A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday Blues

I believe the 2 words above already explained, very clearly, how I'm feeling tonight, right now. Needn't grumble more.
I live for the weekends. I live for the money.
I totally lost the inspiration to write properly tonight. So just a short entry tonight. I had lots of inspiration to blog last night, but I was tired so I didn't blog.
Inspiration is a funny thing. Its a now-or-never kind of thing. You get what I mean.
The work culture in Singapore is real sicko. Busy will be busy like crazy. Sometimes, occasionally, rarely, there is a chance to have less things to do at work. BUT, even so, we still have to act busy.
Acting busy is an art. Its a survival skill. If you can't act busy, then its better to learn the art of staying low profile. Usually, its best to combine these 2 arts. Apply the appropriate tactics during appropriate times. Must be flexible.
I think I owe my nose something in my past life. It gives me trouble all day, every day. Runny nose, itchiness, sneezing fits, whatever.
Tomorrow the new black mice are coming for our experiment. Shucks. I'm abit scared of black mice. They are much more aggressive than white ones. Difficult to handle. Black mice are psychotic. They bite and wriggle like hell when you try to handle them. Although I'm immunised against Tetanus, there is still no reason why I shouldn't be afraid of their bites. Its not a very good idea to be bitten by anything.
I'm dozing off while blogging! Argghhh. Need to get some sleep. Till next time then.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

All that happened today

My fingernails are long. I hate long fingernails. But I'm lazy to cut. But have to cut. I must go cut before I sleep later. Or latest by tomorrow morning I must cut before I go out.


This, by my standard, is long.

Its rather irritating to have long nails. Its even worse when you have fast-growing nails. Elaine just told me that she read somewhere that nails will grow faster if you use your hands/feet more. Hmm. Mine grow so fast. So it means that I'm not a slacker. So that means that you can actually tell whether a person is a slacker by observing the growth rate of his nails. Haha.


But my toenails look ok. They don't grow as fast as my fingernails. But I spent practically the whole day on my feet everyday in the lab. So how come they still grow slowly? But just as well, I wouldn't want to keep having to cut my nails too often. Very marfan.

By the way, are my toenails nice? Candy Pink!


Oh, I'm on leave tomorrow. Gotta go for followup checkup at CGH. I'm sure my boss isn't happy that I'm on leave. Please lor. First day of work after MC and she came asking me how my work is. I haven't done anything much what. I just returned to work from 2 weeks of MC rem? I think she happily pretended to forget that fact.


I think I looked rather ugly while I was being hospitalized. Didn't shampoo, condition or brush my hair. No cleanser. No toner. No moisturiser. No makeup. Plus I was nauseous from the anaesthesia and medicine. And pain from the wound. I was ugly, I know.


I think the MingXing OuXiang thing is quite gross. Especially the girls inside. Oh purrr-lese. They can't act, for god's sake. They just spend their time bimbo-ing around. The Alicia can't even speak properly without irritating me. Then that Jacqueline just wastes her life away strutting around in bikinis in every episode. And when they tried to act properly, they were always horrible failed attempts. But I know that guys do love them. Cos' they are bimbos.

As for the guys in MingXing OuXiang, I think they can't really act well either. BUT BUT, seriously not as bad as the girls. I'm not saying this cos I'm prejudiced towards bimbos. I really feel that this is the case. Cheng Xi looks not too bad. At least passable amongst the few. Bryan's face just plain reminds me of some sincere lad that loves doing community service work. Then that, Leo? I can't really remember the name. Leo is just, I don't know. He just doesn't look stellar. He just doesn't have the face that is cut out to be some OuXiang.


I wore this black bubble skirt today. Its one of my favourite skirts. But normally I can't find any nice tops to match my bubble skirts.

I love my black bubble skirt. Cos' its very bubbly. Wahaha. What am I saying. Ok, cos its very bubble-ish. Kawaii.


Tim said that if I convert mp3 files to .wav files and put it into my handphone, it might sound as if I'm using mp3 ringtone. Although I don't mind not having mp3-like ringtones, it would be interesting to try his suggestion out. But damn. For some unknown reasons I just can't transfer the file from lappy to my handphone. It only works the other way, transfer from handphone to lappy. Hmm.


