A bespectacled 25 year old nerdy girl with sensitive eyes so dry that she couldn't put on contacts properly.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Chocolate Fountain

I seriously think I'm getting some compulsive snacking disorder. I keep snacking and snacking and snacking and snacking. Even though my stomach hasn't really recovered fully, I keep having strong urges to snack. Gotta stop this!


I want a chocolate fountain at my house next time. If I got too much spare money. The chocolate fountain at Pariss is good. Permanently flowing with warm chocolate. Looks nice, tastes good.

Pariss - 3

Look. Cherry tomatoes and biscuitsticks and marshmallows coated with flowing chocolate from the chocolate fountain. 2nd attempt. Looks nicer than my first attempt.

Pariss - 2

My first attempt. Looks less professional.

Pariss - 1

And more sin.
Marshmallows with grape jam filling tastes the best when coated with warm liquid chocolate. But its ultra sinful. You get the point? I'm potentially a fat girl.

Pariss - 4

Purple Scallops

Pariss - 5

Crocodile meat in soup, bakuteh style

Point confirmed? I'm potentially a fat girl.


Did some exercise today. Cycled on the stationary bike for like 10km. Afterwhich my insides felt erxin. And it made me feel like puking. That confirmed that my tummy is still not good after the food poisoning incident. So I only managed to burn 90 calories. I heard that 1 can of green tea is about 85 calories? That means that I seriously didn't managed to burn enough calories.Well but at least I worked my heart and muscles abit.


I realised that it makes a hell lot of difference if you replace an exclaimation mark with a fullstop at the end of a sentence!

I realised that it makes a hell lot of difference if you replace an exclaimation mark with a fullstop at the end of a sentence.

Felt it? Haha.


I like the 9pm show on channel 8. Gives me a good feeling to see how the relationship between Jiang RuYi and Qian Jiekuan develops. Feels warm and romantic. I guess the kind of chemistry depicted in the show is exactly exactly exactly what 2 people should feel in realife, if god made them for each other. Whether they end up together, thats another matter though. And even if they end up together, whether they stick together till the end is yet another matter. That, I guess, shall be left to fate and destiny. No? We can control fate and destiny to some extent? By making proper decisions and choices? I don't really think so. It should be that fate and destiny influence our decisions and choices. Experience tells me so. We shouldn't resign ourselves to fate and destiny, but we probably also shouldn't neglect the impact that they play in life.


I think listening to korean sentimental songs gives me very good inspiration to write my blog entries. Peaceful. But it makes me think deeper on certain things, which can be both good and bad.


There's a few things that I wanna do now. I wanna sleep. I wanna bathe. I wanna blog. Too bad I can't do all at the same time. Life is like this. You always have to sacrifice something to get something.


I wanna go out somewhere. But there aint any nice places to go. I've covered the good shopping areas. Its impossible for me to go to nature reserves due to inacessibility and the unpredictable weather. Its not good for me to go to places of interest like the zoo and Sentosa since I've got a tight budget. Chillout at cafes? Time will pass quite inefficiently. Stay at home? It'll be kinda boring? Stuff myself silly with snacks? I'll die fat. Blog till I get knocked out? Sounds good......

Happy New Year in advance.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Shout out loud

Oh dear..no time to write a proper entry tonight!


Till tomorrow then!


Monday, December 26, 2005

Fried Mars Bars, Anyone?

Ok I'm supposed to think up more new year resolutions tonight. But so far haven't been thinking about that yet. The sugar rushes that I've been having kinda caused my brain to malfunction. Forgive me if I spelt anything wrongly. First it was the ultra sweet strawberry almond logcake. Then Ben&Jerrys' Chunky Monkey icecream, then Ben&Jerrys' New York Super Fudge. And finally Fried Mars Bars today at Far East. Oh! The Estasy!

Fried Mars Bars are cool stuffs. The Mars Bar is being chopped up into chunks, then coated with batter that aint too thick and aint too thin, and sent for frying. Served in piping-hot bitesized chunks, with a full scoop of creamy vanilla icecream. As you bite through the crispy batter, your teeth sinks into a gooey chocolatey-caramely mars bar chunk. And the cold vanilla icecream. It makes good contrast with the warm gooey chocolatey chunk.

Fried Mars Bars are ultra sinful stuffs. The Mars Bar itself is already calorie-laden. The frying process ups the number of calories. And the scoop of icecream brings it up to a max on the calorie scale.

I've been a very unhealthy kid by loading myself with sugar this christmas holiday. Its bad. I'll make up for it by staying away from sugar-laden food in the coming new year holiday. And hopefully by throwing in some exercise.

