A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Home Catering?

Am surfing around for home catering services. You know those that delivers meals on a daily basis. The menu looks attractive. Well balanced meals. But the prices are too high leh. Damnit!

Why I wanna consider home catering:
1. So that I can have a more balanced diet.
2. So that I probably wouldn't need to go marketing for mom every week. Not enough time.
3. So that mom don't have to cook everyday since shes not feeling well most of the time.
4. Buying fish and meat is rather costly.

Why I probably would not take up home catering afterall:
1. Expensive.
2. Food would have turned cold since I only get home 4 hours after the food arrives.

The main thing is that its expensive lah. Oh well.

Back to work again tomorrow. So much work, so pathetically little time.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Twister Fries

Yawnz Yawnz!

I had very irregular sleeping hours this weekend. On Saturday night I slept from 11pm to 4am and thats all. I realised that being awake in the dead hours of the night is pretty nice. Seem so peaceful. But of course I don't go around staying awake at weird hours for no reason. Do work mah.

When does the GSS (Great Singapore Sale) start? Will be good if I can afford to take some time to go window shopping. Yah, and I mean strictly window shopping. No buying allowed. I guess the best way to maintain the discipline is not to bring the cards along.

My nose is being very irritating again. Its itchy like hell. The kind of itch which makes you want to sneeze violently. What is irritating is that its itchy but yet the sneezes just don't happen. Driving me insane.

I like macdonalds' Twister Fries. Do they still have 'em? 3 weeks ago they still have them. Twister Fries is curly wirly fries! I've always liked Twister Fries. I like Mos Burger's fries too. The big fat fries. Swensen's is also good. LJS fries is fine too. I don't like KFC and Burger King's fries, never.

I don't like Macdonald's Shaker Fries though. Cos' of that pack of flavouring for ya to shake ya fries in. They taste ultra artificial. Loaded with MSG. General Knowledge Pop Quiz: Spell the full name of MSG.

Had a 4 bucks haircut today. Ok la, it was only to trim my fringe so I went to the neighbourhood salon to do it. Straight Straight fringe. Show ya.

Irene - 40

Have a good week ahead.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Can anyone really understand?

The much awaited long weekend is over, its over. Its over before I even realised it. Back to reality now. Huge piles of work to be completed by the end of this month. If not, will kenna from boss on 1st June. Damnit. She demands a detailed progress report on the 1st day of every month. What hell. And not to mention a universally-much-disliked journal club once every two weeks. Damnit Damnit.

Damnit. The corner of my eyes are very itchy. Only the corners. I've flushed my eyes with so much eyedrops until it overflows like crazy and yet my eyes are still itchy. What is it?! Allergy? Dirt? Irritants?

Ok I know that I'm a no-life-er. Always complaining about work and being unhappy with life.

I'm having difficulties trying to divide my time equally. Since dad has been hospitalised, I haven't got enough time for mom, him and my good friends. I can't rem the last time I actually went shopping with Puisan after work. I can't rem when I actually met up properly with Elaine to hang out. I have pending meals with other friends which I don't know when I can clear. I can't even rem when was the last time I MSNed properly with my friends. I haven't talked on the phone properly since don't know when. Its been ages since I reach home on time for dinner at the proper dinnertime. Its been ages since I last watched a movie. Its also been ages since I last went out properly on a weekend.

Its not that I don't want to divide my time properly. Its not that I don't try to prioritize. Its just that I simply haven't got enough time on my hands to allow me to even plan them out properly. Some say I shouldn't need to go visit my dad everyday if I'm really tired and busy. They say that its more important to take care of myself well and everything. They imply that I should pay more attention to the others around me since I can't really do anything to help dad anyway. They say this, they say that.

But does anyone really understand how I feel? Anyone at all?

Being the only child, obviously there won't be anyone else to visit dad in hospital everyday if I don't go. Mum herself isn't that well, so she doesn't go visit dad everyday. Dad has already been stuck in the hospital for 5 months. 5 months, do you hear? 5 months and still with nil improvement. I''m sure dad is already feeling very very sian and miserable already. Not to mention the pain he has to go through. If he doesn't get any visitors, he'll feel worse.

Oh well. Maybe those of you who aren't the only child will never be able to explain the different kind of bonding that an only child has with her parents anyway. Forget it, I shan't bother to explain.

I know how to take care of myself and how to get the proper rest that I need.

I really treasure all the people around me alot. But can they all give me just a little more time to let me figure out a way to balance my limited time out and divide the pathetic amount of time out even more properly? I'm sure I can think of a way if I think hard enough. I will think hard enough, even if it means that I have a risk of going insane.

I'm sure that no one in this world can understand me perfectly. Forget it.

I'm so sick. Everyday is spent feeling tortured at work. And battling time after work. And thinking about how to settle the bills properly. I live for the weekends, only to realise that the weekends go past me before I could even bat an eyelid. I dream of work as nightmares, dream of dad getting well and coming back home, dream of me becoming rich. I write an unhappy blog. I read others' blog and feel jealous of them. I see happy families on the mrt and feel that this is all so temporary and fake.

