A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Why I should be more enthusiastic

I'm a goner. I just ate bread. Bread with hazelnut chocolate spread. And then I ate a banana with hazelnut chocolate dip. And I ate chips before that. Great. I load myself with carbohydrates and calories and then I go to bed.

Its funny how I always get a stomachache whenever I sit down infront of my laptop, open up my excel spreadsheet to calculate finances for the month. Its not coincidental, the stomachache with the excel spreadsheet. I've tried it many times. The stomachache never fails to come. Now I truly believe that stress causes stomach disorders. Can this be the reason why my stomach is always giving me problems? Omg. This is pathetic.

The weekend ends. Monday tomorrow. The boss will be back tomorrow from her conference at US. I haven't met anyone as enthusiastic as her. She'll be coming back to the lab tomorrow morning, straight from the airport.

Why I should try to be much more enthusiastic about my job:
1. The boss is really very enthusiastically enthusiastic.
2. I would be getting a really high pay IF I'm paid for overtime.
3. The boss micro-manages right down to every minute details, so I should be happy to have her breathing down my neck anytime everytime I need her comments.
4. The friendly boss will ring me on my handphone if she doesn't see me around when she's looking for me.
5. I can spend 3 hours travelling in the comfort of SMRT and SBS. Oh! What an enjoyable task!
6. There is absolutely no handsome dudes in the department to distract me from my work.
7. I have tons of work to keep me working hard every minute of the day. Prevents me from developing the bad habit of becoming lazy.
8. No boring weekends with nothing to do. There is always work on weekends to keep me occupied.
9. Journal club is oh, absolutely fun. Fantastic. Fabulous. Thumbs up. Vote for it.
10. I have to wake up at 5.30am every morning. Its a good habit to be up early you know. The air is the freshest at this time!

Oh well. Back to work tomorrow. Harsh reality of life.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The lowest lifeform

Its tough being an only child. Its only the second day of payday. Yet more than half the money is gone. On paying all the bills, all the study loans, insurance, all the medical bills, dad's physio sessions, dad's outpatient treatments. Which makes me wonder how I'm gonna survive the rest of the month. Oh well. I probably can survive, if I eat only plain bread for lunch everyday, and drink free water from the watercooler. And walk to my workplace to save on transport costs. Yah, I can start walking at like 5:00am in the morning so that I'll reach by 8:00am. By train and bus it takes about 1.5 hours to get there, so I reckon by walking it takes twice as long?

Great. This is my life. I work hard but I don't see the money. So whats the whole point. So now you see why my number one aspiration is to be a TaiTai.

Great. I got a university degree and got myself into debt, only to realise that I'm still the lowest lifeform in the lab. The rest of them have at least a masters. Little, little me.


How to become a TaiTai instantly. 3 great ways:

1. Strike Toto grand prize alone. And I mean ALONE, not by sharing with 17 or 18 other winners.
2. Marry a rich but dying old man and inherit his fortune.
3. Discover some secret hidden family fortune from many years ago.

Monday, September 11, 2006

2nd entry for tonight: On being a taitai

Reasons why I have the potential to be a TaiTai:

1. I enjoy the feeling of waking up and knowing that there's nothing in particular that I need to accomplish for the day.

2. I am very capable of entertaining myself when I'm alone.

3. I have no problems with eating meals outside alone if my future very-the-rich hubby has no time to acccompany me, as long as its a nice restaurant.

4. I enjoy bummin' around doing nothing important.

5. I'm very into blingblings.

6. I enjoy shopping alone.

7. I enjoy dressing up nicely even if I'm going out alone and not meeting anyone in particular.

8. I take at least 1.5 hours to choose my clothes and prep myself before I step out of the house.

9. Sad to say, I am mentally prepared that ultra-rich men have a tendency to fool around outside.

Reasons why I can be a better TaiTai than most TaiTais:

1. I don't have the inclination to dye my hair too havoc-ly red.

2. I have better dress sense.

3. I have better taste when choosing blingblings.

4. I am more IT-savvy.

5. I will not spend all the money on shopping. I will spend some of it to sign up for courses to upgrade myself or to make life more interesting for myself. Cooking classes, language classes, Yoga, Pilates, whatever.

6. I will attempt to control my spending.

7. I will not waste time and cash playing Mahjong. No interest in it.

8. I have no inclination to find myself a Gigolo. Not at all.



Super-sensitive Me.

So I had a kinda disastrous weekend. First I got persistent tummy cramps which, according to the doctor, is due to me being allergic to milk. Yep true, I've been drinking fresh milk on a daily basis for weeks. I had such intestinal cramps years ago, when I also drank milk on a daily basis. I am still having occasional cramps now which I hope will go away completely asap.

Then, I got scalded by hot chicken soup which fortunately, was not at boiling point. But it was damn freakingly painful. Two red patches, one on each thigh. Luckily, my thighs didn't get blistered or cooked.

