A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Of skin-crack-directly-underneath-the-nails.

Great. The skin directly beneath my fingernails have cracked, split. Awful. Its very painful. You know that part? the part under the fingernails where those japanese soldiers torture people by driving wooden splinters right into the gap. Yup there. Its VERY painful when you have a crack there. Just a teeny weeny bit of skin movement and I'm feeling as if a knife just cut me right under the nails. Cannot imagine the wooden splinters torture method. Damn inhumane.

So now I got like 5 or 6 handyplasts stuck on my hands. So now I'm wondering how to avoid the pain while doing my labwork tomorrow. Is there any chance of them healing completely just over a night's sleep?

Its really very ouch, very ouch.

Why do we worry about money everyday? Why do we talk about money everyday? Why do we think of money everyday?
Money is like oxygen. Can't do without it.
And I actually dozed off while typing this entry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

gor will be locking up his blog for a short while ar ling = ) let u noe when opening it again.

11:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup, it sucks.. having the same problem too :(

2:24 AM


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