Have I really changed? Is this a normal change as one matures or what?


Friday, May 12, 2006

Mars and Venus

Do you weep when you watch sad dramas or movies?

When I was young, I could never understand why my mom always weeps when she watches sad dramas. I thought it was kinda ridiculous. Now that I'm older, I still couldn't understand why. But I sometimes find myself weeping over sad scenes on the screen too. I guess all adults are like that? Adults are more emotional? But I'm sure very few men actually weep over sad scenes, its mostly only the women doing it.

Men are less emotional, more unfeeling. They are made to be overly logical most of the times.

Men and women work differently. Total opposites. But opposites somehow attract. Like for example,

Woman complains and grumble about some problem. Man keeps suggesting solutions to the problem. Woman feels frustrated because man is not being a good listener. Man is puzzled and also frustrated as to why woman is grumbling so much if she doesn't want to find solutions to the problem.

Thats the way the opposite sex works. Woman grumbles just because she wants to get things off her chest. She needs to complain and grumble and swear and curse and everything before she feels better. Man don't usually grumble unless they want to hear of solutions to the problem. They don't see any point in grumbling if there is no intention to find a solution to the problem. Woman sometimes already know what solutions there are, but will still attempt to curse and swear just to feel better.

Man is Mars while woman is venus.

Nice if I can freeze time. Stop it at the moments that you like.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Red Itchy Eye

I'm having a red, itchy, slightly painful left eye now. I've just looked at it in the mirror and its red, with obvious blood vessels and red rim. An eye bag is forming. Whats happening? God please don't bless me with conjuctivitis now. Its only Monday. At least do it towards the end of the week so that I can have an even longer weekend.


What I planned for the upcoming long weekend

Its been a long while. A long while since I last blogged properly. Reason is because I'm always tired, I haven't got enough time, blahblah. The main thing is that I don't know what to write. I believe I have come to a point that I do not have much comments on everything that's happening to myself and the people and things around me. I simply do not have any. Which is why I can't blog. Nothing good for me to say. Is this a good thing? Does it mean that I have probably become less bitchy about things? Less grumpy? Less whiny? Less petty? Less gossipy? Or does this mean that I've become less enthusiastic? Drained? Numb?

Whatever. It doesn't matter.

Another upcoming long weekend. After that will be totally zero long weekends and public holidays until like..August?
Things I would like to do this long weekend:
1. Go out on the streets and irritate everyone by being awfully sarcastic to them for no good reason. Do so just cos' I feel like it.
2. Shop till I drop. Buy whatever I feel like.
3. Go for a barbeque and hang out till early hours of the morning.
4. Do some magic to make my dad recover instantly.
5. Strike a grand prize in lottery which allows me to have no need to work so hard for the rest of my life.
6. Have a nice expensive meal at a very, very leisurely pace. The type that is good enough to serve a princess.
7. Become a princess. The modern western royal family type. Not the period drama type, for god's sake.
8. Buy that 2gb thumbdrive that I saw at Sony Gallery.
9. Abolish Journal Clubs forever. Thrash it. Kick it. BAN it.
10. Go Sentosa.
But would be impossible for me to do, simply cos'
1. I will probably end up being beaten like a pulp if I do that.
2. I do not have the money to buy anything that I feel like. No time to shop properly anyway.
3. No one is organising any bbqs. And I have no time anyway.
4. There's no magic in this world. Or at least, magic has never happened to me.
5. No such luck. Its not realistic.
6. No money.
7. Princess? Dream big.
8. No money.
9. I would probably lose my job.
10. Going Sentosa needs time and money. I have none of both.
Its 7.30am and I'm still awake. My sleeping time is all messed. I slept from 10pm to 330am. And woke up at 3.30am to go buy dishwashing liquid, washing powder and bread from the 24-hr store. I got back to realise that I couldn't eat ham and bread and cheese for supper cos' my mom dumped the ham into the freezer. I took out the ham to thaw. I went for a bath. It hasn't thawed properly after an hour. I comtemplated using heat to thaw it. I decided that its not a good idea. So I left it out for a while more. I ate the ham and bread and cheese that I intended to. I came online. I read abit of info. I started blogging until now. The sky is bright now. I think I should go sleep again.
Goodnight. Good morning.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

In a whirl

Ya know, I seem to have alot on my mind but I don't know whats on my mind. I attempted to find out whats on my mind by trying to blog it out, but I can't find anything that I can write about.

Does anyone understand what King To Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa is? Haha.

I just gobbled down a whole bar of Kinder Bueno. I wanna eat chips. But there aren't any chips around in my house now.

Damn. Later gotta brush my toothies again cos' I ate that Kinder Bueno.

Eh. What else can I write?
Maybe I should try to recollect my thoughts and write a proper entry tomorrow or someday. My mind is in a whirl right now.

Meanwhile, I must go sleep.
