A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The perfect Girl

I fell asleep just now, in front of the telly. I had a nightmare. I dreamt of the boss. Waaaa..

Bossa Nova is pretty nice. Its my new favourite.

The perfect Girl in the Ideal world:

1. Is independant.
2. Is pretty but not Bimbo-ish/Lian-ish.
3. Is intelligent.
4. Is rich.
5. ...
6. ...

What else har? I can't think of any others.

Since my brain is currently unable to churn out proper sentences, I guess I'll just do a Meme that I got on my email. Pretty boring, though.

Current Mood: Unhappy. I just looked into the mirror and I saw an ugly girl inside.

Current Taste: Chocolate-coated Macadamia.

Current Clothes: My CCHSM teeshirt and this pair of blue shorts my gran bought for me ages ago

Current Toenail Color: Nude

Current Time: 11.07pm.

Current Surroundings: Laptop, Wall, Surrounded by books and papers.

Current Annoyances: My headache, The hot weather, Jasmine Tye.

Current Thoughts: What to wear tomorrow.

First First Best Friends: Yongying from Chinese Class in Primary 5. From then on we always bully the 2 boys sitting infront of us.

First Crush: Secondary school. I think its some guy called Calvin with an oh-so-fashionable Aaron Kwok wannabe hairstyle at the time when Aaron Kwok just became popular.

First Movie: Casper. Yah, I didn't watch any movies until I was in Secondary One.

First Lie: Pretended to be sick because I didn't like going to school.

First Music: Some Aaron Kwok songs.

Lasts Last Cigarette: Haven't smoked before in my 25 years of life.

Last Drink: Plain water, in my favourite BadBadzMaru Cup.

Last Car Ride: On Monday.

Last Crush: Paul Twohill. Stone me to death bah!

Last Movie: The Fast & the Furious 3.

Last CD played: Bossa Nova II.

Have you ever broken the law: Does Jaywalking count?

Have you ever been arrested: Nopes.

Have you ever skinny-dipped: Nopes.

Have you ever been on TV: Yes. Appeared on one of Gurmit's show when I was in sec 1.

Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: A dummy? Had to learn CPR during a First Aid Course.

5 things you are wearing: Pink Hairclip. Blue hairclip. Specs. cchsmTee. Blue shorts.

4 things you done today: Watch Sg Idol Results show and cursed when Jasmine Tye didn't get kicked back home. Paste WinnieThePooh stickers on all of my lapcoat buttons. Made Cheese Omelete for family. PCR.\

3 things you can hear right now: Chega de Saudade (Antonio Carlos Jobim/ Claus Ogerman) playing on iTunes. My mom's footsteps as she is mopping the floor. Tapping sounds on my keyboard.

2 things u do before sleeping: Go online. Tuck softoys into bed.

1 thing u do when you're bored: Read Blogs.

Tag: Nah. Shan't bother to tag people. I know this is rather bo liao.


p.s. Haha. Of course my last crush wasn't Paul Twohill. Just Jokin'!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I've sinned.

Fondue 2

Fondue 1

Eaten up the most sinful, beautiful and delicious Fondue. Drank the chocolate. Felt high. Hallucination started. I keep believing that tomorrow is a Saturday. You mean its not?

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Almost fainted right on the streets today. Was walking under this building when something dropped on me. Felt slightly heavy, slightly dense. Felt a little hard, like a twig. Dropped right onto my head with a thud. Then proceeded onto my back. What the hell. It wouldn't stop moving. Then I realised it was wriggling. Persistently wriggling. Frantic. Logic told me it couldn't be a branch or a twig then. Branches and Twigs don't wriggle. Then I realised it was a LIZARD. Petrified. I felt like killing myself. Of all things it had to be a LIZARD. And a big one. I swear that it looked mutated. A mutant lizard. Since young I've feared lizards like hell. Wicked things, they are.

First it was a cockroach that dropped on me. Now its a mutant lizard. I'd rather cockroaches than lizards. At least cockroaches are just hairy. Lizards have toes and feet that have suctioning power. They have tails that detach from their bodies as they please. They have beady eyes that keep following you around. Yuck. Major Yuck. All the yucks in the world. Infinite Yuck.

