nice places to go. I've covered the good shopping areas. Its impossible for me to go to nature reserves due to inacessibility and the unpredictable weather. Its not good for me to go to places of interest like the zoo and Sentosa since I've got a tight budget. Chillout at cafes? Time will pass quite inefficiently. Stay at home? It'll be kinda boring? Stuff myself silly with snacks? I'll die fat. Blog till I get knocked out? Sounds good......

Happy New Year in advance.



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