A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Pram Phenomenon

Have you ever noticed, whats the difference between a Centipede and a Millipede?
A Centipede has 2 legs per segment, while a Milipede has 4 legs per segment. Which means that a Milipede has twice as many legs as a Centipede of equal length! Heh.

Prams are everywhere. I don't think this is a sign of increasing birth rate, since the papers just mentioned that our local birthrate had recently hit the lowest of the lows. It just shows that parents are over-abusing the convenience of prams. I don't remember seeing as many prams around when I was younger. With a pram, they assume that they are entitled the right of way. They appear out of nowhere and violently squeeze in from behind, overtaking you by using their prams as a weapon. They don't care even if they accidentally rolled over your toes. Kids that are obviously old enough, with fully functional limbs, are still squeezing themselves into prams. Very spoilt, very.

Its really important to sacrifice experimental animals humanely. And please, ensure that they are really fully totally dead before you start dissecting it. There is this person who was halfway dissecting a mouse. The mouse started twitching. The person realised that the mouse wasn't fully dead yet. The mouse looked down at its own half-dissected body, and then looked up at the person dissecting it with a why-are-you-cutting-me look. This is very sad and painful for the mouse. This is very wicked. This person is not me, I heard this from another person. If I were him I would be traumatised for the rest of my life.

Its Sunday morning and I'm having Monday Blues already. I've got research paper that I need to figure out. Its sick, always bringing work home. Its a sad life. Maybe I'll just run them all through the paper shredder and forget about it. Its a rest day afterall.

Got a sudden craving for the Cold Cut Trio at Subway. I like it dripping with Honey Mustard and Mayonnaise with a little bit of Sweet Onion Sauce. Like it cold, not toasted. With extra Cheese. I wannnn.....


New Toys. I like.


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