A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Usual Bitchings

My fringe is getting on my nerves. Think it looks too short and straight. Arghhh what the hell. Shouldn't have trimmed it at all. Its style-less and un-stylable now. And it affects my whole image. Hell. I hope it grows faster. Any effective remedies for fast hair growth? I heard that applying wine to the scalp will make the hair grow faster, especially XO. But then I don't wanna try cos' I don't wanna risk disrupting the pH balance of my scalp. Later my hair all drop off or something. Then I shall die ugly and regretful.

Didn't manage to get any exercise done this weekend. Cos' I was sick. Fever, sorethroat all that load of shit. Did nothing much and practically slept Sunday away. But time still passes way too fast for my liking, like it always does. Strange, I don't remember time passing so fast when I was younger. Is it that as we grow older, we got more things to do, more targets to accomplish so we end up feeling that time is always not enough? Or is it the fact that as we grow older, we learn to appreciate time more? Or is it that the earth is rotating faster than what it used to?


Something to ponder, from someone who chanced upon this while playing cards:
Life is like a game of cards. Different stages of life comes with different cards. They can be royal flush,straight flush...4 of a kind and so on. Learn to make the best of each set of your cards. We might not win every round. But we must learn to minimise the loss and regrets.

In a game of poker, black jack or even dai dee, we have no control in the deck. Because we are not the dealers. We cannot control our lives, because we are not the maker. But we can at least control our cards, which is our actions in life.

Another thing to ponder:
Not everyday is a gloomy day. But out of 24 hours in a day, how many hours are you actually, really, truly happy?

Friday, October 28, 2005


Rainy days never fail to make me feel gloomy. Maybe its the smell of the rain, maybe its the monotonous rhythm of the raindrops, maybe its the cold temperature, maybe its the lack of sunlight that makes the feeling so gloomy. Or maybe its just me.



My result:
You may very well be addicted to the 'Net. Please feel free to review the following special report: "What to do if you are (or fear that you may become) addicted to the net"

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Happened to read this 15 year old girl's blog entry about her new crush.

Crushes..Haha. Definition from the net:
A short-lived and unrequited love, infatuation, or limerence,prevalent among anyones of all ages. A crush also refers to the object of this infatuation, as in the phrase "secret crush".

So what were your crushes like?
The guys in my primary school were all irritating kids so there wasn't anyone for me to have a crush on. So I think my crushes were only from secondary school onwards. Very vague now but I shall attempt to write about my secondary school crushes.

First there was this guy from NPCC. He had this Aaron Kwok fringe..No No, not the spikey one now, but the last time that orbiang and fluffed-up sideparting one.

AaronKwok Retro

Orbiang Fluffed-up fringe

And he's kinda short. Think roughly about same height with me back then. Academically is not bad. Characterwise, hardly talked to him but he's kinda the extroverted sort. Quite popular among girls, because of his "good looks"? (Girls last time have a different idea of what goodlooking is like)

2nd crush in secondary school was this basketball school team leader. Very good at basketball. Not particularly goodlooking, but last time I've always felt that theres this 'aura' around him that feels ultra intellectual. Haa. Although sporty, he is the introverted type.

Ok digress abit..You know last time got the trend of writing in 'autograph books'? Like they'll leave their 'personal data', like name, address, tel number...and like do some drawings..write abit on what they think of you as a friend..and write some lame poems. Wahaha..an example of one of these poems is:

Birds fly high,

Hard to catch,

A friend like you,

is hard to get

(something like that, I can't remember liao)

Then I remember I asked this guy to write in my autograph book. He took the book and returned it to me after a week, without writing even a single word down. But he did write in my other friends' autograph books mahz. How ungracious!

Thats all that I can remember..2 crushes for 4 years of my secondary school. Not many lah, compared to the rest of you?


In essence, 3 main traits that are important in a guy are:

1. Leadership

2. Intellectuality/Intellectual 'aura'

3. Sense of Security

Will be an ultra bonus if he's loaded. If not rich, then he must aspire to become rich.