The Sony NW-A1000 is really cool. The NW-A608 is cool as well. I like the PSP-1006G1 as well. I like the white version. Money, please fall from heaven.


I feel like having a nice wireless mouse. One of those powerful looking ones that they use for gaming. I like the Microsoft wireless laser mouse. I don't know what model it is. But its like 90 bucks. If I ever get one this life, I would prefer a white one. But there isn't any white ones for that model. I like my gadgets to be white in colour. Heaven, please rain money.


I'm supposed to help with some mice next week. Black mice, for god's sake. I'm abit scared of black mice. They are much more fierce than white mice. They try their every might to bite you one lor. Although they look cuter than white mice. Looks are really deceiving, mice or human.


Mozzie Bite

A mozzie bit me at one of the most irritating places to bite. See the pic, red arrow. This is like one of the most itchy location to get a mozzie bite lor. I'm sure you all know what I mean.


There's Old Chang Kee at NUS. There's New Zealand Icecream as well. The that all naturale that one. Got Cheers too. All newly opened. Too bad its at Yusof Ishak House. Abit far from Medicine Faculty. Otherwise I can pia liao. They should set up more good stalls near where I work mah.


I went for this chemical safety course today. And the-most-damnit part is that must get 70% and above for the test to pass the course to get the certificate. Below 50% is considered a fail. Below 70% have to re-sit for the test. I hope I manage to scrape a 70%.

Cannot contemplate what my boss would do to me if I didn't manage to scrape a 70%. Heh.



Some consultant mentioned that one possible hazard at work is stress. Too much work, too little money, too much deadlines. Stress can cause us to suffer mentally and physically. I think its a good one. All bosses should do a serious risk assessment of this work hazard.

Pretty long entry tonight.


Strange, where are they?

Strange. There ain't any lizards around lately. At one time they were rather persistent, always popping out from nowhere to scare me. Its been sometime since I last saw one. They've kinda disappeared. I don't hear them anymore. I don't see them anymore. Its kind of creepy. Probably they are hiding themselves somewhere to scheme. Never trust lizards.

Monday, February 20, 2006

The Parcel

Big Bird - 3

Today I received a big parcel from Mr Postman.

Big Bird - 2

All wrapped up. Guess who's inside?

Big Bird - 4


Big Bird - 1

Its Big Bird!

And a birthday card:

"In bad times, you can hide under its small wings. In good times, you can play with it"

Isn't that really meaningful?


Back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks of MC. Feeling lost now. Seemed to have lost touch with work. Momentum not there. Work status confused. I guess its kinda normal to feel this way.


There was this string poking out from under my wound. I pulled it out. And took a pic of it.


The pic turned out rather blur though.


Tonight I'm suffering from a syndrome that impairs my ability to form nice long sentences.


Was watching the 9pm show on channel 8 just now. There was this guy that cheated on his girlfriend. He had a one-night stand with his ex-girlfriend. He thinks that its no big deal, since he truly loves his current girlfriend. He thinks that its forgivable to have that one-night stand cos' its purely for sex, no emotions involved. And cos' he's drunk.

I think he's an idiot.


Sometimes we regret the choices we make. Then there isn't any way to turn back to re-make the decisions again. We'd thought that we had considered very thoroughly before making the choices, but yet in the end we still regret sometimes. Does that happen to you often?


Finally, some pics of my birthday cake(s):

Cake - 1

Cake - 2


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Mokozi Moriji

Omg. Its Thursday already. I can't believe I'm going back to work again so soon. When I initially saw the MC given by CGH, I was like wow MC until 20th Feb. But hell, its already 16th Feb and will be 17th Feb in like half hour's time. I didn't even feel as if I've rested and recuperated. Too busy visiting dad everyday! So fast so fast. Time passes crazily, unbelievably fast.

There are pics tonight. My 11-days-old wound after sutures removal!
I know probably some of you will find that I'm kinda sick to show such pics. But I just thought it might be interesting. Look at it from a scientific point of view lah.

Wound - 1a

This was taken this morning before I put new gauze and tegaderm. Notice the redness and bruising around the wound.

