A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday Blues

I believe the 2 words above already explained, very clearly, how I'm feeling tonight, right now. Needn't grumble more.
I live for the weekends. I live for the money.
I totally lost the inspiration to write properly tonight. So just a short entry tonight. I had lots of inspiration to blog last night, but I was tired so I didn't blog.
Inspiration is a funny thing. Its a now-or-never kind of thing. You get what I mean.
The work culture in Singapore is real sicko. Busy will be busy like crazy. Sometimes, occasionally, rarely, there is a chance to have less things to do at work. BUT, even so, we still have to act busy.
Acting busy is an art. Its a survival skill. If you can't act busy, then its better to learn the art of staying low profile. Usually, its best to combine these 2 arts. Apply the appropriate tactics during appropriate times. Must be flexible.
I think I owe my nose something in my past life. It gives me trouble all day, every day. Runny nose, itchiness, sneezing fits, whatever.
Tomorrow the new black mice are coming for our experiment. Shucks. I'm abit scared of black mice. They are much more aggressive than white ones. Difficult to handle. Black mice are psychotic. They bite and wriggle like hell when you try to handle them. Although I'm immunised against Tetanus, there is still no reason why I shouldn't be afraid of their bites. Its not a very good idea to be bitten by anything.
I'm dozing off while blogging! Argghhh. Need to get some sleep. Till next time then.


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