Back to work again tomorrow. Ew. Argh. Aw. Ee. Uw.

2 more days of work before I go on leave again. Yay. Ooo.

I hope there isn't any journal club that I have to attend next week. I hope journal club falls on the days which I am on leave. Then life will be perfect instantaneously.

Lets cross our fingers and toes. Pray that journal club in the coming week will be on either thursday or friday. Then I can MIA from it. Then I'll be saturated with happiness.

I find that its extremely difficult to find nice tops. Anyone knows of any nice place to shop for unique and not too expensive tops?

I realised that I haven't been posting up pics on bloggie since dinosaurs walked the earth. Will try to snap some in the coming new year hols and put 'em up!

Gotta work tomorrow. I'm not sleepy at all now. But I gotta go try to get myself to sleep. Goodnight all.


Some Resolutions

Time to think up some new year resolutions in lieu of the fact that 2006 is coming in a few days time.

So here they are, the uncompleted list, not in order of importance:

Resolution #1:
Be careful of what I eat. Try to prevent any incidents of food poisoning and excessive puking.
I had enough of food poisoning. 1 in 2004, 1 in 2005. Both in december. That sucked. I dun wan anymore of such.

Resolution #2:
Be more health conscious.
Get more exercise done. Pay more attention to what I eat.

Resolution #3:
Save more money.
Buy less un-necessary stuffs. Although I haven't decided whether clothes and accessories are to be in the 'un-necessary' category. Hmmz.

Resolution #4:
Be more kind towards fellow mates.
Be less critical and sarcastic. It will definitely do me good in accumulating goodwill.

Resolution #5:
Be more kind towards my dad.
Not much additional comments about this.

5 resolutions that I can come up with for the time being.

I've put 'em in font colours of green and red. Well cos its Christmas. The colours for Christmas are red and green. No? Thats the impression I get from Christmas gift wrappers.



Sunday, December 25, 2005


So how was your Christmas?
Christmas was not at all Christmassy for me. I had a bout of food poisoning which started on 22nd Dec. My stomach churned out like 3 to 4 bagfuls of undigestible and/or halfdigested food, in the direction against gravity, straight out from my oral cavity.

Started feeling like crap about 2 hours after lunch on 22nd Dec. So well I had thought that it was indigestion so I went for fruits. 1 hour after fruits it felt ultra ultimately grossly crappy, much worse that before. Started puking at 5pm with the puking frequency of around 15 minutes per puketime.

Puked at the busstop (luckily not on the bus), hailed a cab and puked a bagful while on the way home (luckily I had spare plasticbags in my bag), reached home and continued to puke another bagful (while silently cursing myself for my foul luck), and puked another bagful while at the clinic while waiting for my turn to see the doc. Got a jab on my butt (and that hurt for the next 2 days), which promised to curb my vomitting attacks.

Got home and puked again after the jab and medicine. Couldn't get any food down my gastrointestinal tract so I went to sleep feeling all lousy and nauseous.

Next day I wokeup feeling rather alright, but started to feel all nauseous and pukey again after I had like 5 spoonfuls of plain watery porridge. So I stayed at home and skipped the intended Christmas shopping spree (that I had been looking forward so much to for the past few weeks). Yup and this went on until today. Finally can eat without feeling nauseous after the food intake. Although I felt quite full after eating just small portions of food.

My major conclusion from this incident is that,
Deprivation from food makes me grumpy and sulky. The few days that I couldn't eat, I was ultra grumpy and unhappy and tired. The deprivation from food makes me ultra unbalanced. Ultra bad mood. Which makes me wonder how I'm gonna survive the ordeal if I happen to need to go on diet or detox session to cut down my weight. I'll end up all unhappy and unbalanced.

Ok enough about my bad christmas experience this year. Enough said about all the gross pukings.

May next year be a better year. Merry Christmas! Or rather, happy boxing day!


Thursday, December 22, 2005


1 more day to being on leave..YaaaaaY!

argh tonight not enough time to write a proper entry! Gottta sleep early!

Till tomorrow then!


Monday, December 19, 2005

Numb and Neutral

As usual the weekend went past in a flash. Weekends always feel like nanoseconds while weekdays are like decades. Well at least its officially 4 more days to being on leave.

Civilisation IV worked ok on lappie. But I haven't got much time to play the game so far. The work that I planned to do this weekend hasn't even been completed. Have been procrastinating. Bad Bad me.

