A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Mokozi Moriji

Omg. Its Thursday already. I can't believe I'm going back to work again so soon. When I initially saw the MC given by CGH, I was like wow MC until 20th Feb. But hell, its already 16th Feb and will be 17th Feb in like half hour's time. I didn't even feel as if I've rested and recuperated. Too busy visiting dad everyday! So fast so fast. Time passes crazily, unbelievably fast.

There are pics tonight. My 11-days-old wound after sutures removal!
I know probably some of you will find that I'm kinda sick to show such pics. But I just thought it might be interesting. Look at it from a scientific point of view lah.

Wound - 1a

This was taken this morning before I put new gauze and tegaderm. Notice the redness and bruising around the wound.

Wound - 2a

A clearer picture taken few minutes ago. Don't be mistaken. My skin is not that dark. Its the lighting problem. 7 stitches in all. Stitch 2 looks weird. There seems to be a hole. It still bleeds occasionally.

I better play my Civilization IV game as much as possible before I go back to work.


This is Mokozi. Its an un-ripe orange. It looks a little unhappy cos it hasn't ripened yet.

When it ripens, it'll be Moriji. It'll become pure orangey coloured. It'll be smiley cos it has finally ripened.


Not much random thoughts floating around in my little brain tonight.


I just ate a blackcurrant dinosaur gummy. And now I feel like eating chips.


Do you believe in retribution? Will bad things happen to us bcos we did bad things to other people?


Xiaxue looks fat and dark on TV, a total contrast to what she looks like on her blog. Has got flabby arms too. Shows that her photoshop skills is very good since she can look so different on her blog. Do you think she's chio? I think guys will like her. Bcos' she has got long wavy hair and thick mascara and eyeliners. And plus her boobs are supposedly big. Becos' she mentioned on Cleo mag that she has to use photoshop to edit her boobs to make them look smaller. Can't really tell whether her boobs are really that big from the TV.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the rules life is simple and fair and an ultimate balance ah. ^_^ If U did good, good will happen to U. if U did bad, retribution will happen. But do good simply because it makes u happy, not because u're after something. Religion doesn't matter though, I still find it stupid that certain religions still tells pple U wun go to heaven even if u do good unless U covert.

11:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

god is fair la.
XX is the type of girl blessed w/ godly Photoshop skills to make up for her "loss" in looks and character. She's simply the type who'd make it top10 on a matchmaking brochure (photosp ma) but fail utterly when it's the meetup session. Gor!

11:23 AM


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