Wound - 2a

A clearer picture taken few minutes ago. Don't be mistaken. My skin is not that dark. Its the lighting problem. 7 stitches in all. Stitch 2 looks weird. There seems to be a hole. It still bleeds occasionally.

I better play my Civilization IV game as much as possible before I go back to work.


This is Mokozi. Its an un-ripe orange. It looks a little unhappy cos it hasn't ripened yet.

When it ripens, it'll be Moriji. It'll become pure orangey coloured. It'll be smiley cos it has finally ripened.


Not much random thoughts floating around in my little brain tonight.


I just ate a blackcurrant dinosaur gummy. And now I feel like eating chips.


Do you believe in retribution? Will bad things happen to us bcos we did bad things to other people?


Xiaxue looks fat and dark on TV, a total contrast to what she looks like on her blog. Has got flabby arms too. Shows that her photoshop skills is very good since she can look so different on her blog. Do you think she's chio? I think guys will like her. Bcos' she has got long wavy hair and thick mascara and eyeliners. And plus her boobs are supposedly big. Becos' she mentioned on Cleo mag that she has to use photoshop to edit her boobs to make them look smaller. Can't really tell whether her boobs are really that big from the TV.


For Ungrateful Men

Something I got from my email:

A married couple in their early 60s was out celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant.

Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table and said, "For being such an exemplary married couple and for being faithful to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish."

"Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband" said the wife. The fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! - two tickets for the Queen Mary II luxury liner appeared in her hands.

Then it was the husband's turn. He thought for a moment and said: "Well, this is all very romantic, but an opportunity like this will never come again. I'm sorry my love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me. "

The wife, and the fairy, were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish...

So the fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! - the husband became 92 years old.

The moral of the story: Men who are ungrateful should remember fairies are female .


I do think that my blog consists of more unhappy entries than happy ones. Maybe cos' I'm better at expressing unhappiness. I'm more tragically-inclined. Haha. During secondary school, I've always chosen those type of complete-the-story type of composition topics without fail. I would never choose those argumentative or fixed topic kind of compositions to write. And without fail, I would always have a tendency to twist the story to write about something tragic or unhappy. The stories I write is always unhappy. I can recall. I wrote about a child being abused. I wrote several times about suicide. I wrote about a kidnap. I wrote an assualt by a stalker. For O'levels I wrote about suicide with the complete-the-story composition topic.

I cannot write about happy endings. Bcos life isn't perfect at all. Life is a flawed thing. Reality often leaves scars.

But I can write about unrealistic things like dreamland and softoys. Since young I've always have a feeling that softoys can actually hear us, feel us, see us, listen to us. You can see the expression in their eyes. I'm serious. I feel connected to them.

If I gonna have a birthday cake this year, I'd want a Chocolate Truffle from TheRoyals.
Had my sutures removed today. 7 stitches in all, removed one by one. Each removal felt as if I was bitten by a vicious giant fat ant. Then the wound started leaking fluids out since I stepped out of the clinic after the removal of the sutures. I hope thats a normal reaction. I've covered it with gauze and tegaderm.

Hello Kitty and Melody

I cannot believe I like Hello Kitty so much now. I used to hate her when I was in poly. Analysing everything again now, I realised that it all started cos' of the Hello Kitty toy craze at Macdonalds. I grew to hate Hello Kitty all cos' she gave me an absolutely sickening bimbo-ish impression. Bcos all the damn bimbos love them so much. Bcos all the damn bimbos kept pestering all the guys to go queue up to buy the kitty toys. And Bcos all the stupid guys actually abide to their requests and actually went to queue up for the damn toys, just to impress the bimbos. All this totally smeared my impression of Hello Kitty. Bcos of all this association between Hello Kitty, Bimbos and Stupid guys, I steered clear of Hello Kitty for the next few years until recently. Now. I like Hello Kitty. Bcos she is cute. I have dozen of Hello Kitty wallpapers. I have a big Hello Kitty cushiony softoy. I have Hello Kitty stickers. I intend to expand my collection of Hello Kitty collectibles if I have the chance.