Its not easy taking over the family expenses. There's alot of budget and financial limits to be taken note of. Alot of planning to be done. Alot of money to be spent. Alot of errands to run. Every Saturday is spent on groceries shopping and marketing for the following week. Pretty stressful sometimes because money is always never enough. Even if there is enough money to spend on groceries and necessities and on paying off all the utilities bills, phone bills, house bills, medical bills, bank loans, there really isn't much left for me to save. If my parents were well off I wouldn't be stuck in such a plight. Well but who's to blame. This is probably destined. I wonder when I can afford my own car and house. I hope I won't take forever.

Looking through my past blog entries, I realised that I have very few happy cheerful-sounding ones. It doesn't mean that I'm leading an ultra miserable life. Life still have its happy moments sometimes. Its just that happy moments are usually shortlived. Its reality. Few seconds of happy moments and I'm back to reality again. I don't try to be pessimistic. Neither do I try to be ultra optimistic. I'm just neutral.

Some people commented that I always seem unhappy. I have absolutely nil comments to that. I wouldn't agree that I am unhappy, neither would I lie that I am very happy. Like I said, I'm neutral.

Sometimes I feel very old. I feel like a tired old woman that has seen through life. But logic tells me that I haven't. I've only seen 24 years of life. Surely there is more to life than this. Maybe I just need a good break. A good break from financial stress. A good break so as I can escape from reality for awhile. Probably that would make me more refreshed.

I do whatever things that I need to do everyday to sustain life. Going to work, coming back home, listening to family grumbles about money issues, going to work, earning the money, bringing the money back home, spend the money, going to work, earning the money, bringing the money back home, realising that the money is still not enough, spending the money, going to work... If you all happen to view me as an unhappy person, I'm not. I'm just numb and neutral. Surely this is not a bad thing, as compared to being pessimistic.

Its gonna be christmas next Sunday. Christmas has always been my favourite festival, and it will always be. I love it. It gives me a good feeling. But every Christmas feels different. Different in a very subtle but distinct way. I have no idea how to describe it.

I've got comments that I always have quite a few errors in my entries. Sometimes its grammar, sometimes its spelling, sometimes its sentence structures. Well I couldn't care less. Every night I just sit down and write freely. I put down whatever comes to my mind. I don't pay attention to things like grammars and sentence structures. Sometimes I get sleepy and that accounts for the missing words or typo errors. I don't read through my own entries after I've finished writing it. I publish them directly without any checks.

A blog to me is like a diary where I put my thoughts and feelings down. Its also where I record some of the daily events that I feel like keeping in memory in case I get amnesia sometime in my life. Its also where I put some pictures up for entertainment value to myself and my friends. I would most probably be blogging all throughout my lifetime as long as I have the ability to type and have access to the internet.

My entries are getting ridiculously long these days. I better cut it off now before this entry gets even longer. Gotta sleep. Tomorrow is a darkblue Monday again. Monday blueeees.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Is beauty really only skindeep?

Do girls need to be slim to look nice? Does all the slimming and depriving yourselves of food pay off? Is slimness one of the criteria for being beautiful? Why are slimming centres making so much money?

I just think that if the world is without guys, there wouldn't be any slimming issues at all. Guys love curves and slimness and whatsoever. Their idea of beauty is as such. Most of them absolutely do not feel that beauty is only skin-deep. They love the supermodel look. Despicable ones will insist that they do not go for the looks and that character is more important. Oh. I can only say that that is utter crap. The only possible reason that they will settle with someone who looks just average is most probably only because they are want to feel more secure.

If I put Fann Wong and me side by side. Assuming that we both are perfect in character and have totally no character flaws. And assuming that she is a goodfriend of yours and not some artise. Which would you choose? Fann Wong of cos. I don't feel that Fann Wong looks nice. I chose to use her for a comparison solely because she is the idea of what guys will think is perfect. Yes and back to the issue. Any sane guy would choose Fann Wong of cos. Do not try to insist that you wouldn't be sure that you will choose Fann Wong. Because you'd be totally lying if you do that. And I don't suggest that you try to lie too much in your lifetime, because there is such a thing called karma.

So, the whole idea of gals trying to look pretty and slim and whatsoever is ultimately, for the sake of guys. Yea gals, you can try saying that we want to look pretty and slim and nice just cos' we love ourselves and we appreciate beautiful things. I wouldn't say that that is truthful. Cos' if there is no such thing as an opposite sex called guys, I know that we gals wouldn't care less about how we look. Unless we are interested to hook up some lesbianic friends, that is.


I know, I write as if I hate the world and is against guys or something. I'm absolutely not. Its just some of my views on some things in life. Its just how I feel. I don't worship guys or love life, neither am I against them in anyway.