I went through my past entries, from the time I just started my blog till the current one. Realised that I couldn't recognise some of my entries as mine, even though its mine. The writing seems so un-familiar. Sounds so un-familiar. Was it really me who wrote em'? Maybe I have a split personality or something!

Happy Monday Blues to everyone. It has just turned 12am and its officially Monday.

The Pram Phenomenon

Have you ever noticed, whats the difference between a Centipede and a Millipede?
A Centipede has 2 legs per segment, while a Milipede has 4 legs per segment. Which means that a Milipede has twice as many legs as a Centipede of equal length! Heh.

Prams are everywhere. I don't think this is a sign of increasing birth rate, since the papers just mentioned that our local birthrate had recently hit the lowest of the lows. It just shows that parents are over-abusing the convenience of prams. I don't remember seeing as many prams around when I was younger. With a pram, they assume that they are entitled the right of way. They appear out of nowhere and violently squeeze in from behind, overtaking you by using their prams as a weapon. They don't care even if they accidentally rolled over your toes. Kids that are obviously old enough, with fully functional limbs, are still squeezing themselves into prams. Very spoilt, very.

Its really important to sacrifice experimental animals humanely. And please, ensure that they are really fully totally dead before you start dissecting it. There is this person who was halfway dissecting a mouse. The mouse started twitching. The person realised that the mouse wasn't fully dead yet. The mouse looked down at its own half-dissected body, and then looked up at the person dissecting it with a why-are-you-cutting-me look. This is very sad and painful for the mouse. This is very wicked. This person is not me, I heard this from another person. If I were him I would be traumatised for the rest of my life.

Its Sunday morning and I'm having Monday Blues already. I've got research paper that I need to figure out. Its sick, always bringing work home. Its a sad life. Maybe I'll just run them all through the paper shredder and forget about it. Its a rest day afterall.

Got a sudden craving for the Cold Cut Trio at Subway. I like it dripping with Honey Mustard and Mayonnaise with a little bit of Sweet Onion Sauce. Like it cold, not toasted. With extra Cheese. I wannnn.....


New Toys. I like.

Friday, August 18, 2006

About CARS and GUYS

The car driven by DK in The Fast & the Furious 3 was a Nissan Fairlady? It was so nicely modified that I couldn't recognise it as a Fairlady.

If I can choose any Sedan I want, it has got to be the Lexus IS250, perfect. If it has got to be an SUV, then it must be Lexus RX350. Some would prefer BMW X5 as an SUV. I don't particularly like X5 because, doesn't it look too bulky? Some say RX looks like a bubble car. I don't agree! For occasional days when the cutesy mood is in, taking the new beetle convertible out will be a good idea.

The new Camry is quite nice, although I think it would look better if the rearlights are made a little bigger. Makes the rear appear more proportional. Maybe I'm stereotyping, but these are the impressions that I get:
Guys driving Camrys are very reliable guys. Haha. And guys driving Subaru Impreza (especially heavily modified ones) are rather unreliable.
Any guy driving a Lexus RX is a stable guy.
Any guy driving an Evo8 is an intelligent chiongster.
Any guy driving a BMW 7 series (especially Champagne colour) has an Ah-Chek tendency.
Any guy driving a Mini Cooper is a Metrosexual.

Just for fun, I've listed down the qualities of the perfect guy. But of course, no one in this world can be perfect isn't it?

What a perfect dream guy should be like, the Basics:
1. Knows how to appreciate fine wine and good coffee.
2. A Thinker.
3. Is a Leader.
4. Speaks fluent English. Write fluent English.
5. Reads computer mags and Readers' Digest instead of FHM and Maxim. National Geographic and health mags will do just fine too.
6. Reads Straits Times instead of NewPaper.
7. Knows how to fix basic things in the house.
8. Knows when to speak up and when to shut up.
9. Good with office politics.
10. Not attracted to Bimbos. Shows that he's not too superficial.
11. Doesn't hang out un-necessarily at kopitiams.
12. Is good with Maps and Navigations.
13. Is good with finances and has good, if not basic knowledge of investments.
14. Is able to carry himself well at formal events.
15. Gentlemanly, but must not have the tendency to go all the way out to please the girls or his girlfriend.
16. Is health conscious.
17. No two-timing tendency.
18. Has Savings. Basic Wealth.
19. Doesn't worry too much over small things.
20. Is decisive.