I disliked Melody for sometime as well. All bcos of a girl whom I totally do not want any associations with. She likes Melody. She always puts Melody's pics on her friendster. So it made me decide to dislike and reject Melody. I just refuse to like the same things as her. But now I've decided that Melody is not to blame. She's rather cute actually, although I don't know what she is. A rabbit or what? Less feelings of rejection towards Melody, although I'm still reminded of that girl everytime I see Melody.

From the Hello Kitty and Melody incidents, I guess you can say that I'm a very illogical person. Yes I am. And my behaviour can be rather weird towards some of the litte things that prick my feelings. Maybe girls can understand. But most guys will absolutely find it ridiculous to behave like this.

Here's Melody, in case you have no idea what it is:


Ok. Lets talk about the girl whom I do not want any associations with. Shes not very pretty, so no reason for me to be jealous of her looks. I haven't even talked to her face to face once, so it wasn't bcos of any quarrels that I decided to steer clear of her. I don't think she's ultra smart and good at her work, so no reason for me to be jealous of her brains; and anyway, we aren't even in the same field. Why do I not want to even be reminded of her? Bcos I'm a weirdo. Bcos I'm a petty person. Bcos I'm a person who cannot forget easily. Bcos' some part of my brain is cranky. Bcos' I'm a sensitive person. Bcos' my feelings often get pricked in all the weird places. Bcos' I tend to be phobic. Bcos' I do not want to feel threatened in anyway. Bcos I'm not good at handling my own feelings. Yup!

I feel that I understand myself better through blogging. Through blogging everynight. Each time I blog about my emotions, I understand myself better. I'm able to face up to some of my own feelings better each time. Blogging is a good activity.
Time for some pictures! My Get-Well Cards!

Get Well Card - 1

With courtesy from Vincent

Get Well Card - 3

Get Well Card - 2

From Changi General Hospital (I wonder how much they gonna charge to my bill for this)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


How was your Valentine's Day?

Any surprises? Chocolates? Flowers? Expensive Dinner? Nice night out? Nah, mine is just like any other day. Used to get fresh flowers for the past 3 years when I was in school. In school, always got people buy fresh flowers in bulk for all the girls mah. So I will happen to get fresh flowers since I'm one of the many girls! But oh, I got a softoy rose before VDay and I bought a fresh rose for Dad today.

This Valentine's Day is abit more special for me this year since I'm on MC so basically I spent my day relaxingly. Had a leisurely brekkie with Mom in the morning. Visited dad after that. Grabbed some Old Chang Kee for lunch (6 chicken nuggets and 1 yam pie, to be specific). Then I went window shopping until 5pm. After that was dinner back at home and telly-watching until 10pm. Followed by bath and blogging, which brings me to now.

