A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Friday, March 31, 2006


Some of the little little things I enjoy:

1. Taking a long comfy bath at night.

2. Chatting with a favourite friend over sms.

3. Repeating the same favourite song on iTunes for hours on end.

4. Spending time with my clothes cupboard to look through all my clothes.

5. Re-sorting my accessories.

6. Go out shopping alone.

7. Reorganising my thoughts at night.

What I do not enjoy:

1. Having to worry about money.

2. The feeling of waiting with no definite answer.

3. The feeling of hoping for a good outcome.

I realised something while I was doing some people-watching at Raffles place Shenton Way area. But I can't put it nicely in words. So I think I'll use graphs to briefly explain what I'm trying to say.

bimbos -2


bimbos - 3


Oh by the way, to all those who've heard about my dad and have the intention to ask me what exactly happened to my dad, sorry I don't feel like repeating it all over again for the millionth time. Please refer to one of my blog entry. Thank you for your concern.


Today they were giving out this ultra thick lanyard. A freebie. To celebrate corporatisation I think. Its thick lorz, really thick. Thick lorz. I mean it. Thicker in width than the normal lanyard you see. I think it will only look nice on a well-built guy, or someone with a really thick neck.


Lanyard - 2

See how thick it is.

Colleague: (Passes Lanyard to me). Ei Irene, would you want to use this erxin looking thingy?

Me: WAH why so thick?!

Colleague: Nah! Take bah!

Me: Looks ultra durable.

Colleague: Yea, it looks like its strong enough to be used to hang ourselves. Shang(4) Diao(4)!

Me: Yah hor. If boss stresses us too much maybe we can attempt suicide in the lab by hanging ourselves with this (Points to lanyard). Imagine the look on her face lor.


Tonight I happily changed my msn nick to "PaperDoll - Zi Wa Wa". Its cute mah. I was so ultra satisfied with "PaperDoll - Zi Wa Wa".

Friend: Paperdoll (in chinese characters)

Me: Yea. Zi Wa Wa.

Friend: It should be ZHI Wa Wa.

.... Diao. Too think that I was so happy and proud of my new nick. Until I realised that I got the Hanyu Pinyin for 'Zhi' wrong.


Getting hungry liao. So better go sleep now before I start bingeing on my chips.

Have a good weekend.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Daily Rumblings

OK maybe tonight I shall spend a few paragraphs here to explain what actually happened to my dad since most of you all are still asking.

Its Peritonitis. Thats an infection of the Peritoneal cavity. Its a life threatening condition since there is a risk of a systemic infection.

So what caused his peritonitis? He has a 3cm hole in his duodenum, which is a part of his small intestine. Food and gastric contents leaked out through the 3cm hole when he eats. They leaked out into his peritoneal cavity, which is supposed to be free of bacteria and gastric contents. So after the food leaked out, they decomposed in the peritoneal cavity, causing a mass infection. On top of that, the gastric contents which are acidic and everything, also insulted the peritoneal cavity. So all that adds up to cause the severe pain and infection.

So the next question is that, how did he get a 3cm hole in his duodenum?

Long term medication of a combination of steriods and painkillers caused ulcers to form in his duodenum. Ulcers ultimately led to the formation of the hole.

And then you all will ask, why did he take so long to heal?

Firstly, its bcos the hole opened up again after the surgeon patched it up. Couldn't patch anymore since the tissue around the hole are too soft. So he only can rely on his body's natural healing ability to patch it up.

Secondly, the long term steriods caused his immunity to be lower, and his healing ability to be weakened. This prolongs the healing time.

Thirdly, the hole is in the most awkward position where it can be. Its at the particular position where the bile and fluids from normal drainage passes by. Impact from the movement of the drainage fluids further impedes the healing process of the hole.

Most will ask me, its been like 3 months, why can't he eat?
He can't eat bcos if he does so, the food will start leaking out through the hole again to cause peritonitis again.