What a perfect dream guy should be like, in the looks department:
1. Keeps his nails short and neat.
2. Spikey hair. (Like Wilbur Pan's? Heh.)
3. Has basic good dress sense and fashion sense.
4. Wear specs. Looks intellectual.

What a perfect dream guy should be like, Bonuses:
1. Drives a Lexus IS250.2. Is very rich.
3. Is very goodlooking.
4. Doesn't ogle at other girls. This is a bonus because its so difficult to find a guy that doesn't do so. Its a natural tendency.
5. Can withstand temptations. This is a bonus too, since its also rare to find a guy that can resist temptations by Bimbos.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I'm an auntie magnet

Hao bah, Hao bah. I've deleted last night's entry upon mr sbs' and mr lim's advice. Its true that not all who visit my blog are my friends.

From now on, the font colours on my blog shall only be white or blue. Looks more professional and less glaring. Less dangerous to read in the office. I think this is a much better decision, rather than to change my background to pink.

Wilbur Pan on channel 5 just now. Totally love his hairstyle. Yeah. He has good dress sense as well. Maybe one day I'll cross-dress and get his kind of hairstyle for myself. Maybe. Maybe.

Not a very good day at work today. First, my experiment didn't turn out well. Then, kenna left, right and centre from my boss for still-having-no-conclusive-experimental-results-even-though-I've-been-at-it-for-soooo-long. Oh please. I'm juggling with molecular work, mice work and housekeeping of the lab all at the same time. Bosses always have a tendency to think that every single task can be completed within 5 minutes. So each working day we can complete 8 times 60 divided by 5 tasks. Thats about 96 tasks per day.

Oh well nevermind. At least tomorrow is payday! We should always look forward to money.

Some fan gave our Singapore Idol candidate Paul Twohill a teeshirt. On it, printed in bold, was "PAUL - MORE THAN JUST HAIR". Hilarious isn't it. Good one though.

I do prefer Paul Twohill to Jonathan Leong. At least Paul is something different, a novelty. Jonathan just reminds me of those ultra heartlander Kopitiam bengs. Sorry, no offence to Jonathan's fans.

I ate chocolates again today. I always end up eating too much chocolates for my own good. But I love chocolates. They make me high. Ecstatic. But I only like dark chocolates. I don't really have a liking for milk chocs or white chocs. White chocs are not chocs! They are just milk. Fullerton Hotel has this chocolate buffet. I wonder whether its good. I should go there someday.

I'm feeling as if I'm having multiple bruises all over. But I see no bruises. But I feel them on my skin. Invisible bruises? Omg.

Colleague gave me 3 booklets of Winnie the Pooh stickers! And guess what, each booklet has got like 600 pieces of stickers. Heh. Suddenly, I have an addition of 1800 pieces of Pooh stickers. Yay. Envious? Heh.

Show ya my new wallpaper!


Nice? Sweet?
Yay. Jealous? Heh.
If only life is as relaxing as it appears in the wallpaper.

I'm an auntie magnet. I can't help but realise that more and more aunties like to chat me up. Do I look so attractive to them? Or do I look like an auntie so thats why they like to talk to me? The breadshop auntie, the science canteen vegetarian stall auntie, the cleaner auntie, stranger auntie on the train...the auntie queueing behind me...I don't see them being so friendly to other people.

There's this fella on the train who keeps insisting that I was his cohort-mate in NUS a year back. Now, since when was I ever a bizad student? I think I look very common. Do I look very common? This is not good.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bad choice of colours?