Tomorrow is my stitches-removal day. I'm so scared that it'll be painful. I told dad today. He assured me that it will at most only feel like ants-bite.
They are going to do an additional invasive procedure to dad tomorrow morning. Apparently the fluids are not draining out as properly as they should through the current tube that leads out from his Peritoneal Cavity. It mustn't accumulate inside cos' that would cause sepsis. So they gonna try to run another tube through his pancreas to drain the bile out. Doc said that the success rate of this procedure is very low, only 10 to 12% (what the hell, is it so difficult to stick a tube into the pancreas properly?). And complications are many, like...well I don't feel like listing them out here. Don't think its auspicious anyway. Tomorrow I'll wake up early to do extra prayers. I hope all goes well.
My feelings are rather trapped today. I really worry about my dad. But I cannot show it to my mom. I know shes feeling the same way too, trying to hide her worries from me too. I know that both of us are trying to look ok and act happy so as not to add to each other's worries.
OK. Probably you might start telling me not to worry too much since anyway there's nothing much I can do to help dad also. Yes I know that. But its painful to see dad lying in hospital suffering like that.
Logically I know what I should do. Not to worry too much first. See how it goes. I do so.
But emotionally its very difficult for me to not to feel anything. Each time I look at my dad, it adds to it, even though I may not appear to be upset. Feels like a thousand tons of lead weighing on my heart. I don't think its worry anymore, its something else which I cannot pinpoint.
Last night I didn't blog. I've got so much to say, but I just can't start any sentence proper. I've got so many thoughts floating around in my little brain, but I didn't manage to write anything. Again, I've got thoughts floating around tonight, so I'll just jot them down here randomly:
1. My chinese birthday last Sunday was good. Got birthday meeswa. I ate and ate. Got Tangyuan with sesame paste filling since it was the Yuan Xiao Jie, last day of Chinese New Year.
2. I picked out 4 numbers from those red paper rolls on my chinese birthday. 3567. Can buy 4D if you want. I feel that 3567 sounds kinda weird, but I heard that winning numbers, especially the first prize, always sound weird. So its a potential winner.
3. Chatted quite a bit with Elaine last night. It made me reach alot of conclusions. It had also made me realise alot of things. I think I should go ponder more about some of those things.
4. I'm bent on winning Toto. Stubbornly so.
5. Life is still not good to me.
6. I'm very bent on winning Toto.
7. I want to binge. I want a buffet.
8. I'm going back to work next week.
9. I feel like singing at least 10 hours of karaoke non-stop. It will work miraculously to help release my pent-up feelings.
I've always been rather afraid to re-read whatever entries I've written on my blog. I fear to do so. Cos' I've tried to do so and it made me feel very, very weird. Especially those entries that are emotional. Especially those unhappy entries. I dare not re-read them. They really make me feel very weird. Its something like, I'm ashamed but impressed with myself for having the guts to make such awful feelings and emotions public, but yet grossed out when I recall the feelings that I went through. I think the main thing is that they are genuine and they trigger more feelings in me, so I don't dare to re-read them.
As for the happy and normal entries, I dare to re-read them. But I do not like to do so. Cos' they trigger other feelings in me. They make me get a feeling that happiness is so short-lived.

Thus, generally, I do not attempt to re-read what I've posted on my blog. Not only bcos' of the previous reasons, but also bcos' I know that I will sure spot grammatical errors, alignment errors, bad sentence structures and what-nots. These will make me feel flawed. I do not like to feel that way.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Im a Hufflepuff?

I spend my day appreciating how nice it is to be resting at home while other people are working. Yes I'm still on MC.


Received news that the old army market at Lavender has got lotsa nice stalls now. Stalls selling accessories, bags, etc. Stalls sellling stuffs that are SUITABLE FOR ME. Thats the best and worst part. Best cos' its yipee that theres another new shopping place for me. Worst is that if I go there I will sure have a high risk of spending money. Gonna ban myself from going there. BAN. BAN. BAN. BIG BAN.


Continued reading Cleo mag today. Like I said, I'm enjoying my stay at home. So I packed my clothes cupboard leisurely and read Cleo mag. It said the easiest way to get a healthy and balanced diet is to make sure that your plate is to divide your plate into 3 parts:
1/2 filled with: Salad with light dressing or veggies sauteed in olive oil.
1/4 filled with: Lean protein like fish, tofu or chicken
and the last 1/4 filled with: Half or one cup of whole grains like brown rice.


I passed by East point after visiting dad just now. And they had this stall selling all the Valentines' Day stuffs. I saw this big heartshaped glittery furry fluffy wand that I think my softoys will like. My softoys like wands.

Have you ever wondered which house the sorting hat of Hogwarts will put you in? I definitely think I won't belong to Slytherins. Don't think I'm a Gryffindor too. Hufflepuff? I don't think I'm that loyal and just. Maybe I'm a Ravenclaw? I don't mind being a Ravenclaw. Hehe.
"You might belong in Gryffindor,Where dwell the brave at heart,Their daring, nerve and chivalrySet Gryffindors apart.
You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are trueAnd unafraid of toil.
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind.
Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends."
OK. I've just tried this sorting test online. And it said I'm a Hufflepuff. Here's what it said:
"Loyal. Dependable. True. Just.

What an honor to be sorted into Hufflepuff! The house based on values and virtues over simply deeds. Not that the Hufflepuffs don't do anything worthwhile, it's just that here importance is based more on how you are, not what you do. Hufflepuff is all about acceptance. Since when is that a bad thing?