Any risk of other complications? Yes. Liver infection. Ischaemia in the intestine too.

Any more questions? Let me know.

A week actually passes quite fast. Fast but still feels draggy. You know what I mean. 10 more working days before I go on leave for a day.
If I have to describe the nature of money, I would say that its extremely volatile. It evaporates away in the twinkling of an eye.
I seem to have more veins on my feet! How do I get rid of 'em? Someone told me I can try to put on fats on my feet so that the veins will appear less obvious. But I think its not worth a try, bcos its so difficult to put on weight on the feet. By the time the gained fat is distributed to the feet, the other parts of the body is already erm..obese maybe? Normally its the tummy that takes on the fat first mah right. Then the next is the thighs and arms. Then the face. Then the duno-what-other-parts of the body. Then eventually the feet.
Feel like drinking Kola Tonic from Fish and Co. Last time I wanted to buy just the Kola Tonic but they said they don't have the cups for takeaways. Diao.
Off to bed!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Whats Your Ambition?

Ying says:u got anything u wan to do in life?

Apple Strudel says: me..

Apple Strudel says: no..cant tink of anyting realistic

Apple Strudel says:and possible

Ying says: haha..

Ying says: u noe ..suddenly i remembered..pri sch got compo

Ying says: ask us wat we wan to bi in future

Apple Strudel says: at first i wanted to be a teacher..den after that i wanted to be a doctor

Apple Strudel says: now i just wan to be rich without having to work

Ying says: eh..i oso wrote teacher leh..dammit..haha

Ying says: yah..i oso..

Ying says: mabbe no nid very rich lah

Ying says: jus ok rich..but dowan work

Apple Strudel says: ya lorz..the key word is 'dunwan work'

Apple Strudel says: hahaz

Apple Strudel says: kns

Apple Strudel says: we r hopeless

Apple Strudel says: mei2 chu1 xi4

Ying says: hahaha..

Ying says: who says..

Ying says:i bet 99.9% of humans r jus like us

Apple Strudel says: hahaz..at least we stil got ambitions mah rite...we aspire to be rich without having to work

Apple Strudel says: its quite ambitious

Ying says: its VERY DAMN ambitious lor..haha

Apple Strudel says: we feel so proud of our ambition rite

Ying says: yah..dammit

Ying says:haha.........


Apple Strudel says: hahaz..

Apple Strudel says: i tink our dialog is interesting

Apple Strudel says: going to put it on my blog

Apple Strudel says: about our ambitions

Ying says: siao leh u..haha..i feel so lame now

Apple Strudel says: wad lame lor..

Apple Strudel says: hahaz

Apple Strudel says: cool wad

Apple Strudel says: we dare to say out wad other pple aspire secretly but dun dare to say

Apple Strudel says: hahahahaz

Ying says: true oso


Monday, March 20, 2006

Big Bird drinks more water

What I like:
1. Money. Gives me what I want and buys me solutions to problems.
2. Softoys, all sizes. Gives me inner peace.
3. Chocolate Truffle. I wish I can have this every birthday.
4. Having a leisurely chat at a nice cafe with my buddies.
5. Money. I just have to mention this again.
6. Stickers.
7. Friday evenings.
8. People who can crap well.
9. Singing. But haven't been to kbox for some time. No time, No money.

What I dislike:
1. Being doubted of my capabilities.
2. Insensitive people.
3. Lizards. More that cockroaches.
4. Hiccups.
5. Swallowing pills. I'd rather have injections.
6. Sunday evenings.
7. Anything by the name of Pearl.
8. Insecurity. In all sense.
9. Having regrets. However its not possible not to have any in one's lifetime.

More to add! But its 1230 and I gotta go sleep. So, till another time!

Big Bird - 2

Weather is hot, so Big Bird drinks more water.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Missing the old, Denying the current

Think I should just drop by even though I haven't got any proper updates, since its been sometime since I last updated.

Still pretty much the same. Missin' the old times, Denying the current times.