David Gan


Hey look. 30 packets of SuperRings. Got it from Carrefour just now. If I remember correctly, SuperRings has been around since primary school times? Or was it Kindergarten times. The cheapo but delicious cheese rings that tint your fingers an ultra-orange colour. An orangey, cheesy-tasting layer on your fingers.


Last night I dreamt of David Gan, of all people. I dreamt that he chose me to become his apprentice. Haa. Ok I'm interested in image styling and stuffs, but David Gan has never crossed my mind at all during the times when I was awake. Hey but in the dream, he's a really nice person..very brotherly. Haha. And we went for CharKwayTeow together.


Eh now thinking of it..Nice if I can become an imagestylist, imageconsultant or something like that. But not a very realistic field here though.

The only reason that made me choose lifesciences in the polytechnic was because of the plain bloody fact that I didn't get to do Biology in secondary school and I thought that Biology would be cool. So the ignorant kid does lifesciences again in the university cos she hasn't much of any other choices. Oh well.


My resolutions for the rest of this week:

1. Absolutely no late-night eating binges

2. Exercise

3. Check out the new National Library

4. Stop self-pitying

5. Stop indulging in snacks

6. Sleep early. Latest 1.30am.

7. Don't blog for the sake of blogging. Blog only if there is a genuine reason to.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tai Tai

A friend once told me that her dream since young is to become a TaiTai.

Look what I found from the net after I typed in "Tai Tai":

The definition of Tai Tai:
To qualify as a Tai Tai, one has to have lots of leisure time, lots of money to spend and lots of gossip to exchange. A Tai Tai would win if Shopping were an Olympic event!

Looks like I should also start aspiring to become a TaiTai instead of slogging my guts out everyday.

What? No backbone?
Money speaks the loudest. Money is dignity.


Singpost @ HelloShop?

Today we went to the Singtel HelloShop to upgrade my broadband plan. The Tampines Mall branch. So we were queueing. And this guy queueing near us, holding an envelope in his hand.

The Singtel staff offered to her help. He held up his envelope and said "SingPost?"...

The Staff: "Arr? SingPost?!".. (with a look of utter surprise on her face)

The guy immediately left and queue and attempted to vanish within 5 seconds.

Monday, October 24, 2005

AhhhChoo! Fun Facts

Was about to turn in for the night when I had this sneezing fit of 5 or 6 sneezes continuosly. So I was suddenly reminded of these..

Do you know that your heart stops each time you sneeze?

I suppose that is why people say 'God Bless You' everytime you sneeze?
And that probably is also why we tend to feel out of breath after sneezing continously for a few times?

And do you realise that its impossible to keep your eyes open when you are sneezing?


Hanging Sloths and Bimbo-ish Nails

Man..2 full days of weekend just blew past like that. Life certainly wastes itself away very fast.

Today I watched this documentary on Sloths. Sloths move only when necessary, and when they do so, they are slooooow. They hang around excessively..as in really hang around..on branches of trees. They hang via their limbs when they eat and sleep..and even while giving birth!

So ok..their default position is hanging (How uncomfy). Occasionally they'll sit on top of branches. Well if I am a sloth I would like to be a mutant one cos' I'd prefer my default position to be SITTING instead of HANGING.

So..obviously it is infrequent for the slow sloths to visit the ground level since they will be so very vulnerable to the predators. In moist conditions, they have a symbiotic relationship with blue-green algae..appearing kinda greenishbrowish so they can camouflage themselves amongst the trees.

Their slow movement is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, being slow will make them difficult to get away from predators. But on the other hand, being slow will avoid attracting attention of predators.

There are 2-toed and 3-toed sloths. 2-toes sloths are generally faster than the 3-toed ones. Hmm..Toes hinder speed ar? But we have like..5 toes..oh well...HurHur.

Ok so sloths are slow. Why? Cos' they only have half as much muscle tissue as other animals of similar weight. And they have a slow metabolism. But a biggest advantage of being slow is that it promotes longevity. In this case I wouldn't want to be a sloth cos' I don't really see the point of having an ultra long life. Especially when I gotta spend most of my time hanging from branches.