In Hufflepuff, there is a fallacy that the members are simply average, not good enough to get into the other houses. This is most definately not so. Just because Hufflepuff doesn't discriminate against people for not being good enough (or brave, smart, and ambitious enough), does not mean that the entire house is full of wimps, as people seem to think. While, yes. hard-workers are most likely to enter Hufflepuff, this does not mean there aren't other qualities. The fact that Helga Hufflepuff will take "all the rest" can and is seen as a bad thing, by some.

A Hufflepuff is loyal to their friends, trustworthy and patient, and often hard-working. One need not to fit all the criteria of a house to belong it it, nor not have any of the other House's values.
Last, I hope I need not remind you of Cedric Diggory, the one champion chosen for Hogwarts, over all the cunning Slytherins, brave Gryffindors, and clever Ravenclaws. You'd do good not to doubt Hufflepuff."
The Bandung jelly dessert they serve in the wards in the mealtimes at CGH is nice. The diced chicken is okie, except that they should have removed the chicken skin. The vege is sometimes nice and sometimes not nice. The fruits are quite fresh. The sweet&sour pork is not bad. I know most of you will give up with me for having so many comments about the hospital food.
I've just changed lappie's wallpaper to hogwarts wallpaper. Haha.
THIS! Haha.



Someone commented that I should try whipping out children's stories onto this blog, like what Enid Blyton does. Maybe I should. I will, if I have the inspiration!

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Ideal World

Happened to have a chance to shop a short short while at Tampines mall after visiting dad this afternoon.

I got this new bag today. This authentic ethnic lookin' bag. Quite nice. Something different from the usual cutesy bags I usually have.

I saw this big Torto softoy today. Its only 29.95 bucks. Cannot. Cannot spend anymore on softoys.

I also saw this 30 inch giantgiant cookiemonster softoy today at Tampines Mall Minitoons. Got Big Bird and Elmo as well. Only 29.90 bucks. Its really cool stuff. Damn worthwhile to buy. Cannot. Cannot spend anymore on softoys. And anyway, even if I wanna buy, I also cannot decide which to buy. Big Bird, Elmo or Cookiemon? Big Bird will be something different though.

Haha. By the way, have you always have the impression that Big Bird is an ultra motherly figure? Feels motherly leh. Although its supposed to be a male. Maybe cos' its covered with fluffy feathers? Haha.

A fella from the lab just told me that my lab is in a big mess now that I'm not around. Ahem. See? Shows how indispensable I am to the lab eh? *Smug*
But that also means that I will have extra work to do when I get back to work after my MC. Hmm.
Boss will probably blackface me after I go back. So I must enjoy next week first.
Please. Please Please let me strike Toto. Even though I only bought 2 bucks worth of Quickpick. Well, if really lucky, all I need is one chance right.

I've always been a softoy fanatic. I cannot resist them. They fill me up psychologically. They are alive. They aren't actually alive when they are being displayed at the shops. If someone buys them, and if the person makes a good owner, then their souls will actually come from softoy land to earth. They go dreamland everynight to play. They can meet their other softoy friends there. they also go to stuffland. This is where the old things retire. Things like books and bags and gadgets and whatever thats old and have retired.
Softoys meet at different gates of dreamland everynight. No one else knows which gates they gonna meet on each night. Its a secret. Cos' the meeting place will only be determined just before bedtime. There are different gates available everynight. Gates that are available tonight may not be available on other nights. They keep changing. Its the magic of dreamland.
But one thing for sure is that the gates always have nice names. Cherrytots gate. ChocoMarshmallows gate. GreenClover gate. VanillaClouds gate. RainbowDust gate. Loads of other gates. The gates never had and will never have awful names. Because dreamland is a perfect place. It is untainted. It is a happy place. A peaceful place. Everyone feels at ease there. Its an ideal world there.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Assorted Thoughts

I got an urge to go shopping. NOW. TOMORROW. THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. EVERYDAY. I wanna buy clothes. Buy Accessories. Bags. Loads of Meiji snacks. Vegetables. CDs. TechnieStuffs. ANYWHERE. ANYTHING. EVERYTHING.

But I can't.

I have no money. I need to save. I need to pay bills. I have to rest. I can't walk too much with my wound still there.

I feel happy even shopping around for a little while at the hospital pharmacy. Shows you how deprived I am.

