A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Daily Rumblings

OK maybe tonight I shall spend a few paragraphs here to explain what actually happened to my dad since most of you all are still asking.

Its Peritonitis. Thats an infection of the Peritoneal cavity. Its a life threatening condition since there is a risk of a systemic infection.

So what caused his peritonitis? He has a 3cm hole in his duodenum, which is a part of his small intestine. Food and gastric contents leaked out through the 3cm hole when he eats. They leaked out into his peritoneal cavity, which is supposed to be free of bacteria and gastric contents. So after the food leaked out, they decomposed in the peritoneal cavity, causing a mass infection. On top of that, the gastric contents which are acidic and everything, also insulted the peritoneal cavity. So all that adds up to cause the severe pain and infection.

So the next question is that, how did he get a 3cm hole in his duodenum?

Long term medication of a combination of steriods and painkillers caused ulcers to form in his duodenum. Ulcers ultimately led to the formation of the hole.

And then you all will ask, why did he take so long to heal?

Firstly, its bcos the hole opened up again after the surgeon patched it up. Couldn't patch anymore since the tissue around the hole are too soft. So he only can rely on his body's natural healing ability to patch it up.

Secondly, the long term steriods caused his immunity to be lower, and his healing ability to be weakened. This prolongs the healing time.

Thirdly, the hole is in the most awkward position where it can be. Its at the particular position where the bile and fluids from normal drainage passes by. Impact from the movement of the drainage fluids further impedes the healing process of the hole.

Most will ask me, its been like 3 months, why can't he eat?
He can't eat bcos if he does so, the food will start leaking out through the hole again to cause peritonitis again.

Any risk of other complications? Yes. Liver infection. Ischaemia in the intestine too.

Any more questions? Let me know.

A week actually passes quite fast. Fast but still feels draggy. You know what I mean. 10 more working days before I go on leave for a day.
If I have to describe the nature of money, I would say that its extremely volatile. It evaporates away in the twinkling of an eye.
I seem to have more veins on my feet! How do I get rid of 'em? Someone told me I can try to put on fats on my feet so that the veins will appear less obvious. But I think its not worth a try, bcos its so difficult to put on weight on the feet. By the time the gained fat is distributed to the feet, the other parts of the body is already erm..obese maybe? Normally its the tummy that takes on the fat first mah right. Then the next is the thighs and arms. Then the face. Then the duno-what-other-parts of the body. Then eventually the feet.
Feel like drinking Kola Tonic from Fish and Co. Last time I wanted to buy just the Kola Tonic but they said they don't have the cups for takeaways. Diao.
Off to bed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All will be well:)

5:52 PM


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