A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Super-sensitive Me.

So I had a kinda disastrous weekend. First I got persistent tummy cramps which, according to the doctor, is due to me being allergic to milk. Yep true, I've been drinking fresh milk on a daily basis for weeks. I had such intestinal cramps years ago, when I also drank milk on a daily basis. I am still having occasional cramps now which I hope will go away completely asap.

Then, I got scalded by hot chicken soup which fortunately, was not at boiling point. But it was damn freakingly painful. Two red patches, one on each thigh. Luckily, my thighs didn't get blistered or cooked.

Does anyone remember ZI(3) LUO(2) CHA(4)? Haha. If you are around my age and you used to watch SBC's channel 8 drama serials last time, you will surely remember zi luo cha. Zi luo cha is the character from 'the last swordsman'. The drama serial in which, in one of the episodes, you are able to suddenly spot HBD flats in the background while the swordsmen are gliding over water. Haha. Amusing.

Have to avoid cow's milk and cheese for the time being. Cheese you know, CHEESE. How can I ever survive without cheese in my life? I guess I can still eat them bah. Just need to watch that I don't take it on the daily basis.

Coco-Crunch and Cornflakes doesn't good in Soya bean milk. I heeded the doctor's advice to substitute cow's milk with soya bean milk. But some things just don't taste as good as they can be if they are matched with uncompatible things. Its just different lah.

Mooncake festival is coming soon eh. All the innovative fanciful flavours of mooncakes coming out again. Icecream mooncakes, which are essentially round blocks of icecream coated with chocolate layers that are supposedly the mooncake skins. Yoghurt mooncakes, for the health conscious folks. Raspberry cheese mooncakes. Tiramisu mooncakes. Mocha mooncakes. Or the expensive abalone mooncakes, the birdnests mooncakes.

Yah I think its fun to try such new fanciful flavours. But I still feel that traditional mooncakes with egg yolks are the best. Because all the fanciful flavours aren't really mooncakes. They are either icecream or normal western cakes. If free mooncakes are to fall from the sky and befall on me this coming mid-autumn festival, I hope they'll be white lotus paste mooncakes with four yolks inside. Yum.

I'm allergic and sensitive to many things. Dust and Haze gives me itchy and blocked nose. Milk gives me intestinal cramps. Limpets (a kind of clam) gives me such a dangerously blocked airway such that I have to be sent for emergency rescue via oxygen masks and jabs. A little more heat and sweat gives me heat rashes all over, which is why I try not to eat at hawker centres unless the weather is cold. If I have to eat at hawker centres on a hot day, I usually have to rush home to bathe right after that. Ingestion of a certain amount of food colouring and food additives/preservatives gives me rashes too, which is why I always carry antihistamines with me. Just a single cube of fresh pineapple will trigger gastric attacks in me. Tomyum soup too. Sleeping with the fan or aircon on, without a soft toy and blanky on my tummy will give me a tummyache the next morning.

Hai..Supersensitive me.



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