Oh ya btw, no need to be worried that sloth urine and droppings will land on you while they are hanging on trees (If you happen to be in the forests of South America). Cos' they urinate and defecate on ground level. They come down to ground level about once a week to do it. Haa. Thats like..probably a bad state of constipation and urinary disorder if we humans do it like only once a week? Yea..sloths are ok with that..cos' they have an ultra slow metabolism rem?

Wahhh..I realised its probably quite nerdy to blog about documentaries. But its quite intellectual mah.

Ok here's a pic of a sloth:

Sloth - 2

When its not hanging itself from a branch.

Sloth -1

When its hanging from a branch.

I guess everyone looks uglier when hanging upside down. Remember some months back there's this charity show? Then the TCS celebrities gotta hang themselves upside down while playing musical instruments? They look uglier as well when they are hanging upside down.

If you hadn't watched that charity show then you might want to try it at home to see whether you look uglier in an upside down position lor. HurHur.


Tonight I removed my already-faded light pink nail polish. And replaced it with a bright, glaring pink coat. Kinda act-cute but I like it cos' its a cheerful colour and it reminds me of candy.

Nail Polish - 5

Nice pink coat of nail polish. Beautifully done. But then I thought, hey why not try to add abit more bling to it? So I added another coat of glittery stuff.

Nail Polish - 4

This the glittery stuff that I bought like months ago. Spotted the sample colour at Carrefour but no more stocks there. So I went down to the Watsons at Suntec and managed to grab the last bottle there. And the best thing was that I only paid like $1.00 for a $8.90 bottle of nail polish. Because the barcode on this bottle has an error. I did tell the cashier that its supposed to be $8.90. But she said that since it comes out as $1.00, I need only pay what the barcode indicated. Kioz (Copyrighted word by Mr Lim Vincent) ar! I really kioz4 dio..or tan3 dio.

OK yah..so I went on to add another glittery coat to the candy-pink coat in an attempt to add more bling to my nails.

Immediate regret after I brushed on the glittery coat. Utter remorse-ment.

Nail Polish - 3
Nail Polish - 2

My nails now looks hella BIMBO-ISH after the glittery coat was added on. Argh. But its sure very suitable for Chinese New Year or some auspicious event. A glittery coat can do wonders. Bimbo, Bimbo nails. Probably will make a fashion statement when I go out tomorrow. Positive or negative one I'm not so sure. Negative one most probably.

Nail Polish - 1
My toenails also have the glittery layer but it doesn't look the least bit bimbo-ish mah. Looks nice hor?

There certainly is a hell lot of difference between glitteryblue and glitterycandypink nailpolish. Glitteryblue looks like it has more class, while glitterycandypink looks pure bimbo-istic.

By the way, took pic of only 2 of my toes. Just to show the glittery blue nail polish. Wouldn't want to post up a pic of my full set of toes. Cos' sometime ago I posted this pic of myself on friendster showing off my feet..and there's this sick guy who kept messaging me on friendster telling me about his fetish with feet and toes. Jeez. Biantai.

By the way, this was the pic:

About a year or more ago? When I was still having those kind of hairstyle with those kind of clothes.

Which also reminded me. Last time I had this pic of myself in labcoat. And then there was also this guy on friendster who kept messaging me about his fetish with medical-grade rubber gloves and even told me he..you noe..does that M* thing with rubbergloves on..KNS. Go use sandpaper lah.

This was the pic. Looks nerdy hor? Looks too slack too. Not nice.


Well, I mean I don't really care about what kinda unusual fetishes you people have. But please have the decency to keep it to yourselves. Keep your damn fetishes and sexual fantasies to yourselves.

*Curse em'. Curse 'em.* (Gritting teeth). Sickening. Sickening. (Grr..Grr)

Good that friendster now has the option that allows us to restrict people (whom are not in our friends list) in viewing our profile and messaging us.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Vampire Lestat and SwissRolls

Been re-reading my old treasured books lately. Save money on buying new books and mags.

Book - 2

Currently re-reading this now. Got this book as a prezzie. If you are reading this entry, thanks for the book. Hee.

