A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Im a Hufflepuff?

I spend my day appreciating how nice it is to be resting at home while other people are working. Yes I'm still on MC.


Received news that the old army market at Lavender has got lotsa nice stalls now. Stalls selling accessories, bags, etc. Stalls sellling stuffs that are SUITABLE FOR ME. Thats the best and worst part. Best cos' its yipee that theres another new shopping place for me. Worst is that if I go there I will sure have a high risk of spending money. Gonna ban myself from going there. BAN. BAN. BAN. BIG BAN.


Continued reading Cleo mag today. Like I said, I'm enjoying my stay at home. So I packed my clothes cupboard leisurely and read Cleo mag. It said the easiest way to get a healthy and balanced diet is to make sure that your plate is to divide your plate into 3 parts:
1/2 filled with: Salad with light dressing or veggies sauteed in olive oil.
1/4 filled with: Lean protein like fish, tofu or chicken
and the last 1/4 filled with: Half or one cup of whole grains like brown rice.


I passed by East point after visiting dad just now. And they had this stall selling all the Valentines' Day stuffs. I saw this big heartshaped glittery furry fluffy wand that I think my softoys will like. My softoys like wands.

Have you ever wondered which house the sorting hat of Hogwarts will put you in? I definitely think I won't belong to Slytherins. Don't think I'm a Gryffindor too. Hufflepuff? I don't think I'm that loyal and just. Maybe I'm a Ravenclaw? I don't mind being a Ravenclaw. Hehe.
"You might belong in Gryffindor,Where dwell the brave at heart,Their daring, nerve and chivalrySet Gryffindors apart.
You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are trueAnd unafraid of toil.
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind.
Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends."
OK. I've just tried this sorting test online. And it said I'm a Hufflepuff. Here's what it said:
"Loyal. Dependable. True. Just.

What an honor to be sorted into Hufflepuff! The house based on values and virtues over simply deeds. Not that the Hufflepuffs don't do anything worthwhile, it's just that here importance is based more on how you are, not what you do. Hufflepuff is all about acceptance. Since when is that a bad thing?

In Hufflepuff, there is a fallacy that the members are simply average, not good enough to get into the other houses. This is most definately not so. Just because Hufflepuff doesn't discriminate against people for not being good enough (or brave, smart, and ambitious enough), does not mean that the entire house is full of wimps, as people seem to think. While, yes. hard-workers are most likely to enter Hufflepuff, this does not mean there aren't other qualities. The fact that Helga Hufflepuff will take "all the rest" can and is seen as a bad thing, by some.

A Hufflepuff is loyal to their friends, trustworthy and patient, and often hard-working. One need not to fit all the criteria of a house to belong it it, nor not have any of the other House's values.
Last, I hope I need not remind you of Cedric Diggory, the one champion chosen for Hogwarts, over all the cunning Slytherins, brave Gryffindors, and clever Ravenclaws. You'd do good not to doubt Hufflepuff."
The Bandung jelly dessert they serve in the wards in the mealtimes at CGH is nice. The diced chicken is okie, except that they should have removed the chicken skin. The vege is sometimes nice and sometimes not nice. The fruits are quite fresh. The sweet&sour pork is not bad. I know most of you will give up with me for having so many comments about the hospital food.
I've just changed lappie's wallpaper to hogwarts wallpaper. Haha.
THIS! Haha.



Someone commented that I should try whipping out children's stories onto this blog, like what Enid Blyton does. Maybe I should. I will, if I have the inspiration!


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