A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Random Topics

Baby Eeyore

New addition to my plushies family!

Baby Piglet

Another one..

Baby Tigger

And another one..

Baby Pooh

And another one!


I just ate supper. Maggi Mini Noodles in Marmite soup base. Discarded the MSG-laden seasoning and made my own marmite soup base instead. Healthier mah. Marmite has got loadsa Vitamin B. Oh and I ate lemon puffs after that.

This means I have to brush toothies AGAIN. I always brush toothies before my night bath. But always end up eating supper after that. So always have to brush again. 4 bad things about brushing toothies an extra time everynight:

1. Wastage of toothpaste

2. Wastage of water

3. Shortening the lifespan of my toothbrush

4. Wastage of time


Chillos are nice. I love the mintychoc flavoured onez.


I feel like eating DimSum...


Went for the 1st session of the animal course today. Oh the full name is actually Responsible Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

There you have it. The title spelt the contents out. 8 lectures in all. Practical will be this coming Friday.

The lectures list:

1. Biomedical Research Regulations, NACLAR and you

2. The IACUC - Responsibilities, functions and animal protocol

3. The 3Rs, Responsibilites of researcher and use of alternatives

4. OHS in biomedical research

5. Animal handling and blood collection

6. Disease and Diagnosis

7. Basic laboratory animal anaesthesia and analgesia; Recognising pain and distress

8. Introduction to surgery, post-op care and euthanasia

Lectures today, as usual, just like any others, are damn sleepy events. Im kinda thinking that if one day I got insomnia, putting me in a lecture might do the trick.


I seem to eat more nowadays for some unknown reasons. I hope I burn enough energy though. Otherwise the excess carbohydrates will be converted and stored as fats. Then I'll start rolling to work instead of taking mrt. I'd rather be spending money on public transport than to roll around free-of-charge.

Actually its bad to talk about rolling as an action of being fat. Didn't mean to poke fun of obese folks. Well some people are just born with more fat cells. Its not like they over-eat or something. Its not funny. They didn't chose to be obese. Like I didn't choose to have oily skin.


I'm dozing off! ZzZzZzZzZ..

Gonna go brush toothies and prepare to turn in for the night.

Thats it.



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