Book - 1

OK. I'm smelling all fresh and nice and back infront of lappie again after my bath. While I'm typing this I just realised that its time to cut my fingernails again. I hate long nails. Cos' I think long nails are ugly. And it feels uncomfy to type with long nails. I really don't fancy the feeling of tapping at my keys via the pointed ends of the long collagenous thingies attached to my fingers. Damnit. The glittery nail polish is fading like crazy. Not nice. Should I reapply another coat before I sleep tonight? ... Better not. Don't like the strong smell of fresh nailpolish lingering on my fingers while I'm sleeping. I'll just try to wakey earlier tomorrow to do it before I go out.

I'm Multitasking...

1. MSN-ing with Elaine

2. MSN-ing with Bear

3. YahooMsging with Bear

4. Talking to Mom..
Realised that Mom sitting ultra near the Rediffusion thingy right after I came out from bath. Yea you saw correctly, REDIFFUSION. My Mom is ultra-Retro manz. Rediffusion at this era. Havoc siah. Hey but she isn't those ultra-suaku type even though she supports Rediffusion. She knows about N'Sync and stuffs like that you know. Sorry, Digressed. Anyway, so I asked Mom why she ultra-near to the Rediffusion thingy. She says cos' she wanna enjoy the songs. Blast up the volume, I told her. And she said she didn't want to disturb the neighbours. Conclusion is that my mom is still as considerate as ever.

5. Carrying out my daily after-bath regime.

Toner. The Astringent Effect.

EyeCream. Hopefully to reduce the dark rings under both my eyes. Doesn't seem to be working though.

And Zit-Cream. Kns. Got an emerging zit near my nose. Hope this cream helps to zap it away by tomorrow.

NightCream..aka NightKrim (Haa..Malay Spelling siah). Looks like Mayonnaise?

6. Listening to MP3s on lappie.

7. Distracted by the ultra-retro songs emerging from Mom's Rediffusion thingy.

8. And of cos, taking pics for Bloggie.

9. Reading another person's blog.

10. Eating Swiss roll. Shouldn't be eating it since I've already eaten 2 pieces of raisin bread before I brushed my toothies. But well..Elaine is eating chips, so I eat my SwissRolls lor. 2 people becoming fat is better than 1 person suffering it alone..hor? Elaine hor?

SwissRoll - 2

Dainty individually packed SwissRolls

SwissRoll - 3

Before 1st bite

SwissRoll - 1

After 1st bite

Wahh. After all the multitasking..I forgot what I wanted to write liao. I got some points that I wanted to make tonight...Can't recall.

Anyway, something ridiculous: http://staff.science.nus.edu.sg/~sivasothi/etc/makanminum/indomee/

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Today me and friend discussed about the various suicide methods.

Conclusion is that the best so far will be sleeping pills plus carbon monoxide.


I think I wouldn't go on to blog about other details of our discussion. Its abit too morbid.

Puisan on Leave

Popiah Stall

The auntie is damn pro at making Popiahs. She can do like 5 at 1 short. I always enjoy watching her.


Me with our lunch. Asked Puisan to take just the food pics. But a headless me is caught inside as well. Haha.

Food -2

Popiahhhh. Without Chilli.

Jap Noodles

Fried noodles with Jap sauce and Cheese. Didn't really taste much cheese though. And the Jap sauce was measly.

Our usual route since Polydays:


Start and End at Taka

On the way from Paragon to Orchard..

This giant leaf, complete with the heavy stalk (or whatever you call it) from the Palm Trees just Bam! (Or whatever sound) onto the ground right behind us.

We are lucky.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Big M

Milk -2

Nice-tasting milk in a Nicely-designed bottle.

Milk -1

It says 'Low G.I. for sustained energy release'.

Means that the carbohydrates will breakdown slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the bloodstream instead of giving a high fast glucose response!

Ok. What I gathered from the net about low G.I. ...

The glycemic index is a ranking of carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. It compares foods gram for gram of carbohydrate.

• Low GI means a smaller rise in blood glucose levels after meals

• Low GI diets can help people lose weight --> (Hey..this helps keep my weight in check!)

