A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Nice guys always finish last. I really like this blog entry from Le Raine..it makes alot of sense. Guys out there who think you all are always 'getting hurt' by rejections, please read this educational entry: http://leraine.blogspot.com/2005/10/nice-guys-always-finish-last.html

So, its been a long time since I updated. I always say this each time I blog. Recently been hooked onto Sibeh Sian's blog. He writes really well. And the other reason why I love his blog is that he makes me happy to realise that he also has as many misadventures in his life as me. I'm not the only one. Most of all, I think the way he writes is very funny. Cool.

Been having a bout of rashes since Saturday morning. Allergy it is, according to the doctor. The rashes just come and go like 3 times per day even when its supposed to be controlled under medication. I don't understand why such things always happen to me. Can I seek God's enlightenment or something? Flu, gingivitis, appendicitis,cough, tonsilitis, allergy, whatever you name. Clearly, year 2006 has not been a good year in my life so far. I've taken MC countless times. Fallen sick countless times. Its disgusting. I'm pretty sure my boss is not happy with all my MC-ings. Life is always so unfair to me. Why?

I'm hoping to get back to work tomorrow. Unless the rashes keep persisting and insisting to appear on my face and everywhere on my arms and legs. Hot, itchy rashes. Patches of 'em. Everywhere. Even appearing after I've taken Antihistamines and Prednisolone. And slathered on lotsa Calamine Lotion. I don't even know what the rashes were caused by. Allergy to what? I didn't eat anything different from normal. I didn't go anywhere different from normal. There isn't anything different from normal. What the hell can can I be allergic to?

Sian. Major Sian.

Do you have ambitions when you were young? What was your ambition?

My first ambition was to be a teacher. I thought it was cool to be able to mark worksheets with a red pen. Pretty silly of me.

Then, I wanted to be a Vet. Because I genuinely love animals.

Next, I wanted to be a doctor. Because that earns big money.

Then, I wanted to be anyone glamourous. Because that earns big money and I can have all the glamour that I desired.

Then, I wanted to be anyone rich.

Now, I want to marry someone rich. Yah I know that I have a backbone similar to that of a jellyfish.

Haha. What a change of ambitions throughout the 25 years of my life. Do all girls' ambitions morph like mine? Is this normal?

While typing this entry, rashes are already developing on my arms. I shall control all urges to scratch them. I really hope to get back to work tomorrow. But I also know that its better for me to recover fully first before going back to work. It makes more sense to sacrifice one more day of work rather than to go back to work half-recovered, only to risk having to take several more days of MC later on. But I really want to go back to work soon. Its more stressful having to stay at home than to be at work!

Gotta go prepare to sleep. Shall update more often starting from tonight.

See ya and gdnite.


Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

My kindergarten ambition was to be Ultraman. I've since downgraded my sights to being a Tai-Tai's toy-boy. Heh.

Thanks for your kind words! And oh, I hate contact lens too. Haha.

1:17 AM

Blogger antisocialfreak said...

Bludder, u must be allergic to work... like me! Gee, I wish I can get a day or 2 of MC also. Sian.

8:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

working in a lab is a timebomb! bound for allergies to 'pop' up sooner or later :(
Prednisolone takes some time to work. ;) my mice takes a week plus to respond to it. haha

take care. Ciaoz

1:12 AM


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