Its past 3am and I'm still crazily typing away. Probably the 3.5 hours post-dinner nap caused this. My brain is working in tiptop condition. But I know that tomorrow I'll feel ultra sleepy. Plus its a Sunday somemore. Monday blues always infiltrates into my Sundays. You know that.

Got work to do. Must do it tomorrow afternoon.

I hope Civilisation IV runs well on my lappie. Sometimes the minimum requirements are met but the game still doesn't run well for some reasons that I do not know of, given my limited IT knowledge. Firstly I wanna create an ultra communist community that adopts Confucian teachings as a religion. Wahaha. No No. Don't get the wrong idea though. I'm not secretly worshipping Mao Zedong or Confucius.


I gotta say this again tonight. My hair. My hair is too layered for my liking. Please bear with me, cos' I foresee that I will be moaning about this until it grows long enough for the layers to be less obvious. Haa.


All about Friends

How many good friends do you have? Or rather, exactly how many friends do you have that are worth keeping? How many friends will stand by you when you are in shit?

I can tell you that, when I seriously think about it, I haven't got many. Its so hard to even try to squeeze out a few.

There are some friends that will only come to you when they need your help, or only when they meet shit elsewhere and they happen to need a friend.

There are some that will come to you only when there's fun to be enjoyed. Always hang out together but deep inside your heart you really really know that you can't count on him or her when there's any shit.

There are some that you will always lend a listening ear and a shoulder for him or her to cry on. But he or she doesn't lend you the same when you need 'em.

There are some that are damn nice to you on the surface. But behind your back they are actually trying to compete and compare themselves to you. They can't stand you faring better than them in anyway.

There are some that doesn't reciprocate your kind intentions.

There are some that you know them for ages already, but sometimes they still do things to make you feel that you still don't and will never understand them well enough.

There are..There are..the list just continues.

But there are also good people out there that can be good friends.

There are those that you don't see them often. But there is a common silent trust between you and him or her that there is always help available if you are in some kind of shit.

There are those that you rarely meet up with them. But you know that the friendship will last long.

There are those that you are always missing but there is seldom an opportunity to talk to them, not to mention to meet up with them.

There are those that reciprocate your kind intentions.

Etc. Etc.

So it comes to the issue of: Do we really need friends?
I used to need friends alot when I was in primary and secondary school. I'd feel ultra uncomfortable if I were to have lunch or hang out alone. It'll make me feel as if the whole world has the company of friends except me. I'd rather skip lunch or skip going out if I have to do it alone. It just felt super awkward to be in the absence of company.

As I grew older I began to realise that most people can only be superficial friends. I began to have lose trust in friends after being through some issues. I have some that are ok, but I can't be sure that they will even try to help me if I'm in some shit. As years passed by, friends decreased and aquantainces aka hi-bye friends increased. I'm much more comfortable being alone as compared to last time. I can have lunch alone, go shopping alone, do stuffs alone. Its really better to be alone than to be in the company of people you don't really click with. Maybe some people will consider this antisocial. But if I'm comfortable and confident when I'm alone, why not. Of course its good to have company, but like I said, its always better to be alone than in the company of people that you are not comfortable with. Either 0 or 100.

Yah so much about friends. Out of so many categories of friends that I've listed above, touch your heart and seriously think about which category you are in. If you are in the good category, stay that way. If you are in the bad category, so be it. I've long given up hope.


I realised that my recent entries are getting longer. I will cut this entry here and put it as another one.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Logs and Twigs

Shit. I think my hair is cut abit too short for my liking. But it was highlighted rather nicely though. But I now have layered hair. I hate layered hair. I have no idea why hairdressers like to cut layered hair for all their customers. I merely forgot to tell my hairdresser not to layer my hair and she committed the crime. I have absolutely no liking for layered hair. Oh well. Whats done cannot be undone.

I supposedly look better in short hair than long hair. My hairdresser said so. My mom said so. My dad said so. The colleague who knew me only for a month said so. Almost everyone said so. Is it really so?

I always have alot of ideas on what to write in my blog entries while I'm bathing. But somehow after that when I sit down to blog, I can't recall anything good.

I don't know. But I feel that some bloggers are kinda fake. As in, like when I read their entries, I get the feeling that they are just trying to make use of their blog to show-off, or just to own a blog just cos' everyone is doing so. Some try to use ultra-polished english. Thats really fine if their english is really good. Some just try too hard. Maybe I'm sensitive, but I really get the feeling that they are trying too hard when I read their blogs. Why can't they just be natural.

