A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, December 12, 2005


How should I describe today. Its a Monday. I'm allergic to Mondays. Probably I might even be allergic to all the weekdays. Weekdays are allergic to me too. They always rain when I'm trying pathetically to get myself out of bed at 5am in the morning. Thats when I feel that the whole world gets to enjoy sleeping comfortably in the cool weather except me. And the day always turn humid when I'm trying to rush home after I knock off. In which I always end up sticky and uncomfortable after I get home.

Its mutual allergy to each other. Weekdays and me.

I realised that I tend to whine more frequently these days. It comes with age. Or at least in my case.
8 more days (excluding weekends) to being on leave. Counting down every night. Let me be out of the lab soon! Faster! May the time pass as fast as possible until the 23rd, then move as slow as possible until the 25th, and then take a complete stop on christmas day itself. Then we'll be having christmas everyday. But will life really be good if we have christmas everyday? Hmm..
Work is getting more stressful everyday. But thats normal. I guess everyone of us has to put up with such shit.
My nose is constantly itchy. Especially now that there are more dust in the air since there are some kind of renovations going on near my place. Its so unpeaceful when your nose is permanently itchy. Anti-allergy nasal sprays used to work, but now it doesn't work anymore.
I think anyone who reads my blog will feel that I'm a problematic, unhappy kid. I feel that I really sound like one. Problematic. Sulky. Unsatisfied. Broke. Stressed with life. Nonsensical. Uncontented. Sounds like one of those phases that teenagers go through to become adults. I remembered I was quite a happy teenager and I didn't really go through the sulky teenager part to become an adult. Probably life is destined in such a way that everyone of us has to go through the unhappy teenager phase. And since I skipped it in the earlier years of my life, now is the time to go through it. Aww.
Have to be at my workplace earlier from tomorrow onwards. 8am latest. What life! The lack of rest probably explains why Paracetamol has became my friend and why I'm so grumpy. But how to sleep earlier?! I finish telly at 10pm everynight. Bathe. Go online awhile and its 12+ already. I can sleep earlier if I don't go online. But whats life without the daily dose of internet?! Highlight of the day man. Its a good way to end the day before I go to bed. If not I will feel very incomplete. I will be Devastated. Distraught. Torn. Zombiefied. Deprived.
Gotta rush off to bed now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't blog so late at nite.
Slp early. You'll feel much more refreshed and rejuvenated. The road is still long:)

9:40 PM


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