Ok I've got someone complaining that my blog is not suitable to be read in the office because the colour combi and the font is simply overly striking. Easily spotted by the boss.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Its kinda queer that some like to leave their comments on blogs without stating who they are. It really makes me wonder whether I really know the particular anonymous person, or whether its just a passerby that happens to chance upon my blog. If its a friend, then I'd prefer you to leave your name or at least a nick that I can recognise. If you're just a passerby, thanks for making the effort to type a comment, but still, it would be nicer to be known than to be anonymous.

I'm not trying to say that its wrong to be anonymous, but that really is not a style that I'm used to. Each time I decide to leave comments on any blog, I'll definitely leave a name or a nick. Feels friendlier you see. Or at least, personally I think it feels friendlier.

OK so much for all the anonymous thingy.
How was your day? I hope all of you all had a good day. Midweek is approaching.

Do you feel that, if you keep looking and staring at a particular word, the spelling tends to look more and more weird? Its like, the more you look at it, the more the spelling looks wrong.

And also, do you feel that words actually look like what they are supposed to mean? Haha. If you don't get what I mean, then your intellectuality is probably a little below average.
Just look at some examples:

Doesn't the word FAT looks fat? Doesn't the word WEIRD give you the feeling of weirdness? And the word ROUND. It looks round isn't it? How about the word SILLY? Does it make you feel silliness just by looking at it? And the word LAUGH. Do you actually get the feeling of Hahaha when you look at it? Doesn't the word FACT look factual? Straight and factual?

So, it is because the words represent the meanings they represent because they actually look like it? Or is it because we feel that they actually look like what they mean only because we know the meanings beforehand?

Try it yourself, take a dictionary and find a word that you duno the meaning to. Look at the word for sometime. Feeeeel the feeling it gives you. Guess the meaning. Look at the actual meaning on the dictionary. Have you guessed correctly? Are you anywhere near the actual meaning? Haha. I've attempted a number of times and somehow the feeling that the words give me is actually very near to the actual meaning. So I've always believed that the words are formed that way because they look like what they mean.

I feel like going to a Pasar Malam. Because I wanna look at stickers. Yes, I'm 25 this year. But I still am amazed by stickers. Winnie the pooh stickers, Strawberry shortcake stickers, Cinnamoroll stickers, all the cutesy cutesy stickers. I have loads of stickers at home. I have a cute sticker pasted on every piece of the stationeries at my workplace. I have stickers pasted on every file on my workdesk. Stickers are simply a part of my life. Stickers really aren't just meant to be for kids. They make adults like me happy too.

I'm looking forward to the Mooncake Festival. Because I wanna eat the egg yolks inside the mooncakes.

Irene Ingebrigtsen

Another day of MC for me and my rashes. Happily munching the hotdog roll (dripping with mayonnaise and ketchup) that my mum prepared for me while typing, typing, typing. Man it feels good to be slacking at home while knowing that everyone else is hard at work.

That is, until I get back to work tomorrow. Have to stay back late in the lab tomorrow to catch up on my work. Oh well, for now I should enjoy while it lasts ya. Im contemplating, contemplating, contemplating going out for dinner tonight if the rashes allows me to. Its been like 3 days since I last stepped out of my house. Well, except for visits to the doctor of course. That doesn't count right?

Happy belated Left-Handers Day! Wahaha. I just learnt that 13th August is Left-Handers Day. I'm a left-hander. Are you? Do ya know that long time ago, left-handedness was considered to be associated to Satanism? Do ya know that the latin word for left-handed is "Sinister"?

I do genuinely feel happy and absolutely think that its rather cool to be associated with words like 'Sinister and Satanism". Maybe I have a Satanic instinct lurking inside me. Woh.

So what do I have in common with Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves, Jay-Z, Eminen, Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts? We are all lefties.

Oh, and guess what. I read that there's this research that found out that in general, left-handed men earn more than right-handed men. Looks like I no choice but to marry only a left-handed man?
Oh, and according to research, its not true that lefties are more creative than righties. I've always felt that most lefties aren't particularly more creative than most righties, nor are they more intelligent. Except, except, except maybe in my case. I'm creative yet intelligent. (-_^)

Ok ok, Ya can read bout the aims of the Left-handers' Day here: http://www.lefthandersday.com/

Ya know who Christian Ingebrigtsen is? His surname sounds nice. Imagine my name is Irene Ingebrigtsen. Doesn't it sound posh?