But oh well, this world is a fake world. Full of fakers. In life, alot of times you have to be fake to get your way through. Being fake is actually a skill. A survival skill. You have to be nice to people that you actually feel like stabbing. You have to smile to people that you feel like spitting at.

And did I forget to mention that guys love fake gals. Yes. If you are a guy reading this, no need to feel ashamed. You guys are born like this. I understand. You all love gals who are cute, bubbly, innocent, with big eyes, long straight flowy hair, have good complexion..etc.
In other words, you all love gals who act-cute, put on lotsa makeup and blush powders, wear pushup bras, rebond their hair, wear contact lens that make their eyes look bigger, act innocent, behave demure artificially, .. etc. I think I shan't go on with the list. Because it will make you all feel horribly stupid if I reveal all the things that the chiobus do to get your attention. Because you all will suddenly realise (with disbelief) that 'chio' is a thing that is created artificially. You would have probably thought that the chiobu you just saw today looks so damn real chio because she is just born naturally with so damn chio looks. You wouldn't have realised that her hair was rebonded and treated, her good complexion was created by makeup, her big beautiful eyes were created by eyeliners and eyeshadows and mascara and eyelash curlers and plastic fake eyelashes and contact lens. Her attractive bust was created by expensive padded pushup bras....etc etc. Like I said, I shouldn't go on to make you all feel stupid.

I'm seriously not trying to be sarcastic or anything. Nor am I jealous of the attention that chiobus get from guys. Cos' I have absolutely no cravings for that kind of attention. I'm just writing it out cos I happen to think of it. By now you all should know that I write randomly. Oh and I don't mean to strongly imply that guys are stupid-fools-who-love-fake-gals. Absolutely no such intentions. Sorry if happen to be such a guy and you happen to feel offended after reading this.

I went for Hepatitis B vaccination today. First dose. I was actually vaccinated 5 years ago. The recent blood test revealed the fact that there aren't anymore reactive HepB antibodies in my body, so I have to repeat all the 3 doses again. 2nd dose will be 16 jan next year.

Since young, I've always preferred injections to swallowing pills. I suck at swallowing pills. I can't even get a 500mg Paracetamol (Panadol) pill down my esophagus successfully. I have no idea why. Been trying since dont know when. But just couldn't. I can only swallow small tiny pills. The rest I've to grind it up in water and swallow the solution. For capsular pills, I'll have to open up the capsule, get the powder out, dissolve the powder and swallow the solution instead. I think there's something wrong with my swallowing reflexes or my esophagus anatomy such that I can't swallow pills properly. I've heard similar cases on the radio. The suggestion given by the doctor was that if you really can't swallow the pills, just grind it up. Better than trying too hard to swallow and end up getting choked. I guess you can't really do anything about it. Some people are just born with the inability to swallow big pills properly.

I'm in half a mind to search for blogskins. But I'm rather ok with the current template as well.

Ordered any logcakes for christmas? I ordered a strawberry almond logcake from cedele. And a mushroom quiche. Must remember to collect it on the 23rd. So far the logcakes from cedele looks the most pleasing. Looks most like logs. The rest of the logcakes from most other shops just look like twigs. Hehe. I feel that way.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Spot the Sea Creatures

Came across something interesting today, for those learning statistics:

"Statistics are like Bikinis,
What they reveal are suggestive,
What they cover are vital."

Received an sms today:
"Apple asks orange: why are you an orange?
Orange replies: Because I no want to be an apple,
Then Apple says: But you can be a pear also mah,
and then both apple and orange fights"
I really don't know what to say about the person who came up with this
Naps that are less than 1 hour always gives me a throbbing headache. So when I'm tired, its either at least an hour nap or nil nap at all. Short naps don't work for me at all.
Was talking on the mobile phone when a cross-line happened. The other party on the line couldn't hear me. He heard sounds on the MRT..the 'too-too-too-too doors closing, Kembangan'..something like that. Which leads me to wonder what if cross-line happens and we happen to hear something that we shouldn't hear? As in like hear a secret dealing or some ultra evil plans or something.
Can't write properly tonight. Ultra sleepy!
Hey the sea creature bite-sized biscuits I was referring to the other night. I spreaded the biscuits out on my dinner table and took a pic of it. Mom said it really looks like sea creatures swimming in the blue-ish greenish sea.

Sea Creatures Biscuits

Try Spotting the various types of creatures! I like the squid and the starfish the most.

Here's a bigger version of the pic. Have fun spotting em'! Out!

Sea Creatures Biscuits

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

CRC Cafe Rulez!

Time to be online again. The much awaited moment of the day. I dont exactly blog until very late at night. Just 20 to 30 minutes spent on typing an entry. But time still passes so damn fast.

