A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Friday, August 18, 2006

About CARS and GUYS

The car driven by DK in The Fast & the Furious 3 was a Nissan Fairlady? It was so nicely modified that I couldn't recognise it as a Fairlady.

If I can choose any Sedan I want, it has got to be the Lexus IS250, perfect. If it has got to be an SUV, then it must be Lexus RX350. Some would prefer BMW X5 as an SUV. I don't particularly like X5 because, doesn't it look too bulky? Some say RX looks like a bubble car. I don't agree! For occasional days when the cutesy mood is in, taking the new beetle convertible out will be a good idea.

The new Camry is quite nice, although I think it would look better if the rearlights are made a little bigger. Makes the rear appear more proportional. Maybe I'm stereotyping, but these are the impressions that I get:
Guys driving Camrys are very reliable guys. Haha. And guys driving Subaru Impreza (especially heavily modified ones) are rather unreliable.
Any guy driving a Lexus RX is a stable guy.
Any guy driving an Evo8 is an intelligent chiongster.
Any guy driving a BMW 7 series (especially Champagne colour) has an Ah-Chek tendency.
Any guy driving a Mini Cooper is a Metrosexual.

Just for fun, I've listed down the qualities of the perfect guy. But of course, no one in this world can be perfect isn't it?

What a perfect dream guy should be like, the Basics:
1. Knows how to appreciate fine wine and good coffee.
2. A Thinker.
3. Is a Leader.
4. Speaks fluent English. Write fluent English.
5. Reads computer mags and Readers' Digest instead of FHM and Maxim. National Geographic and health mags will do just fine too.
6. Reads Straits Times instead of NewPaper.
7. Knows how to fix basic things in the house.
8. Knows when to speak up and when to shut up.
9. Good with office politics.
10. Not attracted to Bimbos. Shows that he's not too superficial.
11. Doesn't hang out un-necessarily at kopitiams.
12. Is good with Maps and Navigations.
13. Is good with finances and has good, if not basic knowledge of investments.
14. Is able to carry himself well at formal events.
15. Gentlemanly, but must not have the tendency to go all the way out to please the girls or his girlfriend.
16. Is health conscious.
17. No two-timing tendency.
18. Has Savings. Basic Wealth.
19. Doesn't worry too much over small things.
20. Is decisive.

What a perfect dream guy should be like, in the looks department:
1. Keeps his nails short and neat.
2. Spikey hair. (Like Wilbur Pan's? Heh.)
3. Has basic good dress sense and fashion sense.
4. Wear specs. Looks intellectual.

What a perfect dream guy should be like, Bonuses:
1. Drives a Lexus IS250.2. Is very rich.
3. Is very goodlooking.
4. Doesn't ogle at other girls. This is a bonus because its so difficult to find a guy that doesn't do so. Its a natural tendency.
5. Can withstand temptations. This is a bonus too, since its also rare to find a guy that can resist temptations by Bimbos.


Blogger antisocialfreak said...

That's why they're called dream guys bah - they exist only in our dreams. Damn.

4:03 AM

Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

I fail all your criteria :(!!!!

10:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can confidently declare that I meet criteria number 17. Ji Tao no chance to 2-time at all. keke:)

12:37 PM

Blogger ReneRene said...

ASF: Yeah. But even if our dreams the guys aren't so perfect. Haha. They are only existent in a perfect world. Since there is nil perfect world in this world, there is nil such guys in this world.

SBS: Wahaha. U damn jialat leh. Not even one criteria out of so many?

Vin: Which means that you wouldn't fulfil criteria 17 if you had more time on your hands? Haha.

5:43 AM


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