"I'm Irene Ingebrigtsen, and I worship Satan." Doesn't this just gives anyone the 'wow' effect? No?

Monday, August 14, 2006


Nice guys always finish last. I really like this blog entry from Le Raine..it makes alot of sense. Guys out there who think you all are always 'getting hurt' by rejections, please read this educational entry: http://leraine.blogspot.com/2005/10/nice-guys-always-finish-last.html

So, its been a long time since I updated. I always say this each time I blog. Recently been hooked onto Sibeh Sian's blog. He writes really well. And the other reason why I love his blog is that he makes me happy to realise that he also has as many misadventures in his life as me. I'm not the only one. Most of all, I think the way he writes is very funny. Cool.

Been having a bout of rashes since Saturday morning. Allergy it is, according to the doctor. The rashes just come and go like 3 times per day even when its supposed to be controlled under medication. I don't understand why such things always happen to me. Can I seek God's enlightenment or something? Flu, gingivitis, appendicitis,cough, tonsilitis, allergy, whatever you name. Clearly, year 2006 has not been a good year in my life so far. I've taken MC countless times. Fallen sick countless times. Its disgusting. I'm pretty sure my boss is not happy with all my MC-ings. Life is always so unfair to me. Why?

I'm hoping to get back to work tomorrow. Unless the rashes keep persisting and insisting to appear on my face and everywhere on my arms and legs. Hot, itchy rashes. Patches of 'em. Everywhere. Even appearing after I've taken Antihistamines and Prednisolone. And slathered on lotsa Calamine Lotion. I don't even know what the rashes were caused by. Allergy to what? I didn't eat anything different from normal. I didn't go anywhere different from normal. There isn't anything different from normal. What the hell can can I be allergic to?

Sian. Major Sian.

Do you have ambitions when you were young? What was your ambition?

My first ambition was to be a teacher. I thought it was cool to be able to mark worksheets with a red pen. Pretty silly of me.

Then, I wanted to be a Vet. Because I genuinely love animals.

Next, I wanted to be a doctor. Because that earns big money.

Then, I wanted to be anyone glamourous. Because that earns big money and I can have all the glamour that I desired.

Then, I wanted to be anyone rich.

Now, I want to marry someone rich. Yah I know that I have a backbone similar to that of a jellyfish.

Haha. What a change of ambitions throughout the 25 years of my life. Do all girls' ambitions morph like mine? Is this normal?

While typing this entry, rashes are already developing on my arms. I shall control all urges to scratch them. I really hope to get back to work tomorrow. But I also know that its better for me to recover fully first before going back to work. It makes more sense to sacrifice one more day of work rather than to go back to work half-recovered, only to risk having to take several more days of MC later on. But I really want to go back to work soon. Its more stressful having to stay at home than to be at work!

Gotta go prepare to sleep. Shall update more often starting from tonight.

See ya and gdnite.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I was thinking during dinner that I'd better come in and write something here in case this blog goes dead. But at the same time I wouldn't want to blog just for the sake of blogging. Actually I have alot of things to write about, but I don't know where to start from. So, I'll skip the emotional stuffs. I'll just write what comes to my mind. Promise no grumbles tonight.

What do you think of Paul Twohill? The first thing that comes to your mind must be his hair. His thick black dense hair that practically obscured half of his face. Well at least its something different.
A cockroach scuttled (is this the correct word) down my leg the other day. It felt very light. Didn't felt too hairy, although cockroach legs always look kinda hairy. It moved fast and frantically.
Anyone knows when Microsoft Vista will be coming out?
Had a good lunch today with my lab people. We had Laksa at NUH. Followed by Sesame Paste and then YouTiao. No lunch for me tomorrow since animal work is on again tomorrow. Take it as saving money.
Can anyone teach me how to generate extra money? Maybe I can go sing Getai or something. I can't teach tuition because all they want is maths. I suck at maths.
Gonna be weekend soon. And national day holiday.