• Low GI diets can improve the body's sensitivity to insulin

• Low GI can improve diabetes control

• Low GI foods keep you fuller for longer --> (Good. Then I won't crave too fast and eat too much!)

• Low GI can prolong physical endurance --> (Good. Especially for breakfast.)

My conclusion: Its a good bottle of milk for the following reasons:

1. Tastes nice. Not too sweet.

2. Nice packaging. Nice pink bottle.

3. I won't grow fat from it.

4. Keeps me fuller for a longer duration.

5. Can tahan me longer till lunchtime, if I drink it for breakfast.


My deformed Mon Cheri..forgot to take them out of my baggie so they melted.

MonCheriDeformed -1

MonCheriDeformed -2

But I still love my Mon Cheri.



Took some time off to make chocolate Agar Agar today. Or rather, Milo Agar Agar. Added the molten Agar to half a tin of Milo powder. Don't get the impression that half a tin of Milo powder is alot. It made the agaragar taste just right. Just the right touch of chocolateyMilo-ish taste.

And here are the pics..!


MiloAgar -6

StarryStarry Agar!

MiloAgar - 8

Soaking the AgarAgar Strips before the cooking process

MiloAgar -7

FloweryFlowery Agar!

MiloAgar -2

ShapeyShapey Agar!

MiloAgar -1

Ya lah. I know they look more like chocolate bars than anything agarish.

MiloAgar -4

MiloAgar -3

Packed in ready-to-eat bite sizes. Anyone wants to buy?

MiloAgar -5

Hehe. The remmants after the shapies were cut out.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Have you ever wondered what will happen if there are no distractions in your life? You will feel perpertually unhappy because you'll start to think too much. Think about the good, think about the bad..think excessively. Then you'll realise that life is not as meaningful as it should be afterall.

Distractions can be in any form. It can be studies, which is why I was alot happier when I was studying. It can also be things like TV..TV really can do alot of wonders. I didn't realise that until my TV broke down. No TV programmes to watch. No moving images to stare at. No noises, No sounds at all. No plots to follow. Suddenly home doesn't feel normal anymore. Its just not right. Then I concluded that I took the existence of my TV for granted.

It can also be music. But somehow music doesn't really work anymore. Probably its because my MP3 list hasn't been updated since duno when, or probably its just me.

So now I read blogs. Elaine tells me its a good distraction. And I agree with her. But its a really temporary, temporary distraction only. Nevertheless, Blogs after Blogs I read.

Another distraction will be eating. So I eat. I don't think its a binge. Its just being more appreciative towards food.

So how about work? Work will definitely distract anyone. But it won't be a good distraction unless you are really passionate about the work you are doing. Otherwise you'll just be a zombie slogging yourself out for the money. No choice, money is a definite factor for survival.

Ouch. My 4th finger still throbs with tingly pain. First time that I'm experiencing such side-effects after a fingerprick. Maybe the lancet went too deep into my poor finger. Such a deep prick just to get that few drops of blood for the test? Not to mention that the blood took longer than usual to stop running after the prick lor. Is the problem with the phlebotomist or is it me again?

Ok. So now I ask everyone a question. Do you know whats your meaning in life? Whats your goal in life? Provide a good life for yourself and your family? To live happily? To be a millionaire? Or just to be contented with your lot.

Was just toying with the idea of becoming an air stewardess when I saw some cabin crew people just now. Then I concluded that I'm not cut out to be one. I've heard that they test you on swimming during the interviews. Don't know how good it has to be. But I can't swim for god's sake. I can only swim in a shallow pool. I get all phobic when the pool gets just a lit' bit deeper. Learn? Abit too late to do so. No time No money. And of cos, I don't look elegant/pretty enough. Yea, doesn't have to be very pretty to be an airstewardess. Afterall makeup can change alot of things. But can't be too badlooking either what. Maybe I will look better without specs. With contact lens. But hell, contact lenses makes my eyes tired after just about 2 hours, and it then blurs my vision. My eyes always have big trouble synchronising themselves with contact lenses.

