A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I'm an auntie magnet

Hao bah, Hao bah. I've deleted last night's entry upon mr sbs' and mr lim's advice. Its true that not all who visit my blog are my friends.

From now on, the font colours on my blog shall only be white or blue. Looks more professional and less glaring. Less dangerous to read in the office. I think this is a much better decision, rather than to change my background to pink.

Wilbur Pan on channel 5 just now. Totally love his hairstyle. Yeah. He has good dress sense as well. Maybe one day I'll cross-dress and get his kind of hairstyle for myself. Maybe. Maybe.

Not a very good day at work today. First, my experiment didn't turn out well. Then, kenna left, right and centre from my boss for still-having-no-conclusive-experimental-results-even-though-I've-been-at-it-for-soooo-long. Oh please. I'm juggling with molecular work, mice work and housekeeping of the lab all at the same time. Bosses always have a tendency to think that every single task can be completed within 5 minutes. So each working day we can complete 8 times 60 divided by 5 tasks. Thats about 96 tasks per day.

Oh well nevermind. At least tomorrow is payday! We should always look forward to money.

Some fan gave our Singapore Idol candidate Paul Twohill a teeshirt. On it, printed in bold, was "PAUL - MORE THAN JUST HAIR". Hilarious isn't it. Good one though.

I do prefer Paul Twohill to Jonathan Leong. At least Paul is something different, a novelty. Jonathan just reminds me of those ultra heartlander Kopitiam bengs. Sorry, no offence to Jonathan's fans.

I ate chocolates again today. I always end up eating too much chocolates for my own good. But I love chocolates. They make me high. Ecstatic. But I only like dark chocolates. I don't really have a liking for milk chocs or white chocs. White chocs are not chocs! They are just milk. Fullerton Hotel has this chocolate buffet. I wonder whether its good. I should go there someday.

I'm feeling as if I'm having multiple bruises all over. But I see no bruises. But I feel them on my skin. Invisible bruises? Omg.

Colleague gave me 3 booklets of Winnie the Pooh stickers! And guess what, each booklet has got like 600 pieces of stickers. Heh. Suddenly, I have an addition of 1800 pieces of Pooh stickers. Yay. Envious? Heh.

Show ya my new wallpaper!


Nice? Sweet?
Yay. Jealous? Heh.
If only life is as relaxing as it appears in the wallpaper.

I'm an auntie magnet. I can't help but realise that more and more aunties like to chat me up. Do I look so attractive to them? Or do I look like an auntie so thats why they like to talk to me? The breadshop auntie, the science canteen vegetarian stall auntie, the cleaner auntie, stranger auntie on the train...the auntie queueing behind me...I don't see them being so friendly to other people.

There's this fella on the train who keeps insisting that I was his cohort-mate in NUS a year back. Now, since when was I ever a bizad student? I think I look very common. Do I look very common? This is not good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You probably got the bruises from your boss lah

Btw, aunties probably 'tackle' beocz u r approachable mah:) Its a compliment. And aunties are nice. Better to have aunties as friends than enemies

11:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweeeeet Aunt Ling !

Uncle Calvin

12:09 PM

Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

Very wise of you to remove the pics! I had a friend who had hers plastered over some local perverted photo forum. Sibeh sian.

Anyway, love the new template. Basics are the understated cool.

10:49 AM


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