I realised that if i drink marmite soup for supper I'll wakey feeling more refreshed the next morning. Haa.

I love the cafe at CRC. Good food at a cheap price. The 3-cheese-vege lasagne is superb. The roast chicken is good. The brown rice is healthy. The brownie is good too. The red mushroom pasta is not bad too. Yum. Thumbs up. Will go on to try other dishes. The best part is that there's always seats there under normal circumstances. Got aircon. No long queues. Best.

Oh I have a lot of snacks with me now. There's pineapple tarts that my dad brought back. Pineapple tarts always remind me of chinese new year. Actually I kinda prefer to have less pineapple on my pineapple tarts. I like the tarts alone. Sometimes I'll request my dad to order pineapple tarts without the pineapple topping from the bakery. Pineapple-tart-ko-song.

I've got swiss rolls. Coconut-pandan flavour. Haven't tried it. Sounds really asian.

I've got Pringles chips. Sourcream and Onion flavoured. Don't really like pringles that much. But its a cheaper alternative to Ruffles.

I've got Bite-sized crackers. ButterCheese flavoured. Really cute ones. The crackers are tiny. Packed into small packs of 38g each. Each cracker comes in the shape of either a shark, squid, fish, whales, starfish etc. Niceee. Its light and not too sweet nor not too saltish. Its plain with a subtle cheese taste. I can use it like cornflakes in fresh milk.

I've got digestive cookies. And those..I don't know what you call them. Those peanut blocks? Show ya the pic:

Peanut Blocks

Its those traditional kind of peanut snack. Melts in the mouth.

Oh shucks. I've just dropped the bottle (Plastic bottle) of pineapple tarts onto the floor. And the lid cracked. Pineapple tarts spewed out (Is spewed the correct word?). I screamed. The agony of seeing the tarts all smashed up.......................

Luckily about 50% of the tarts inside are still fine. Otherwise I would never forgive myself.

Oh! the agony of smashing away the pineapple tarts.

I've just realised the chinese name for Clorets is JIA LU XIAN.


The chinese name doesn't sound that nice. Alot of things end up sounding more awful in chinese. Try watching Harry Potter dvd, select it to play in chinese language and you'll know what I mean, really. Watch out for the chinese translation of the curses. Got things like 'Hun(1) Hun(1) Dao(3) Di(4)'. Go figure out which curse that is.


Monday, December 12, 2005


How should I describe today. Its a Monday. I'm allergic to Mondays. Probably I might even be allergic to all the weekdays. Weekdays are allergic to me too. They always rain when I'm trying pathetically to get myself out of bed at 5am in the morning. Thats when I feel that the whole world gets to enjoy sleeping comfortably in the cool weather except me. And the day always turn humid when I'm trying to rush home after I knock off. In which I always end up sticky and uncomfortable after I get home.

Its mutual allergy to each other. Weekdays and me.

I realised that I tend to whine more frequently these days. It comes with age. Or at least in my case.
8 more days (excluding weekends) to being on leave. Counting down every night. Let me be out of the lab soon! Faster! May the time pass as fast as possible until the 23rd, then move as slow as possible until the 25th, and then take a complete stop on christmas day itself. Then we'll be having christmas everyday. But will life really be good if we have christmas everyday? Hmm..
Work is getting more stressful everyday. But thats normal. I guess everyone of us has to put up with such shit.
My nose is constantly itchy. Especially now that there are more dust in the air since there are some kind of renovations going on near my place. Its so unpeaceful when your nose is permanently itchy. Anti-allergy nasal sprays used to work, but now it doesn't work anymore.
I think anyone who reads my blog will feel that I'm a problematic, unhappy kid. I feel that I really sound like one. Problematic. Sulky. Unsatisfied. Broke. Stressed with life. Nonsensical. Uncontented. Sounds like one of those phases that teenagers go through to become adults. I remembered I was quite a happy teenager and I didn't really go through the sulky teenager part to become an adult. Probably life is destined in such a way that everyone of us has to go through the unhappy teenager phase. And since I skipped it in the earlier years of my life, now is the time to go through it. Aww.
Have to be at my workplace earlier from tomorrow onwards. 8am latest. What life! The lack of rest probably explains why Paracetamol has became my friend and why I'm so grumpy. But how to sleep earlier?! I finish telly at 10pm everynight. Bathe. Go online awhile and its 12+ already. I can sleep earlier if I don't go online. But whats life without the daily dose of internet?! Highlight of the day man. Its a good way to end the day before I go to bed. If not I will feel very incomplete. I will be Devastated. Distraught. Torn. Zombiefied. Deprived.
Gotta rush off to bed now.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Paracetamol is my friend

Have you ever felt lonely all of a sudden? Lonely in the sense that..even though you've got family and people around you but you still can't help feeling alone. Its a very psychological feeling that keeps bugging you in your head. Feels as if no one else can understand because they are not in the same predicament.