Pretty much the same, except that maybe the skin on my hands are more cracked, from too much work. More prominent veins on my feet, from too much standing and walking around. Anyone knows of any remedy for veins? Im worried that I'll have really really ugly veins on my feet that stays with me for the rest of my insignificant life.

The U-Zap advert is really really irritating. Zap Zap Zap. What the hell. Being bombarded with that Zap word continuously is not my idea of a good advert. Plus the U-zap posters and ultra gigantic banners. Fiona Xie looks very much photoshop-ed lorz. Firstly, her skin tone looks overly luminous as in the colour contrast is too high or something. Secondly, the corners of her eyes dont look natural and the iris looks smaller. Thirdly, her legs look more slender than what they actually are. Lastly, her boobs look smaller than their actual size. I guess the whole point of using a U-zap must be to look proportional, so they have to downgrade her boob size using photoshop bah. Oh, Oh, I didn't mean to imply that she looks un-proportional.

Working in my current lab, I take on several roles simultaneously.
1. Purchaser.
2. Researcher.
3. Photocopier girl.
4. Coolie.
5. Cleaner Auntie.
6. Stock-taker.
7. Animal Killer.
8. Neatness maintainer.
9. Zoo Keeper. For my zoo of mice.

But I only get 1 person's worth of salary. I guess its the current trend nowadays to Bao Ga Liao. The only good thing is that time passes fast while at work.

My lab is freakingly warm. Freakingly warm since I joined the lab from Day 1. Complaints lodged already. The reply was that the airconditioner is super duper too old to be repaired properly. They gonna change it away to be new one, but it'll take like 2 months from now. Imagine trying to concentrate on work while there is absolutely zero proper healthy temperature. Plus that labcoat that adds on to the . Maybe one day someone will just collapse from heatstroke inside the lab. I bet they'll come down and replace the airconditioner instantly. Or maybe one of us should just pretend to faint in the lab as a last resort to make them come change the airconditioner instantly.

Slug and Snail. Which one is slower? I remember I saw a snail that was quite fast. So I suppose a slug is slower than a snail. Anyway the word SLUG sounds slower than SNAIL hor?

I think I pretty much got no life. I don't even go out with any of my friends to go shopping after work anymore. Or even to have my dindin outside. All I do after work is to go straight down to the hospital, stay until 830 and go on home to have my late dindin. People tell me I can't possibly keep on doing this. I must give myself some time off to relax after work and that I really don't have to visit dad everyday. But I don't think I'll feel at ease if I don't do so. The valid reason that'll give me an excuse not to go visit dad is probably only if I knock off late.

Got lots more to comment on, but its getting late. So I'll continue another time then.


p.s. Suddenly feel like eating egg tarts.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Pink Retro Candy

Pink Retro Candy - Haha. My new msn nick. Thats like..I dunoe. It just popped up in my head. Pink and Retro.

Still listening to Maksim's Leeloos Tune. I find the Leeloos word very peculiar. I'm wondering whether the file was named correctly or not. I think its correct.

The IACUC people came to our animal house. And made alot of suggestions. Must wear disposable gowns in the animal house while doing our mousework. Normal labcoats are not allowed. Thats a damn waste of money. Not that I care about the money that our dept spend on the disposable gowns. Its just so not-friendly to our environment to keep discarding and discarding. I just feel very sorry for the environment sometimes when I think about the tons of plastic bags and paper bags and what-nots that we churn out. I did try cutting down on plastic bags when I make my purchases outside, but while everyone else is still pia-ing the plastic bags like there's no tomorrow, my little little efforts seems useless.

I've got new stickers. Winnie the pooh and friends onez. Peiying gave them to me. So I also gave her one of my pooh stickers. We were like litle kids trading stickers.

