A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Its kinda queer that some like to leave their comments on blogs without stating who they are. It really makes me wonder whether I really know the particular anonymous person, or whether its just a passerby that happens to chance upon my blog. If its a friend, then I'd prefer you to leave your name or at least a nick that I can recognise. If you're just a passerby, thanks for making the effort to type a comment, but still, it would be nicer to be known than to be anonymous.

I'm not trying to say that its wrong to be anonymous, but that really is not a style that I'm used to. Each time I decide to leave comments on any blog, I'll definitely leave a name or a nick. Feels friendlier you see. Or at least, personally I think it feels friendlier.

OK so much for all the anonymous thingy.
How was your day? I hope all of you all had a good day. Midweek is approaching.

Do you feel that, if you keep looking and staring at a particular word, the spelling tends to look more and more weird? Its like, the more you look at it, the more the spelling looks wrong.

And also, do you feel that words actually look like what they are supposed to mean? Haha. If you don't get what I mean, then your intellectuality is probably a little below average.
Just look at some examples:

Doesn't the word FAT looks fat? Doesn't the word WEIRD give you the feeling of weirdness? And the word ROUND. It looks round isn't it? How about the word SILLY? Does it make you feel silliness just by looking at it? And the word LAUGH. Do you actually get the feeling of Hahaha when you look at it? Doesn't the word FACT look factual? Straight and factual?

So, it is because the words represent the meanings they represent because they actually look like it? Or is it because we feel that they actually look like what they mean only because we know the meanings beforehand?

Try it yourself, take a dictionary and find a word that you duno the meaning to. Look at the word for sometime. Feeeeel the feeling it gives you. Guess the meaning. Look at the actual meaning on the dictionary. Have you guessed correctly? Are you anywhere near the actual meaning? Haha. I've attempted a number of times and somehow the feeling that the words give me is actually very near to the actual meaning. So I've always believed that the words are formed that way because they look like what they mean.

I feel like going to a Pasar Malam. Because I wanna look at stickers. Yes, I'm 25 this year. But I still am amazed by stickers. Winnie the pooh stickers, Strawberry shortcake stickers, Cinnamoroll stickers, all the cutesy cutesy stickers. I have loads of stickers at home. I have a cute sticker pasted on every piece of the stationeries at my workplace. I have stickers pasted on every file on my workdesk. Stickers are simply a part of my life. Stickers really aren't just meant to be for kids. They make adults like me happy too.

I'm looking forward to the Mooncake Festival. Because I wanna eat the egg yolks inside the mooncakes.


Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

I LOVE STICKERS TOO :D! And I'm approaching 28. Damn.

Anyway, I feel the mooncake yolks yucky leh :D!

12:48 AM

Blogger ReneRene said...

sian: Maybe you can donate the mooncake yolks to me then.. I love 'em

1:37 AM


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