A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Facts About Me

I do it when I think I have confidence to do it. Even with the slightest minimal confidence, I will attempt to do it.

I do not feel good to be constantly being reminded of things that I already know. Because I already know them. It makes me feel stupid if someone keeps trying to remind me of things that I already know perfectly.

I do not bother to talk to people that I can't stand. Even if its only their looks that I can't stand. I stereotype people by their looks.

I sulk and scowl badly on the mrt if I'm in a bad mood, even if no one on the train has offended me.

Although I'm open to suggestions from others, I do not like to be told what to do. It just makes me feel stupid. I know what I should do and what I will do.

I'm a possessive person. I label all my stationeries with my name. I protect my things as much as I can protect them. I hate others coming near to things that I own, especially those that I love alot.

I am prepared to do despicable things to get others away from things that I love alot.

No one should take my things away from me, unless I give them away on my own accord.

No one should tell me how I should spend my money. If I waste all my fortune away, it'll be my own problem.

When I want to, I want to. Don't tell me I cannot. Or at the very least, tell me very very very nicely.

Sometimes I tend to think too much and form false impressions.

I do not like to be slapped by logical arguments when I'm in an argument. I believe feelings and emotions matter as much as logic. Pure logic don't work in all cases, for god's sake.

Sometimes I yearn to own something not because I really like it that much. I want to own it because I do not want someone else to have it.

There are alot of things that I hate not because I really dislike them. Its because they remind me of that person which I don't like.

I can hate a person even if I haven't even talked to him or her before. Its mostly a her. Seldom a he.

I hope to see slutty-looking, flirtatious girls die.

I like to play mind games.

I feel that most of the people in this world is up to some tricks that may harm me.

I am very wary of being betrayed. Betrayal is 1 of the biggest worst lousiest feeling that anyone can experience.

I secretly wish that all unfaithful men can be suffocated and crushed with tons of wet cement. Cheating on their woman is 1 of the biggest, most disgusting, most horrible, most unforgivable sin that any men can commit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah.. ling.. relax.
u reall do seem to be filled with angst ! gor

9:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was blog surfing and saw this post. You have some serious issues with almost everyone, get it sorted out before it consumes u

11:04 PM


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