A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The perfect Girl

I fell asleep just now, in front of the telly. I had a nightmare. I dreamt of the boss. Waaaa..

Bossa Nova is pretty nice. Its my new favourite.

The perfect Girl in the Ideal world:

1. Is independant.
2. Is pretty but not Bimbo-ish/Lian-ish.
3. Is intelligent.
4. Is rich.
5. ...
6. ...

What else har? I can't think of any others.

Since my brain is currently unable to churn out proper sentences, I guess I'll just do a Meme that I got on my email. Pretty boring, though.

Current Mood: Unhappy. I just looked into the mirror and I saw an ugly girl inside.

Current Taste: Chocolate-coated Macadamia.

Current Clothes: My CCHSM teeshirt and this pair of blue shorts my gran bought for me ages ago

Current Toenail Color: Nude

Current Time: 11.07pm.

Current Surroundings: Laptop, Wall, Surrounded by books and papers.

Current Annoyances: My headache, The hot weather, Jasmine Tye.

Current Thoughts: What to wear tomorrow.

First First Best Friends: Yongying from Chinese Class in Primary 5. From then on we always bully the 2 boys sitting infront of us.

First Crush: Secondary school. I think its some guy called Calvin with an oh-so-fashionable Aaron Kwok wannabe hairstyle at the time when Aaron Kwok just became popular.

First Movie: Casper. Yah, I didn't watch any movies until I was in Secondary One.

First Lie: Pretended to be sick because I didn't like going to school.

First Music: Some Aaron Kwok songs.

Lasts Last Cigarette: Haven't smoked before in my 25 years of life.

Last Drink: Plain water, in my favourite BadBadzMaru Cup.

Last Car Ride: On Monday.

Last Crush: Paul Twohill. Stone me to death bah!

Last Movie: The Fast & the Furious 3.

Last CD played: Bossa Nova II.

Have you ever broken the law: Does Jaywalking count?

Have you ever been arrested: Nopes.

Have you ever skinny-dipped: Nopes.

Have you ever been on TV: Yes. Appeared on one of Gurmit's show when I was in sec 1.

Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: A dummy? Had to learn CPR during a First Aid Course.

5 things you are wearing: Pink Hairclip. Blue hairclip. Specs. cchsmTee. Blue shorts.

4 things you done today: Watch Sg Idol Results show and cursed when Jasmine Tye didn't get kicked back home. Paste WinnieThePooh stickers on all of my lapcoat buttons. Made Cheese Omelete for family. PCR.\

3 things you can hear right now: Chega de Saudade (Antonio Carlos Jobim/ Claus Ogerman) playing on iTunes. My mom's footsteps as she is mopping the floor. Tapping sounds on my keyboard.

2 things u do before sleeping: Go online. Tuck softoys into bed.

1 thing u do when you're bored: Read Blogs.

Tag: Nah. Shan't bother to tag people. I know this is rather bo liao.


p.s. Haha. Of course my last crush wasn't Paul Twohill. Just Jokin'!


Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

Don't lie. I bet you luuuuurrrrveeeee Twohill. Heh.

And omigod! I had a Aaron Kwokish hairstyle wor :D!

1:34 PM


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