Eeew I'm very sleepy now. Gotta wakey at 530! Continue another time..Out!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

EC House

Ok I can't believe I actually went to EC house to cut my hair. That 10 bucks speed cutting. Most guys don't mind going there for their haircut, but girls will feel that its too risky to go there. I initially thought it was risky too, but what the hell, its fast and cheap so I decided to give it a try. I can always wreck their signboard if they don't do my hair well. But it turned out okie. I've got a perfectly straight girlish fringe now and neater looking hair, all for only 10 bucks. Not bad for a first try at EC house.


You Are 44% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

You're a Playful Kisser

Kissing is a huge game for you, a way to flirt and play
You're the first one to suggest playing spin the bottle at a party
Or you'll go for the wild kiss during a game of truth or dare
And you're up for kissing any sexy stranger if the mood is right!

You Are Lightning

Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence

You are best known for: your power

Your dominant state: performing

You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

Monday, March 06, 2006


I never had monday blues when I was in school. But working gives me ultra serious monday blues. I guess that happens to most of us. Unless, unless you are really passionate about your job. If not, most of us will only be working for the sake of money. What else. All for that meagre sum of money.


Maksim's Leeloos Tune is a nice song. Its those kind of music that makes you feel as if its raining heavily outside while you are snuggled indoors pondering over life. This tune has a depressing touch to it.


I just had chocolate soya bean curd. And honeydew soya bean curd. All the way from Chomp Chomp. Both with Attap seeds as toppings. Nice.


I'm having flu again. Sorethroat and bodyaches and everything. Looks like my immunity is kinda lousy. Not enough rest I guess. A tiring period. Oh, but I can't take MC tomorrow. Firstly cos I had like 2 weeks MC after the operation, so I don't know what my boss would do to me if I take MC again so soon. And also cos I've already exceeded the given number MC days for the year. 14 days per year. But I already used up around 17 to 20 days. They are deducting the money for exceeding. Which means that for the rest of this year, I probably would have to crawl to work even if I'm sick. Even if have to faint, also must reach my lab entrance then can faint there to let boss see. If I have to die, I will also have to die in my lab.


Job and money is very important to me right now.

I'm repeating that Maksim's tune for the millionth time tonight.

Do you people find that my blog is an unhappy blog?


What's with Tammy's video. I saw the video and I don't really find anything worth hoo-haaing about. Its just 2 teenagers having premarital sex. She is stupid to record this kinda thing on her phone. Didn't she think of the possibility of losing her phone by accident? Maybe she just wans people to see it, I don't know. The guy in the video is ugly. Those skinny bengs type, with beng hairstyle. The girl herself hasn't a good figure. There isn't anything special about her features as well. I wonder why people say shes the school belle.

I'm going to take leave in April. Should be a day and a half. To get away from work for a little while. My boss keeps breathing down my neck everyday. Everyday, and I mean EVERYDAY, she'll come asking me for updates on what I'm working on. Please. I'm the one and only lab officer in the whole lab, while the rest are graduate students. I have so much other things to do on top of my projects. If she really wants progress everyday, she should just hire one more lab officer. Isn't that the simplest logic that anyone can figure out?
Came across this word which I think is quite cool. Came across this word before, but tonight I suddenly got this feeling that its very cool. FASHIONISTA. Doesn't it sound glam?
From Wikipedia:
Definition of Fashionista is: English word of spanish origin defined as "a person working in or deeply involved with the high-fashion industry, such as a designer, model, photographer, buyer, writer, wearer; a devotee to clothing fashion" noun
I wanna be a Fashionista.
Feels like the Paracetamol has lost its effect already. Gonna take another dose now and go sleep. Gotta crawl to the lab tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Teddy Big Foot

There's a teddy bear
I want you to meet
but whatever you do
don't mention his feet
Just be polite
and try not to stare
At the enormous size 10s
Of this cute little bear
By some freak of nature
He was given these 'plates'
And so he's a loner

So he prays all night
To the stars above
Please send me someone
Who might give me love
Now please don't laugh
This story is true
Will he find love?
Will it be you?

-Teddy Big Foot-

TeddyBigFoot - 1

TeddyBigFoot - 2