A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

What I planned for the upcoming long weekend

Its been a long while. A long while since I last blogged properly. Reason is because I'm always tired, I haven't got enough time, blahblah. The main thing is that I don't know what to write. I believe I have come to a point that I do not have much comments on everything that's happening to myself and the people and things around me. I simply do not have any. Which is why I can't blog. Nothing good for me to say. Is this a good thing? Does it mean that I have probably become less bitchy about things? Less grumpy? Less whiny? Less petty? Less gossipy? Or does this mean that I've become less enthusiastic? Drained? Numb?

Whatever. It doesn't matter.

Another upcoming long weekend. After that will be totally zero long weekends and public holidays until like..August?
Things I would like to do this long weekend:
1. Go out on the streets and irritate everyone by being awfully sarcastic to them for no good reason. Do so just cos' I feel like it.
2. Shop till I drop. Buy whatever I feel like.
3. Go for a barbeque and hang out till early hours of the morning.
4. Do some magic to make my dad recover instantly.
5. Strike a grand prize in lottery which allows me to have no need to work so hard for the rest of my life.
6. Have a nice expensive meal at a very, very leisurely pace. The type that is good enough to serve a princess.
7. Become a princess. The modern western royal family type. Not the period drama type, for god's sake.
8. Buy that 2gb thumbdrive that I saw at Sony Gallery.
9. Abolish Journal Clubs forever. Thrash it. Kick it. BAN it.
10. Go Sentosa.
But would be impossible for me to do, simply cos'
1. I will probably end up being beaten like a pulp if I do that.
2. I do not have the money to buy anything that I feel like. No time to shop properly anyway.
3. No one is organising any bbqs. And I have no time anyway.
4. There's no magic in this world. Or at least, magic has never happened to me.
5. No such luck. Its not realistic.
6. No money.
7. Princess? Dream big.
8. No money.
9. I would probably lose my job.
10. Going Sentosa needs time and money. I have none of both.
Its 7.30am and I'm still awake. My sleeping time is all messed. I slept from 10pm to 330am. And woke up at 3.30am to go buy dishwashing liquid, washing powder and bread from the 24-hr store. I got back to realise that I couldn't eat ham and bread and cheese for supper cos' my mom dumped the ham into the freezer. I took out the ham to thaw. I went for a bath. It hasn't thawed properly after an hour. I comtemplated using heat to thaw it. I decided that its not a good idea. So I left it out for a while more. I ate the ham and bread and cheese that I intended to. I came online. I read abit of info. I started blogging until now. The sky is bright now. I think I should go sleep again.
Goodnight. Good morning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You woke up at 3.30am to buy things... and back to zzz again !!?? Wow, u r very interesting person! :)

12:46 PM


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