A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Irene Ingebrigtsen

Another day of MC for me and my rashes. Happily munching the hotdog roll (dripping with mayonnaise and ketchup) that my mum prepared for me while typing, typing, typing. Man it feels good to be slacking at home while knowing that everyone else is hard at work.

That is, until I get back to work tomorrow. Have to stay back late in the lab tomorrow to catch up on my work. Oh well, for now I should enjoy while it lasts ya. Im contemplating, contemplating, contemplating going out for dinner tonight if the rashes allows me to. Its been like 3 days since I last stepped out of my house. Well, except for visits to the doctor of course. That doesn't count right?

Happy belated Left-Handers Day! Wahaha. I just learnt that 13th August is Left-Handers Day. I'm a left-hander. Are you? Do ya know that long time ago, left-handedness was considered to be associated to Satanism? Do ya know that the latin word for left-handed is "Sinister"?

I do genuinely feel happy and absolutely think that its rather cool to be associated with words like 'Sinister and Satanism". Maybe I have a Satanic instinct lurking inside me. Woh.

So what do I have in common with Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves, Jay-Z, Eminen, Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts? We are all lefties.

Oh, and guess what. I read that there's this research that found out that in general, left-handed men earn more than right-handed men. Looks like I no choice but to marry only a left-handed man?
Oh, and according to research, its not true that lefties are more creative than righties. I've always felt that most lefties aren't particularly more creative than most righties, nor are they more intelligent. Except, except, except maybe in my case. I'm creative yet intelligent. (-_^)

Ok ok, Ya can read bout the aims of the Left-handers' Day here: http://www.lefthandersday.com/

Ya know who Christian Ingebrigtsen is? His surname sounds nice. Imagine my name is Irene Ingebrigtsen. Doesn't it sound posh?

"I'm Irene Ingebrigtsen, and I worship Satan." Doesn't this just gives anyone the 'wow' effect? No?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get well soon

6:01 PM


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