A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Should I, or should I not

So the weekend is over again. Weekends always pass 10 times faster than weekdays. At least its already October. There is public holidays in October, although one of which falls on a Saturday. Well, better than nothing.

I'm contemplating going for my wisdom teeth extraction in December. 1 tooth on my left, 1 tooth on my right. Judging from the awful way the two wisdom tooth embeds trickily into my gums, I would need an operation which would then be followed by a 1 or 2 weeks MC. Should I?

The Pros:
1. I would have a 2 weeks break from work.
2. I would be rid of all the recurrent gum infections caused by the wisdom teeth.
3. My other teeth would gradually straighten back since the wisdom teeth won't be there anymore to invade the space.

The Cons:
1. My boss will sure blackface me for taking a 2 weeks MC.
2. I would have to pay around 850 bucks for the extraction.
3. I would have to suffer the pain after the anaesthesia has worn off.
4. I would have to suffer more pain for the rest of the days until it recovers.
5. I would not be able to eat what I like for at least a week.
6. I would have to look ugly, with swollen cheeks.
7. In the swollen state, I would not be able to go out and enjoy anyway.
8. I would have to swallow yucky painkillers and antibiotics.


Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

Please find a good dentist! You would not want to end up with swollen cheeks like what happened to me, serious!

On the otehr hand, the long MC was nice. Heh.

11:14 PM

Blogger ReneRene said...

SBS: Ei but I think the cheeks will sure be to very swollen no matter how good the dentist is leh..scarey..duno how long it'll take to go away

11:37 PM

Blogger babyviolette said...

I say stuff the boss and get them out over Christmas.
You can go on a mini diet because it will be too painful to eat anything other than porridge. Xmas is usually the time to pile on those kilos so this time round you will have a reason to abstain, plus January will see you a few kilos lighter than your counterparts who have stuffed their greedy faces over the holiday period. As for the MC, no one does work around the holiday period anyway so depending on your line of work you might be twiddling your thumbs all day.

You will have to suffer and watch everyone else pigging out on xmas goodies while you walk around in pain.
You will swell up like a melon that is about to burst. The dull ache after the extraction is annoying. You might accidently pop open your stiches while you are sleeping and bleed all over your pillow, depending on how you sleep.

9:56 AM


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