I think I got this shopping fanatic inclination or something. Its mental. Its in me. Its in my mind. The monster haunts me whenever I don't shop for a week. Then it forces me to go shopping. Then I get relief from shopping. But I get mentally twisted whenever I go shopping and see things that I can't buy. Its the monster. I know its the monster.

Post-surgical wounds are very marfan. I have to cover it with plastic and tape it up during my bath. And during the bath, the tapes still allow water to seep in. So I have to like bathe and dap it with a big towel, den bathe again, and repeat that many times until I finish my bath. And not to mention that its real painful when I sneeze. Unfortunately I'm born with a sensitive nose. So now I spend the whole day trying to prevent myself from sneezing by rubbing my nose or holding it so that I don't sneeze. Try doing that. It doesn't feel good.
Rainy, cold nights always makes me have an intense craving for porridge. Teochew porridge especially. But oh well, since its not possible right now, I guess I'll just settle for instant mashed potatoes. Add more water to make it more watery. I had potatoes with butter for dinner. I've had potato chips. Now potatoes again. Hope I don't become a potato.
Time really pass so fast. Even when I'm on MC, it passes just as fast. But kenna-ing acute appendicitis is kinda like a blessing in disguise. At least it allows me to rest and recharge. I'm like a punctured tyre before I was hospitalized, with all the shuttling between work and visiting dad at the hospital and meddling the household responsibilities. Now at least I get to rest for one more week.
Bought Toto today. Let me win the grand prize. If I strike the grand prize, I'll donate some to charity. Then I'll get a partime job instead. Work a few hours a day. Or find jobs that allows me to work from home. Then I can accompany mom at home properly everyday, and visit dad at the hospital properly everyday. Pick up some new skills. Do things that I like. Learn things that I like. I promise I won't laze around if I win the grand prize.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My Miraculous Saviour

OK I've just sneezed and my wound hurts badly. Aww. I'll try not to sneeze anymore.

For this entry I would like to feature something miraculous. Or at least miraculous in my own sense. Its the Pill Crusher/Cutter!!

Pill Crusher - 4

This is how it looks like.

Pill Crusher - 3

See the blade on the top cap? Align your pill properly on the V-shaped portion. Press the top cap firmly down on the pill and SNAP!! Your pill is cut into 2 portions. Continue to do so until you get the desired swallowable size.

Pill Crusher - 1

Alternatively you can also put the pill inside and screw on the top portion. Bingo! You get your pill into powder form!

Pill Crusher - 2

It comes with a lid so you can use the lower portion as a drinking cup! The underneath (Not shown in the pic) of it acts as a storage compartment for your pills.

Miraculous! Miraculous! Miraculous! It totally solved my problem of being unable to swallow big pills. My Saviour!

And next, the foldable drinking cup, which I think is quite cute.

Drinking Cup - 2

Portable, totally fits in the pocket.

Drinking Cup - 3

Drinking Cup - 1


Thats all for now. Till another update then!


Thanks To All !!

Hellooo! Its been donkey's years since I last updated!

So many things happened recently. My dad was hospitalized for Peritonitis, and according to the consultant, will be in there for the next few months or so. I hope he gets well soon. Its really very hard for him and everyone to bear with all this. Not to forget the scarey size of the hospital bills.

I've just been discharged from hospital on Monday night. Had Acute Appendicitis, so they performed an Open Appendicectomy to remove that thumb-sized organ. Such a small organ causing all that trouble.

Thanks to all for paying me visits while I was hospitalized. Thank you for all the concern! Let me make an open declaration to thank all of you. Thanks to Elaine, Puisan, Adelene, Kheng Leong for dropping by despite your tight schedules! Thanks to Mr Poh for dropping by to pass me Angpow for cny! Thanks to Robin for all the help and rushing to and fro from the hospital to my house and to visit my dad and me. And also for running all the errands. Thanks also for buying the commode that is so very much useful! Thanks to Vincent for my daily supplies of newspapers and magazines! And also thanks for rushing down to visit me during your lunchbreak. Thanks to Jasmine for your fruits! Thanks all! Thanks for all the smses of concern after I was discharged. Glad to have you all as my friends!

All greatly appreciated!