Does anyone remember ZI(3) LUO(2) CHA(4)? Haha. If you are around my age and you used to watch SBC's channel 8 drama serials last time, you will surely remember zi luo cha. Zi luo cha is the character from 'the last swordsman'. The drama serial in which, in one of the episodes, you are able to suddenly spot HBD flats in the background while the swordsmen are gliding over water. Haha. Amusing.

Have to avoid cow's milk and cheese for the time being. Cheese you know, CHEESE. How can I ever survive without cheese in my life? I guess I can still eat them bah. Just need to watch that I don't take it on the daily basis.

Coco-Crunch and Cornflakes doesn't good in Soya bean milk. I heeded the doctor's advice to substitute cow's milk with soya bean milk. But some things just don't taste as good as they can be if they are matched with uncompatible things. Its just different lah.

Mooncake festival is coming soon eh. All the innovative fanciful flavours of mooncakes coming out again. Icecream mooncakes, which are essentially round blocks of icecream coated with chocolate layers that are supposedly the mooncake skins. Yoghurt mooncakes, for the health conscious folks. Raspberry cheese mooncakes. Tiramisu mooncakes. Mocha mooncakes. Or the expensive abalone mooncakes, the birdnests mooncakes.

Yah I think its fun to try such new fanciful flavours. But I still feel that traditional mooncakes with egg yolks are the best. Because all the fanciful flavours aren't really mooncakes. They are either icecream or normal western cakes. If free mooncakes are to fall from the sky and befall on me this coming mid-autumn festival, I hope they'll be white lotus paste mooncakes with four yolks inside. Yum.

I'm allergic and sensitive to many things. Dust and Haze gives me itchy and blocked nose. Milk gives me intestinal cramps. Limpets (a kind of clam) gives me such a dangerously blocked airway such that I have to be sent for emergency rescue via oxygen masks and jabs. A little more heat and sweat gives me heat rashes all over, which is why I try not to eat at hawker centres unless the weather is cold. If I have to eat at hawker centres on a hot day, I usually have to rush home to bathe right after that. Ingestion of a certain amount of food colouring and food additives/preservatives gives me rashes too, which is why I always carry antihistamines with me. Just a single cube of fresh pineapple will trigger gastric attacks in me. Tomyum soup too. Sleeping with the fan or aircon on, without a soft toy and blanky on my tummy will give me a tummyache the next morning.

Hai..Supersensitive me.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My sandwiches

Been having very few entries lately. Because my mind always tend to blank out whenever I try to blog. I always end up munching on potato chips and going to bed feeling guilty, although I enjoyed the chips alot. Tonight, the same thing is happening again. But, but, but I'm not gonna eat the chips. I shall block out all thoughts of munching on the nice, crispy chips. No way, not gonna eat chips tonight. I shall fight off all temptations. I shall resist the evil force that's pulling me towards the chips. I shall not, shall not eat the chips. I shall drink water, and go sleep.

If I don't eat the chips, I will go to bed unsatisfied. If I eat the chips, I will go to bed guilty. Dilemma.

I also feel like eating Chocolate Truffles. Hey do ya know that Chocolate Truffles are named so cos' they resemble a group of edible fungi which so happens to be called truffles too?

Do ya know that Ruffles chips (Cheddar cheese, or original) taste good with bread? Try it, Make a chips sandwich! Spread some margarine over your plain white bread. Lay out chips all over the piece of bread. Place another piece of margarine-ed bread over it. Enjoy! Ultra-loaded with carbohydrates though.

I like icecream sandwich too.
And tomato ketchup sandwich. Spread margarine thinly over the plain white bread. Then spread tomato ketchup over it. Spread the ketchup the way you would spread your jam. Only Maggi Tomato ketchup tastes good with the bread though. The rest of the brands don't really taste as nice.

Yea. And Milo sandwich too. Spread margarine over plain white bread. Open your tin of Milo powder and scoop heaps of Milo powder onto the bread. Use the spoon to flatten the heaps on the bread into a thick layer of Milo powder. Nice! But be sure to drink lotsa water after this so that you won't get a sorethroat!

And peanut butter banana sandwich. Cut fresh bananas into bite-size slices. Spread margarine and peanut butter (The peanut butter must be thicker than the margarine) onto plain white bread. Layer the cut bananas on top. Enjoy! Oh and you can always replace the peanut butter with Nutella Hazelnut spread. Wosh!


Monday, September 04, 2006

Scents and Smells

Here I am, munching on potato chips in an attempt to munch away the impeding monday blues. Unhealthy for the body, but beneficial for the mind and mood.

Certain scents and smells reminds me of certain periods of my life. When I go out, sometimes I catch a whiff of this certain type of perfume that reminds me of my lower secondary home economics teacher, which in turn reminds me of secondary school days. Sometimes the aircon smell of certain buildings remind me of my polytechnic days because the smell resembles that of TP's tutorial rooms. The sweet scent of Oil of Ulan Moisturiser reminds me of my primary school days, because thats what my mom always use during those times. Etc, etc. But strangely, so far there isn't any particular smell or scent that reminds me of my university days.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Will update tomorrow. Tonight gotta rush a report that is way overdue! Argh! Back tomorrow if I got the time!