A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Red font and courses

Font is red because..I also have no idea why I chose to use red. Oh well.

Good news. I can knock off on time on Friday cos' the journal club was shifted to 12pm. But the bad thing is that they organised a gathering lunch to go with it. So that means I gotta sit through lunch on Friday with my lab people. Nooo I'm definitely not anti-social. But I'm really not the type to make extra efforts to communicate leisurely with people whom are of different frequencies from me. I'm pretty much okay as long as there is no hostility between me and them. As long as the working relationship is fine then I'm rather okay that there is no leisure communication between us.

So what are the differences between them and me?
Just to list a few..
1. They love korean dramas and I dont.
2. They love Japanese dramas and I dont.
3. They love taiwanese dramas and I dont.
4. They are crazy about pia-ing VCDs in their freetime and I dont.
5. Jokes that they find funny, I dont.
6. Jokes that I find funny, they dont.
7. Topics that they find interesting, I dont.
8. Topics that I find interesting, they dont.
9. They are all doing their PHDs while I'm not.
10. They have crystal clear ideas of whats going on during journal club while I'm hazy most of the time.
11. Things that seem normal to me doesn't appear to be normal to them.
12. Things that seem normal to them doesnt appear to be normal to me.
10. We have different perceptions.
11. blah blah..blah blah..etc, etc

To sum up in a sentence, we are of different frequencies.


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