Paracetamol is my friend. Serazyme is my pal. Throat lozenges are my sweets. Tissue papers are my can't-do-withouts. I've got flu again, sorethroat and stuffs. This whole month I've been sick almost every weekend except for one. Whatever has happened to my immune system. Or maybe I'm constantly under some sort of curse.

Listening to some really old songs now. Tarcy Su, can you believe it. Thats like so secondary school-ish. Ages ago. When I was still young. Old songs just trigger some kind of weird feelings. I have no idea how to describe the feelings. Not a good feeling, but cannot be considered a bad feeling as well. Just got a weird weird feeling in my heart. Makes me feel like going back to the old times, but at the same time it makes me feel abit sick at the thought of going back to the old times. Very contradictory feelings they are.
I decided to like korean songs. Those sentimental types. It soothes me lots. But if I wanna buy or download them, I won't have any idea which korean singers' songs are those ultra sentimental types though.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Random Topics

Baby Eeyore

New addition to my plushies family!

Baby Piglet

Another one..

Baby Tigger

And another one..

Baby Pooh

And another one!


I just ate supper. Maggi Mini Noodles in Marmite soup base. Discarded the MSG-laden seasoning and made my own marmite soup base instead. Healthier mah. Marmite has got loadsa Vitamin B. Oh and I ate lemon puffs after that.

This means I have to brush toothies AGAIN. I always brush toothies before my night bath. But always end up eating supper after that. So always have to brush again. 4 bad things about brushing toothies an extra time everynight:

1. Wastage of toothpaste

2. Wastage of water

3. Shortening the lifespan of my toothbrush

4. Wastage of time


Chillos are nice. I love the mintychoc flavoured onez.


I feel like eating DimSum...


Went for the 1st session of the animal course today. Oh the full name is actually Responsible Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

There you have it. The title spelt the contents out. 8 lectures in all. Practical will be this coming Friday.

The lectures list:

1. Biomedical Research Regulations, NACLAR and you

2. The IACUC - Responsibilities, functions and animal protocol

3. The 3Rs, Responsibilites of researcher and use of alternatives

4. OHS in biomedical research

5. Animal handling and blood collection

6. Disease and Diagnosis

7. Basic laboratory animal anaesthesia and analgesia; Recognising pain and distress

8. Introduction to surgery, post-op care and euthanasia

Lectures today, as usual, just like any others, are damn sleepy events. Im kinda thinking that if one day I got insomnia, putting me in a lecture might do the trick.


I seem to eat more nowadays for some unknown reasons. I hope I burn enough energy though. Otherwise the excess carbohydrates will be converted and stored as fats. Then I'll start rolling to work instead of taking mrt. I'd rather be spending money on public transport than to roll around free-of-charge.

Actually its bad to talk about rolling as an action of being fat. Didn't mean to poke fun of obese folks. Well some people are just born with more fat cells. Its not like they over-eat or something. Its not funny. They didn't chose to be obese. Like I didn't choose to have oily skin.


I'm dozing off! ZzZzZzZzZ..

Gonna go brush toothies and prepare to turn in for the night.

Thats it.


Sunday, December 04, 2005


Nua Dog

Have you ever had the same dream on 2 consecutive nights? For the past 2 nights, I dreamt about the same thing, but its in Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 1 of dream (Saturday night): In the dream I was in my late 20s. There was this prospective hubby. I went with prospective hubby to his friend's wedding dinner. At the wedding dinner we met this girl that my prospective hubby was crazy over during his school days. Prospective hubby seemed unsettled all throughout dinner. Something was really fishy.

Part 2 of dream (Sunday night): I got married to this prospective hubby. Day of marriage, he told me straight into my face that he realised he still likes the ex-classmate alot. He wants me to know that he doesn't love me anymore, but he is willing to take care of me. I gave him a tight slap and filed for divorce the very next day.

Very dramatic dream.

But how would you react if this really happens in realife?

I would do the same thing as I did in the dream. File for a divorce. No point keeping keeping a guy who doesn't love you. Especially a fickle-minded one. Get him out of the way. Unless he's kinda frickingly rich then probably I would probably, probably try extra hard to ignore the fact that he doesn't love me. Haa.