My mouse cursor disappears. Yes it actually disappears for a few minutes sometimes. At first I'll be like whatthehellwheresthebloodycursor?! Then persistently shift the mouse to and fro front and back. Then frantically tap on the touchpad of lappie. Shift, Tap, Shift, Shift, Shift, Tap. Cursor still refuses to come out. Few minutes after these, the cursor reappears. Then the next day it will happen again. I'm immune to it already. No more persistent shifting of the mouse, No more frantic taps-and-shifts on the touchpad. I just sit there waiting, while lazily shifting the mouse. Sometimes I silently curse. Sometimes I don't.

Today went out with Puisan. And I bought this pair of jeans. I still believe I look sucky in jeans. Its been ages since I last wore jeans. The last time was in Year 2001. Since university and until now, I've never wore a single pair of jeans. Dressing revolved around skirts and 3/4 pants. I don't know, even though other people tells me I look ok in jeans, I still think I look weird. Maybe I do not have the natural flair to carry myself well in long jeans bah.

Passed by this new stall in Takashimaya basement today. BakersInn. Damn nice. The cakes looked nice. I think it will taste not bad also. I like the way they display their cakes.

Amazingly, this entry is longer than what I expected.

Monday, October 17, 2005


I found this letter in my letterbox today. It reads (I summarised it abit):

SDU Letter

Just some tots that sparked off in my mind after reading the letter:

1. The Sg Government is spoiling the citizens to bits. Spoonfeeding.

2. The SDU's membership strength has just increased by at least a thousand.

3. The low birth rate phenomena is driving the government to desperation.

Win Some, Lose Some

I happened to read this particular blog that a friend mentioned. Its a rich girl's blog. Lets just call her A.

A is obviously born with a silver spoon. She buys stuffs like there's no tomorrow. Branded stuffs. Whatever stuffs she likes. Her dad buys expensive cars for her. She is the typical ultra rich man's daughter who gets whatever she wants. She spends her dad's money like crazy. And she happens to be born with that kind of face that most guys will perpetually fall for. With such a good lfe, she still whines about this. Whines about that.

My friend tells me A's blog has always been a constant reminder of how wretched her life is. How unfair life is to her.

Me and friend has always been resigned to the fate that life will never be fair to us. But I'm sure somehow, somewhere, ultimately, the theory of 'win some, lose some' applies in life.

Well, like for A, sure. She has the money, the looks and the good life. But does she really know how to appreciate life for what it is? Definitely not. She has such a good life from the day she was born until now. She gets it easy. She doesn't understand the hardship of earning money.

For average people like us, we know how it feels to have insufficient money. We know we must work hard. Bear with craps to get that money. And when we get that money, we know how to treasure it. We know how to keep our money properly for rainy days. Sometimes we use a small part of that money to buy something that we like. Something that we worked for. And we feel happy. Happy why? Not just for the fact that we bought something we liked. Its more of the fact that we got something out of hard work. And we appreciate and treasure everything more. We become more motivated to work hard. It is a positive cycle.

For A, her money comes easy. She doesn't understand the hardship. Sure, she's happy when she splurge her dad's money to get stuffs that she likes. But she won't ever have a taste of what its like to enjoy the fruits of her own labour. Nor will she be able to ever learn how to appreciate things around her.

Average people like me and friend are not born pretty. But eventually when we settle down, we will be sure that our spouses truly love us for what we are. Not for money nor looks.

So, in life, I guess everyone of us gain some and lose some.

Average people like me and friend. We lose in the sense that we aren't born rich. We aren't born pretty. We gain in the sense that we know how it feels like to achieve something through hard work. We know how to treasure people and things around us better. We know what and how important perseverance is. We toughen ourselves up to face the unpredictable future.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Accessorized Miffy

Miffy Accessorized

2 new accessories for Miffy:
1) Blue Buttons, one on each collar
2) Purple Ribbon, on left ear
Buttons + Ribbon = Happy Miffy

Ji Tau Pia Straight Fringe


Irene - 15

Slanted-Style Fringe


Trim (DIY) the slanted fringe shorter. To make it neater.



