A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

1 lian and 2 bengs

I'm watching the season finale of Lost as I'm writing this.

This morning on the train, there were 3 exceptionally attention-seeking people. 1 ah lian and 2 ah bengs. They were talking to one another in damn frickingly loud volumes even though they were just seated like just within 5 milimetres away from one another. The ah lian was wearing this black extra mini micro puny tubetop with flimsy low-class material. And extra mini micro puny denim shorts. And this sweater over her low-class tubetop. I was thinking, why would an ah lian like her bother to wear a sweater over her tubetop.

The 2 ah bengs. As usual, they wore flipflops. I've always wondered how the ah bengs managed to look so low class in flipflops lor. Flipflops are supposed to give a 'beachy' and slack look, not a low-class look. Probably their flipflops are cheapo stuffs. But then again, I don't think so. I've got friends wearing cheapo flipflops but they still look 'beachy' instead of low-class. I think its more of the way you carry yourself in that. And the behaviour of course.

The BEST thing was, one of the ah bengs actually took out his handphone and on his ultra-super-duper techno ringtones to FULL volume. And the 3 of them started enjoying the tones for the rest of their journey. I mean like, WAHLAU. Even got the techno Lao Shu Ai Da Mi song. And the that that..what's that called..the one that has to do with don't know what crazy frog. And still got some others that sounded really..those ultra techno kind.

What an unpeaceful train journey I had today. At first I was thinking how lucky I am to get on a train with available seats. And that I can have a peaceful nap till Buona Vista. Jeez. What luck. I've never managed to have a peaceful 'Journey to the West'. Journey to the west since I live in the East and I have to travel all the way to the west side

Suffered from Colitis for the past 2 few days. Colitis is inflammation of the Colon, in case some of you don't know. And colon is also called the large intestine, which is the part of the intestine from the cecum to the rectum. Check out an anatomy book if you don't know what cecum and rectum are. Today feels quite fine so far. I hope it stays this way.


I bought moisturising hand cream just Guardian's just now. My hands really need some moisture boost. The powdered gloves in the lab is making my hands dry and rough. Not to mention that I wash my hands dont know how many times per day when working in the lab.

I've got like normal blood pressure but towards the low side. Which probably explains why I alway feel giddy or feel a tightening everytime I change my posture too fast. Or rather, just fast.

Dozing off. Struggling to stay awake to blog properly and to watch Lost.

I wanna start my precious beloved weekend early by waking up early on Saturday.

Dozing. Dozing.

I give up. Gonna go brush teeth, bathe and sleep liao.



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