No idea why I have such a dream. Maybe I watched too much telly. Or maybe I have some subconscious hidden thoughts at the back of my mind that I normally don't know of. Or maybe I have some hidden worries in some ulu corner of my brain? I have no idea. But really, not all dreams have reasons behind them. At least I think so.


I'm eyeing the Sony PSP. Its good. But I'll probably never ever buy it. Not to mention that even if I get the PSP, I'll have to buy the games as well. Each game is 72 bucks.


I'm eyeing the FM add-on for iPod Nano. I'm probably going to get it as a prezzie for myself sometime. If its not way expensive.


Tomorrow is Monday again. Or rather, its already Monday now. Back to work. 14 more days to being on leave (excluding weekends).

Friday, December 02, 2005


Hi! TGIF! Very thankful that its friday! Weeeeekennnnd!

Today I had this free pizza lunch treat by 2 of the lab people who passed their PHD qualifying exam. Actually I don't really see the need to actually celebrate by giving the whole lab a treat. But oh well, since its free for me, why not. We had 2 pizzas (Canadian 2 for 1 pizza), garlic bread (which was quite hard, Pastamania's is nicer), Calamari (Tasted abit..as though its not 100% calamari), Potato Wedges (with lotsa seasoning powder on it), chilled coke, chilled green tea. And oh yes, the chilled green tea gave me a tumtum ache for the rest of the day. I like green tea alot. But sometimes after drinking it I get a tumtum ache. Its not like its super achey, but its those kind of dull pain that keeps gnawing at the central abdomen. I'm still having abit of tumtum ache now. Price for drinking chilled green tea. Aww.

And oh yes, had journal club right after lunch. Its a blue moon tonight. Becos' I didn't kenna arrowed to answer questions or interpret diagrams at all. So peer out your window now to spot the blue moon. Its a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing.

Aww. I looooove the journal club. Its coool..Its my passion!

Yeeaaaahh riggghhhht.

Raining. Its raining now. Just now the wind practically howled. My main door banged shut. The wind howled. I kinda shivered. Its cold. I haven't had my bath for the night. I'm not supposed to be online tonight. But I had a sudden urge to blog. I'm supposed to sleep early. The raindrops still fallin'. Its still cold. I gotta pluck up my guts to overcome the cold temperature to go bathe soon. Need to brush toothies first. Still got tumtum aches. I feel like drinking campbells chicken corn soup though. I think I'll go drink my Ginseng Cereal for supper. Healthier.

It suddenly occured to me that 'Apple Strudel' makes a cute nick, while I was eating TioGlutton Cheesesticks and watching telly. I've changed my msn nick to Apple Strudel. Heh. Why didn't I think of it earlier..could have used it for my blog manz. But then White Fluffy Puppy also sounds cute mah hor. I got the inspiration for the nick 'White Fluffy Puppy' while I was downloading Cinnamoroll Wallpaper last time.

Should I keep Konfabulator on my computer? Or should I uninstall it? It looks nice and everything, but I don't really use it much. Hmmz. I shall decide over the weekend whether to keep it or not.

A research found that Height is one of the risk factors for Myopia. Its not like you'll definitely get Myopia if you are tall, but being tall is one of the risk factors for Myopia, in addition to other risk factors of course. Understand? Cos' tall people have longer eyeball length. Cos' eyeball length is related to myopia, if I remember correctly. Its something like the longer your eyeball length, the higher the probability of getting myopia. But of course, I'm not trying to say that being tall will definitely give you myopia. Alot of other factors count in as well.

Hmm. Thinking of it, most of my friends who are not-so-short are almost all myopic. Then those short ones, eyesight all quite good. Even if they are myopic, its only quite mild. But there are suggestions that say that those who are not myopic are at a higher risk of getting long sightedness as they age. Then have to wear those 'Lao Hua' specs. I think if I have to wear specs, I'd rather wear myopic specs thatn Lao Hua specs. Myopic specs seem much more stylo. Or at least more stylo than having a Lao Hua specs at the periphery of your nose area lor.

Recently not many pics. No time no chance to snap pics.

This was taken in the lab sometime at work. When I was procrastinating. I mean, super procrastinating. Ultra procrastinating. I thought I looked quite intellectual in this pic, so I'm showing it off here.

Irene - 29

And these were taken during one of the weekends:

Irene - 25

Irene - 24

Ya, abit zhi(4) lian(4) to keep showing my own pics. Tomorrow will try to snap other stuffs and put it up.

What a long entry. I think I can only write properly on Fridays. Other days of the week I'm like a pathetic zombie.

Okai. Gotta go for bath liao. Its already 12.20am. Ciao!