Irene - 22

Ji Tau Pia Straight Fringe Ga Liao

Buah Dukus

Buah Duku::
Buah = fruit
Duku = A bruise or haematoma
---> Buah Duku is a fruit that resembles a bruise?

Buah Dukus are dirt cheap now. Selling at 1 buck per kg per near my place.

Buah Duku -3

My dad and mom eats them kg by kg. I ate like 7? or 8? and then I had to rush to the loo twice. Think my gastrointestinal system is just not accustomed to the idea of having to digest Buah Dukus.

Buah Duku -2

Translucent flesh of the buah duku hidden under its thick outer covering. Usually smallersized ones are sour while biggersized ones are sweeter.

Buah Duku -1

A pile of duku outer covering. I don't know what to call the outer coverings. 'Shells'? But shells reminds me of prawn shells, seashells that kind. Those Calcified ones.

True Love

Wife read this article on mag that suggested that, to maintain a good relationship with Hubby, it is always good to thrash out differences and unhappiness.

After dinner, Wife asked Hubby to take some during the night to think through and jot down on paper what he dislikes/can't stand about Wife. Wife will do the same too.

Next morning, Wife and Hubby sat down together for breakfast. Wife takes out the notes she had made last night. She started reading out loud to Hubby what she can't stand about Hubby. Hubby listened quietly. Wife can see tears swelling up in Hubby's eyes. Tears rolled down Hubby's eyes.

Wife finished reading and indicated that its Hubby's turn. Hubby took out a stack of paper.

Every sheet of paper is blank.

Hubby expressed that there is absolutely nothing he is displeased about with regards to Wife.

True love is about being able to accept your partner for what he/she is. Being able to accept his/her flaws.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Financial Advisors

Recently, the number of financial advisors seem to be increasing exponentially or something. I've got some friends who suddenly popped up from nowhere (And god knows where he/she dug my HP number out from. I don't remember owning a HP in primary and secondary school) after like a 1000 years of MIA, 'just to keep in contact' or just to 'ask me how I'm doing'. Its like, SUDDENLY want to keep in contact, when after donkey's years there has been no efforts to want to keep in contact?

I would like to express that I have absolutely NO prejudices against financial advisors, or the occupation as a financial advisor, or anything to do with financial planning. Yes, I do have my own financial advisor as well. And he's a good one. And to me, having 1 good financial advisor is enough. I absolutely do not need like 3 or 4 bugging me throughout the year.

He doesn't bother me with calls all throughout the year. He truly knows what I can afford and what I can't afford..What my priorities are right now. He doesn't call up to bug. Usually we are the ones to bug him when we are ready to take up another plan, or for a re-assessment. He doesn't care so much about psycho-ing me to buy insurance plans that can generate more bucks for himself. Sorry, I can't really say the same for other financial advisors. I mean, I don't blame them for wanting to make more money. But they should have the basic sensibility to stop hanging around me like a pest, after I outrightedly express my zero, completely zap zero, totally nil interest in their service.

Well OK. They will always say, let them have a chance to meet up just to talk abit. Its not that I'm totally conservative and closed to any other suggestions that might be beneficial. But sometimes I'm just too busy, too tired and/or preoccupied with other things. And most importantly, in the first place I already have my own financial advisor for years and some insurance plans. So naturally, meeting up for such a session is absolutely not on top of my priority list right now. But they don't get it. They still bug. And bug.

And there are those that approach people on the streets. Help them do a survey? Sure. But what the hell. A supposedly 5 minutes duration survey becomes a persistent, never-ending session of psycho-ing and preaching session on insurance-related stuffs. They don't let you go, unless you give them your number, afterwhich they'll call and call.

Refuse to help them do a survey? They'll keep on following you for like don't know how many kilometres.

Persistence doesn't always earn you money. Sincerity does.


Welcome Miffy! New addition to my softie family!

Miffy - 1

Helloooo! I'm Miffy! I'm new!

Miffy - 2

I'm wearing a pink overall with a big red button and 2 cute round collars!


Miffy - 4

Piak on cupboard door!

Miffy - 3

Sliding down cupboard door! SWOOSH!