A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Logs and Twigs

Shit. I think my hair is cut abit too short for my liking. But it was highlighted rather nicely though. But I now have layered hair. I hate layered hair. I have no idea why hairdressers like to cut layered hair for all their customers. I merely forgot to tell my hairdresser not to layer my hair and she committed the crime. I have absolutely no liking for layered hair. Oh well. Whats done cannot be undone.

I supposedly look better in short hair than long hair. My hairdresser said so. My mom said so. My dad said so. The colleague who knew me only for a month said so. Almost everyone said so. Is it really so?

I always have alot of ideas on what to write in my blog entries while I'm bathing. But somehow after that when I sit down to blog, I can't recall anything good.

I don't know. But I feel that some bloggers are kinda fake. As in, like when I read their entries, I get the feeling that they are just trying to make use of their blog to show-off, or just to own a blog just cos' everyone is doing so. Some try to use ultra-polished english. Thats really fine if their english is really good. Some just try too hard. Maybe I'm sensitive, but I really get the feeling that they are trying too hard when I read their blogs. Why can't they just be natural.

But oh well, this world is a fake world. Full of fakers. In life, alot of times you have to be fake to get your way through. Being fake is actually a skill. A survival skill. You have to be nice to people that you actually feel like stabbing. You have to smile to people that you feel like spitting at.

And did I forget to mention that guys love fake gals. Yes. If you are a guy reading this, no need to feel ashamed. You guys are born like this. I understand. You all love gals who are cute, bubbly, innocent, with big eyes, long straight flowy hair, have good complexion..etc.
In other words, you all love gals who act-cute, put on lotsa makeup and blush powders, wear pushup bras, rebond their hair, wear contact lens that make their eyes look bigger, act innocent, behave demure artificially, .. etc. I think I shan't go on with the list. Because it will make you all feel horribly stupid if I reveal all the things that the chiobus do to get your attention. Because you all will suddenly realise (with disbelief) that 'chio' is a thing that is created artificially. You would have probably thought that the chiobu you just saw today looks so damn real chio because she is just born naturally with so damn chio looks. You wouldn't have realised that her hair was rebonded and treated, her good complexion was created by makeup, her big beautiful eyes were created by eyeliners and eyeshadows and mascara and eyelash curlers and plastic fake eyelashes and contact lens. Her attractive bust was created by expensive padded pushup bras....etc etc. Like I said, I shouldn't go on to make you all feel stupid.

I'm seriously not trying to be sarcastic or anything. Nor am I jealous of the attention that chiobus get from guys. Cos' I have absolutely no cravings for that kind of attention. I'm just writing it out cos I happen to think of it. By now you all should know that I write randomly. Oh and I don't mean to strongly imply that guys are stupid-fools-who-love-fake-gals. Absolutely no such intentions. Sorry if happen to be such a guy and you happen to feel offended after reading this.

I went for Hepatitis B vaccination today. First dose. I was actually vaccinated 5 years ago. The recent blood test revealed the fact that there aren't anymore reactive HepB antibodies in my body, so I have to repeat all the 3 doses again. 2nd dose will be 16 jan next year.

Since young, I've always preferred injections to swallowing pills. I suck at swallowing pills. I can't even get a 500mg Paracetamol (Panadol) pill down my esophagus successfully. I have no idea why. Been trying since dont know when. But just couldn't. I can only swallow small tiny pills. The rest I've to grind it up in water and swallow the solution. For capsular pills, I'll have to open up the capsule, get the powder out, dissolve the powder and swallow the solution instead. I think there's something wrong with my swallowing reflexes or my esophagus anatomy such that I can't swallow pills properly. I've heard similar cases on the radio. The suggestion given by the doctor was that if you really can't swallow the pills, just grind it up. Better than trying too hard to swallow and end up getting choked. I guess you can't really do anything about it. Some people are just born with the inability to swallow big pills properly.

I'm in half a mind to search for blogskins. But I'm rather ok with the current template as well.

Ordered any logcakes for christmas? I ordered a strawberry almond logcake from cedele. And a mushroom quiche. Must remember to collect it on the 23rd. So far the logcakes from cedele looks the most pleasing. Looks most like logs. The rest of the logcakes from most other shops just look like twigs. Hehe. I feel that way.



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