A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Missing the old, Denying the current

Think I should just drop by even though I haven't got any proper updates, since its been sometime since I last updated.

Still pretty much the same. Missin' the old times, Denying the current times.

Pretty much the same, except that maybe the skin on my hands are more cracked, from too much work. More prominent veins on my feet, from too much standing and walking around. Anyone knows of any remedy for veins? Im worried that I'll have really really ugly veins on my feet that stays with me for the rest of my insignificant life.

The U-Zap advert is really really irritating. Zap Zap Zap. What the hell. Being bombarded with that Zap word continuously is not my idea of a good advert. Plus the U-zap posters and ultra gigantic banners. Fiona Xie looks very much photoshop-ed lorz. Firstly, her skin tone looks overly luminous as in the colour contrast is too high or something. Secondly, the corners of her eyes dont look natural and the iris looks smaller. Thirdly, her legs look more slender than what they actually are. Lastly, her boobs look smaller than their actual size. I guess the whole point of using a U-zap must be to look proportional, so they have to downgrade her boob size using photoshop bah. Oh, Oh, I didn't mean to imply that she looks un-proportional.

Working in my current lab, I take on several roles simultaneously.
1. Purchaser.
2. Researcher.
3. Photocopier girl.
4. Coolie.
5. Cleaner Auntie.
6. Stock-taker.
7. Animal Killer.
8. Neatness maintainer.
9. Zoo Keeper. For my zoo of mice.

But I only get 1 person's worth of salary. I guess its the current trend nowadays to Bao Ga Liao. The only good thing is that time passes fast while at work.

My lab is freakingly warm. Freakingly warm since I joined the lab from Day 1. Complaints lodged already. The reply was that the airconditioner is super duper too old to be repaired properly. They gonna change it away to be new one, but it'll take like 2 months from now. Imagine trying to concentrate on work while there is absolutely zero proper healthy temperature. Plus that labcoat that adds on to the . Maybe one day someone will just collapse from heatstroke inside the lab. I bet they'll come down and replace the airconditioner instantly. Or maybe one of us should just pretend to faint in the lab as a last resort to make them come change the airconditioner instantly.

Slug and Snail. Which one is slower? I remember I saw a snail that was quite fast. So I suppose a slug is slower than a snail. Anyway the word SLUG sounds slower than SNAIL hor?

I think I pretty much got no life. I don't even go out with any of my friends to go shopping after work anymore. Or even to have my dindin outside. All I do after work is to go straight down to the hospital, stay until 830 and go on home to have my late dindin. People tell me I can't possibly keep on doing this. I must give myself some time off to relax after work and that I really don't have to visit dad everyday. But I don't think I'll feel at ease if I don't do so. The valid reason that'll give me an excuse not to go visit dad is probably only if I knock off late.

Got lots more to comment on, but its getting late. So I'll continue another time then.


p.s. Suddenly feel like eating egg tarts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i tink U nid a break. it's never good in life to be stuck to a certain regime if one can help it ling. Will try to drag u out ar, realli tink it'll refresh u a bit wor. Gor

12:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh.. forgot to say:" so u better guai guai be dragged out by me oki!? Gorz

12:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you dad gets well soon!

as for your qn on veins, i heard that raising your legs above your heart (lying down of course!) for at least 5 mins a day would help..

and regarding the slug vs snail race, i saw it on tv once, but forgot who won..

lastly the uzap thing is damn annoying but it worked din it? got u to remember it. ;-)

2:48 AM


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